Overview of portal monitoring at border crossings
BD Geelhood, JH Ely, RR Hansen… - 2003 IEEE Nuclear …, 2003 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The Bureau of Customs and Border Protection has the task of interdicting illicit radioactive
material at ports of entry. Items of concern include radiation dispersal devices (RDD), nuclear …
material at ports of entry. Items of concern include radiation dispersal devices (RDD), nuclear …
Monitoring oriental fruit moth and codling moth (L epidoptera: T ortricidae) with combinations of pheromones and kairomones
A Knight, L Cichon, J Lago… - Journal of Applied …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Experiments were conducted in N orth and S outh A merica during 2012–2013 to evaluate
the use of lure combinations of sex pheromones ( PH ), host plant volatiles ( HPVs ) and food …
the use of lure combinations of sex pheromones ( PH ), host plant volatiles ( HPVs ) and food …
[PDF][PDF] Drilling automation
W Aldred, J Bourque, M Mannering, C Chapman… - Oilfield …, 2012 - researchgate.net
Engineers have long viewed drilling as nearly equal parts art and science. Today, as
autonomous computer-controlled drilling operations—drilling automation—approach reality, the …
autonomous computer-controlled drilling operations—drilling automation—approach reality, the …
Field tests of a NaI (Tl)-based vehicle portal monitor at border crossings
DC Stromswold, JW Darkoch, JH Ely… - IEEE Symposium …, 2004 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Radiation portal monitors are commonly used at international border crossings to detect
illicit transport of radioactive material. Most monitors use plastic scintillators to detect gamma …
illicit transport of radioactive material. Most monitors use plastic scintillators to detect gamma …
Improved monitoring of oriental fruit moth (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) with terpinyl acetate plus acetic acid membrane lures
V Mujica, M Preti, E Basoalto, L Cichon… - Journal of Applied …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Male and female moth catches of Grapholita molesta (Busck) in traps were evaluated in stone
and pome fruit orchards untreated or treated with sex pheromones for mating disruption in …
and pome fruit orchards untreated or treated with sex pheromones for mating disruption in …
Logging-While-Drilling: A three-year perspective
S Bonner, B Clark, J Holenka, B Voisin… - Oilfield Review; …, 1992 - osti.gov
Basic logging-while-drilling (LWD) measurements have remained the same since their
introduction in the late 1980s. But capabilities have expanded from ultrasonic and density …
introduction in the late 1980s. But capabilities have expanded from ultrasonic and density …
Detection and location of Gamma-Ray sources with a modulating coded mask
DN Anderson, DC Stromswold, SC Wunschel… - …, 2006 - Taylor & Francis
The detection of high-energy γ-ray sources is vitally important to national security for numerous
reasons, particularly nuclear materials smuggling interdiction and threat detection. This …
reasons, particularly nuclear materials smuggling interdiction and threat detection. This …
Letter to the editor regarding incident command system (ICS)
RR Hansen - Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency …, 2006 - degruyter.com
Letter to the Editor Regarding Incident Command System (ICS) Page 1 Volume 3, Issue 4 2006
Article 6 Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management Letter to the Editor …
Article 6 Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management Letter to the Editor …
High-performance low-noise 128-channel readout-integrated circuit for flat-panel x-ray detector systems
EJ Beuville, M Belding, AN Costello… - … 2004: Physics of …, 2004 - spiedigitallibrary.org
A silicon mixed-signal integrated circuit is needed to extract and process x-ray induced
signals from a coated flat panel thin film transistor array (TFT) in order to generate a digital x-ray …
signals from a coated flat panel thin film transistor array (TFT) in order to generate a digital x-ray …
Standard format two-color CMOS ROIC for SLS detectors
B Simolon, N Aziz, R Hansen, E Kurth, S Lam… - Infrared Physics & …, 2011 - Elsevier
The ISC0903 is a 320×256, standard format, two-color CMOS readout integrated circuit (ROIC)
designed for strained-layer superlattice (SLS) detectors. The detector interface is …
designed for strained-layer superlattice (SLS) detectors. The detector interface is …