At Skanska, we’re shaping the way people live, work and connect. So how did we do in 2024? Our Annual and Sustainability Report 2024 provides a full rundown on our activities and financial performance across the previous financial year. There’s information on our strategy and business model, as well as our approach to sustainability. Here are some of the highlights. You can download the entire report at #SkanskaReports #ShapingSustainablePlaces
Om oss
Skanska Group uses knowledge & foresight to shape the way people live, work, and connect. More than 135 years in the making, we’re one of the world’s largest development and construction companies, with 2020 revenue totaling SEK 159 billion. We operate in select markets throughout the Nordics, Europe and the United States. Together with our customers and the collective expertise of our 32,000+ teammates, we create innovative and sustainable solutions that support healthy living beyond our lifetime. Founded in Sweden in 1887 as a maker of concrete, we were driven by a dual purpose: to innovate and build what’s good for people and society. Today we develop, design and build everything from healthy and green office buildings to smart homes and infrastructure. We partner to innovate, and we continue to hold our founding values at the heart of everything we do. Skanska Linkedin Page House Rules We welcome and encourage participation. However, there are some rules we ask everyone to follow in order to maintain a friendly and respectful community. We will remove any posted content that is not aligned with Skanska's values and Code of Conduct, including: Text, images or video containing profanity, sexually graphic or offensive language, spam, illegal content – laws that govern the use of copyrights, trade secrets, etc. will be followed.
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- construction and project development, commercial property development, vacant premises, residential development, homes, infrastructure development, Public Private Partnerships, Construction, Civil Engineering och Boklok
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350 Fifth Avenue, 32nd Floor
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4742 N 24th St
Phoenix, AZ 85016, US
Anställda på Skanska
Úspěšný rezidenční projekt Modřanský cukrovar, který nasbíral mnoho ocenění od odborníků i veřejnosti, právě spouští prodej třetí etapy! 💥 Ta přináší nejen 132 nízkoenergetických bytů, ale také nový středobod celého areálu – Cukrovarnické náměstí. Nová etapa představuje kombinaci prémiového bydlení, udržitelnosti a komunitního života v moderní čtvrti plné zeleně, inovativních technologií a postupů. Na co se můžete těšit? 😍 • Nízkoenergetické byty s dispozicemi 1+kk až 5+kk včetně prémiových mezonetů nebo teras s přípravou na vířivku a pergolu. • Cukrovarnické náměstí o rozloze 3 700 m² s desítkami stromů, vodním uměleckým prvkem a prostorem pro gastroprovozy, služby, relax i práci. • Inovativní udržitelné technologie, včetně recyklace šedé vody, fotovoltaiky, fototermiky, zelených střech nebo centrální rekuperace. • Vysoký standard prémiového bydlení s velkými okny, bezfalcovými dveřmi, podlahovým topením a prvky Smart Home. • Sdílená střešní zahrada, open-air pavilon a veřejně přístupná rozhledna z dochovaného komínu. Modřanský cukrovar tak opět posouvá laťku bydlení o patro výš. 🙏 Spojuje klidné soukromé bydlení s tepajícím životem a skvělou občanskou vybaveností. Podívejte se na konkrétní nabídku bytů na našem webu a buďte mezi prvními, kdo s námi vstoupí do této nové kapitoly Modřan. Za spolupráci moc děkujeme renomovanému architektonickému studiu Chybik + Kristof, které zastává roli generálního architektonického ateliéru. #Skanska #SkanskaResidential #Modranskycukrovar #bytyPraha #novebyty
Někdy stačí jen projít se kolem vody a ruch města hodit za hlavu. 🙏 Náplavka u Port7 má večer úplně jinou atmosféru – klid, světla odrážející se na hladině a ten pocit, že na chvíli zpomalíte. Ideální na procházku po dlouhém dni v kanceláři, co myslíte? 💫 #Skanska #Port7 #Holesovice #Naplavka2.0 #prochazka Sometimes, all it takes is a walk by the water to leave the city rush behind. 🙏 The embankment at Port7 has a completely different vibe in the evening – calm, lights reflecting on the water, and that feeling of slowing down for a moment. Perfect for a stroll after a long day at the office. What do you think? 💫 #Skanska #Port7 #Holesovice #Naplavka2.0 #EveningWalk
Is it possible to design a hospital that considers not just patients and carers, but the environment too? Yes it is. In the latest episode of Shaping Sustainable Places, we’re joined by Jon Penndorf, FAIA from Perkins&Will, the firm that designed the University of Virginia (UVA) University Hospital. The hospital has achieved net-zero water use and LEED Silver certification. Jon is joined by Mark Humbertson, AIA, LEED AP, CHC from University of Virginia Facilities Management, and John Calvin Vice President with Skanska USA building. To learn more, tune in to the full episode of Shaping Sustainable Places on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or YouTube #ShapingSustainablePlaces #KnowledgeAndForesight #healthcare #hospitals #netzerowater #SustainableHospitals #construction #LEED
We’re very pleased to be leading on the delivery of these latest storm tanks. They will provide a reliable and sustainable solution to flooding helping to protect the local communities and environment.
