“I had the pleasure of working with Annika for period of 2 years @ Untie. She is a true professional. Annika is driven, focused, effective and very dedicated. Her positive spirit and energy, even in high pressure situations, is something that i will miss greatly. I am very impressed by the work she did here but maybe even more impressed by how she did it! Annika has my highest recommendation as a team member and as a colleague. I truly hope that our paths will cross again in the future and that i will get the opportunity to work with Annika again somewhere, somehow. //Sebastian”
Annika Javestad
Stockholm, Stockholms län, Sverige
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With a core focus on brand building, growth strategies, digital marketing, and effective…
Sähär berättar Sara Klingenborg på AFRY om samarbetet med HOME of Recruitment: “Det var viktigt att ta in en person som kunde utmana oss och bidra…
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Our incubator SSE Business Lab has just admitted its largest ever batch of new startups! “It’s amazing to see the diversity among the new founders –…
Our incubator SSE Business Lab has just admitted its largest ever batch of new startups! “It’s amazing to see the diversity among the new founders –…
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Dusty Deco gör debut i Milano 7-13 Apri
Dusty Deco gör debut i Milano 7-13 Apri
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The UGL – Understanding Group and Leader - course was developed for the Swedish National Defense Academy in 1981 and is by far the most attended leadership development course in Sweden.
UGL gives you an increased understanding of how group dynamics affect results and how leadership style should be adapted to the group´s maturity stage and specific task at hand. -
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Chairwoman of the Board
Brf Kullamannen 2
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Meet teenagers over lunch or just a fika to help and support in different matters
Creating a new visual identity for Nordnet
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Fundamentalt Podcast
Fundamentalt has around 20 000 unique listeners every month and is with over 160 episodes more popular than ever.
In the Fundamental Podcast, Fundler's financial advisor Jacob Liebermann and journalist Anna Hegestrand interview exciting profiles about money and personal life choices. Openly and uncomplicated, Anna and Jacob talk about economic behaviors, investments and personal finances as a fundamental part of life. Inspiration, entertainment and a high recognition are promised. It is…Fundamentalt has around 20 000 unique listeners every month and is with over 160 episodes more popular than ever.
In the Fundamental Podcast, Fundler's financial advisor Jacob Liebermann and journalist Anna Hegestrand interview exciting profiles about money and personal life choices. Openly and uncomplicated, Anna and Jacob talk about economic behaviors, investments and personal finances as a fundamental part of life. Inspiration, entertainment and a high recognition are promised. It is neither time consuming nor difficult to take care of your money and make them grow.Övriga kreatörerVisa projekt
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When Mårten Tilosius and I founded what is now Miltton Insights, we were in complete agreement that our company would be built on warmth and love. I…
When Mårten Tilosius and I founded what is now Miltton Insights, we were in complete agreement that our company would be built on warmth and love. I…
Gillat av Annika Javestad
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