Nihal Siriwardanagea

Nihal Siriwardanagea

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Co-Founder @doWhile Group AB | @doWhile Engineering AB | @CleoLinks AB | @dataka AB |…


  • Bitzify-bild


    Gothenburg, Västra Götaland County, Sweden

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    Gothenburg, Vastra Gotaland County, Sweden

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    Gothenburg, Vastra Gotaland County, Sweden

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    Gothenburg, Sweden

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    Greater Gothenburg Metropolitan Area

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    Gothenburg, Sweden

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    Gothenburg, Sweden

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    Gothenburg, Sweden

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    Gothenburg, Sweden

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    Gothenburg, Sweden

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    Gothenburg, Sweden

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    Gothenburg, Sweden



  • Concept for Intelligent Integrated System for Crisis Management

    Proceedings of the 7th International ISCRAM Conference – Seattle, USA, May 2010

    In this document, we describe the need for providing a uniform common picture that is missing in several crisis management decision support tools. Through research, we have reviewed some existing crisis management support systems in use and noted key user requirements that these tools are missing. A significant point of this research is to stress the importance of developing a decision support system that would improve the way an ideal support system would collect, analyze and disseminate…

    In this document, we describe the need for providing a uniform common picture that is missing in several crisis management decision support tools. Through research, we have reviewed some existing crisis management support systems in use and noted key user requirements that these tools are missing. A significant point of this research is to stress the importance of developing a decision support system that would improve the way an ideal support system would collect, analyze and disseminate necessary information to a crisis management decision maker. We also note the importance of ensuring that such a tool presents information to its user over a user friendly interface. The structure thus developed should be a standalone application that could be incorporated into existing platforms (Rinkineva, 2004) such as cell phones, PDAs and laptops.

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