Natacha Ruivo

Natacha Ruivo

1 mil seguidores + de 500 conexões


Formação acadêmica

  • Gráfico Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo (AHO)

    The Oslo School of Architecture and Design


    - Designing for Interactive and Social Media Course 2009/2010:

    Best Interaction Design Student 2010 Prize by Making Waves
    Nominated for Best Courage in Design Student 2010 Prize by Accenture
    Nominated for Best Innovation in Design Student 2010 Prize by Norwegian Design Council

    - Tangible Interactions Course 2008:

    Best Design for all Student 2008 Prize by Gazzete
    Workshops with Timo Arnall

    - Interaction Design Course 2007:

    Best Design for…

    - Designing for Interactive and Social Media Course 2009/2010:

    Best Interaction Design Student 2010 Prize by Making Waves
    Nominated for Best Courage in Design Student 2010 Prize by Accenture
    Nominated for Best Innovation in Design Student 2010 Prize by Norwegian Design Council

    - Tangible Interactions Course 2008:

    Best Design for all Student 2008 Prize by Gazzete
    Workshops with Timo Arnall

    - Interaction Design Course 2007:

    Best Design for all Class 2007 Prize by Gazzete
    Pre-Selected for the European Talent Awards, 2008
    Workshops with Matt Cottan (Tellart), Jack Schulze, Matt Webb and Timo Arnall (Berg)

  • -


  • Amuse UX Conference 2016 Budapest


  • Creating and running kick-ass workshops - Nova Franklin & Karina Smith (Meld Studios) 2015


  • Customer journey mapping workshop - Steve Baty (Meld Studios) 2015


  • Designing microinteractions workshop - Dan Saffer 2013


  • Improvisation to unleash creativity and collaboration workshop - Rebecca Stockley 2013


  • Researching mobile experiences workshop - Cara de Ferranti & Hendrik Müller (Google) 2015


  • Rise Hong Kong 2015


  • The workshop workshop - Russ Unger & Brad Nunnally 2013


  • UX Australia 2015


  • UX Week San Francisco 2013


Reconhecimentos e prêmios

  • Best Interaction Design Student 2010 Prize

    Making Waves

  • Nominated for Best Courage in Design Student 2010


  • Nominated for Best Innovation in Design Student 2010 Prize

    Norwegian Design Council

  • Pre-Selected for the European Talent Awards

    Talent Awards

  • Best Design for all Student 2008 Prize


  • Best Design for all Class 2007 Prize



  • English

    Nível avançado

  • Portuguese

    Nível nativo ou bilíngue

  • Nynorsk, Norwegian

    Nível básico

  • German

    Nível básico

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