We're back at Flag Fen Water Recycling Centre in Peterborough, taking a look at our £10 million storm tank project. The team have been hard at work installing two new 37m diameter x 5.6m tall stainless steel storm tanks, alongside a transformer & a new motor control centre (MCC) kiosk. The tanks will increase our sites capacity by 7,720㎥, bringing the total to 19,625㎥ (or enough to fill nearly 8 Olympic sized swimming pools). The added capacity will not only allow Anglian Water Services to protect against future flooding, but also protect our local wildlife by preserving the water quality of the 142km long River Nene! #oneAlliance #AnglianWater #FlagFen #Peterborough #StormTank
S radostí oznamujeme, že nová kantýna Goodlunch pod vedením Zdeňka Pohlreicha a Jana Stejskala v Port7 je otevřená a těší se na všechny strávníky! 🎉 Hned ráno od 7:30 tam můžete začít snídaní, od 11:00 si zajít na vymazlené obědové menu, nebo si kdykoli během dne vybrat z pestré nabídky teplého a studeného bufetu. 🥗 Čekají na vás i výborné zákusky. Tak mrkněte na menu a přijďte ochutnat! 👉 #Skanska #Port7 #Holesovice #Goodlunch We are excited to announce that the new Goodlunch canteen, led by Zdeněk Pohlreich and Jan Stejskal, is now open in Port7 and ready to welcome all diners! 🎉 Start your day with breakfast from 7:30 AM, enjoy a carefully curated lunch menu from 11:00 AM, or choose from a wide selection of hot and cold buffet options throughout the day. 🥗 You can also look forward to delicious desserts. Check out the menu and come taste for yourself! 👉 #Skanska #Port7 #Holesovice #Goodlunch
Port7 je komfortně přístupný, ať už cestujete jakkoli. 🚇 Od vlaku, metra či autobusu vás dovede nově vytvořený podchod, který navíc celou lokalitu propojuje a umožňuje lepší přístup k řece pro všechny. 🙏 #Skanska #Port7 #doprava #mhd #prace #kancelar Port7 is easily accessible, no matter how you travel. 🚇 A newly built underpass will take you from the train, metro, or bus, connecting the entire area and providing better access to the river for everyone. 🙏 #Skanska #Port7 #transport #publictransport #work #office
“I've been solving problems and finding creative solutions, throughout my whole life. Everything from small art projects to large bridges.” – Larry Gulli Explore the Skanska way to create at
We’re continuing the week with sweet surprises! 🍫💙 Thank you, Eti Romania, for the joy you’ve brought us – a sweet gesture that brings smiles to our Equilibrium community! 🌸✨ #skanska #equilibriumbyskanska #sweetsurprise #community #etiromania
Skanska omdelade detta
As we mark International Women’s Day, I want to reiterate my message from last year: we need to be better at getting more women into our industry and keeping them here. In this short piece I explain why it's business critical. #IWD2025 #BetterTogether