THE WEEK IN CHESS 253 - 13th September 1999 by Mark Crowther

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Mark Crowther
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1) Introduction
2) Interplay US Championships 1999
3) Kasparov-Timman exhibition
4) Canadian Chess Championships
5) First Saturday, September
6) Bosnian team championships
7) Castellaneta Open
8) 1st Glifada International
9) Portuguese Championships
10) German Active Chess Championships
11) European Youth Championships
12) New York State Championships
13) St.Petersburg rapid chess Cup
14) Garry Kasparov vs the World
15) Forthcoming Events and Links

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Games section

FIDE Championships                2 games
Interplay US Championships 1999   9 games
Kasparov-Timman exhibition        1 games
Canadian Chess Championships    116 games
FS IMA, September                54 games
FS IMB, September                54 games
Bosnian team championships      280 games
Castellaneta Open               125 games
1st Glifada International        73 games
Portuguese Championships        117 games
European Youth Championships    710 games
New York State Championships     61 games
St.Petersburg rapid chess Cup    12 games
1626 games

1) Introduction

My thanks to Michael Tischendorf, Luis Santos, Bill Townsend, Shahcom, Wybe Koopmans, Hugh Brodie, Laszlo Nagy, Geurt Gijssen, Philippos Coerant, Gigi Troso, Shahcom, and all those who helped with this issue.

An interesting week with Boris Gulko winning the US Championships, Kasparov losing an entertaining exhibition game against Timman and a 12 year old winning the European Junior U18 Championships. On the money front there are two stories: it seems certain that the Kasparov-Anand match will not take place until next year at the earliest. Embarassment for FIDE as some of their checks from the FIDE Championships bounced, however this seems at the moment to have been an administrative error and a second time round at least some have been paid. Most have received their payouts from the Championships.

My thanks to Geurt Gijssen for couple of the missing games from Las Vegas.

Hope you enjoy this issue


2) Interplay US Championships 1999

The Interplay US Championships 1999 ranAugust 23rd in Salt Lake City. The event was won by Soviet emegre Boris Gulko who having survived a playoff against Yasser Seirawan in the semi-finals beat Grigory Serper 2.5-0.5 in a final where he won the first two games. Serper had reached the finals, again after a playoff by beating Alex Yermolinsky.

Coverage at: and

Semi-Finals playoffs

Round 1 (September 6, 1999)

Serper, Grigory    -  Yermolinsky, Alex  1-0   41  E11  Bogo indian
Seirawan, Yasser   -  Gulko, Boris F     1/2   26  A29  English; 1.c4 e5

Round 2 (September 6, 1999)

Gulko, Boris F     -  Seirawan, Yasser   1/2   49  D36  Queen's gambit
Yermolinsky, Alex  -  Serper, Grigory    0-1   29  D38  Queen's gambit

Round 3 (September 6, 1999)

Gulko, Boris F     -  Seirawan, Yasser   1/2   30  E12  Nimzo indian

Round 4 (September 6, 1999)

Seirawan, Yasser   -  Gulko, Boris F     0-1   56  E12  Nimzo indian

Interplay US Championships Salt Lake City, Utah
Semi-Finals playoffs (USA), 2-5 ix 1999
                                  1  2  3  4
1 Gulko, Boris F     g USA 2618  = = = 1  2.5 /4  2748
2 Seirawan, Yasser   g USA 2653  = = = 0  1.5 /4  2531
1 Serper, Grigory    g USA 2540  1 1      2.0 /2
2 Yermolinsky, Alex  g USA 2588  0 0      0.0 /2      


Serper, Grigory  -  Gulko, Boris F   0-1   33  E12  Nimzo indian
Gulko, Boris F   -  Serper, Grigory  1-0   38  E11  Bogo indian
Serper, Grigory  -  Gulko, Boris F   1/2   19  E22  Nimzo indian

Interplay US Championships Salt Lake City, Utah Finals (USA), 7-11 ix 1999
                              1   2   3   4 
Gulko, Boris F   g USA 2618    1   1   =   .   2.5  2813
Serper, Grigory  g USA 2540    0   0   =   .   0.5  2345

3) Kasparov-Timman exhibition

Jan Timman defeated Garry Kasparov in an exhibition game held during the Wereldhaven Festival in Rotterdam on Sunday 5th 1999. This was a huge Festival including many events, this seems to have been the only important chess game played there. The players played on a real board but it was a sort of living chess game with huge containers, as used in ports, so it took a long time (over four hours). Kasparov called it his "heaviest" game. The event took place at the ECT Delta Terminal. In previous years Timman has played Karpov and Yussupov using where people were the pieces [info Wybe Koopmans] .

Further info:

4) Canadian Chess Championships

The Canadian Chess Championships took place August 31st-September 9th 1999. The event was won by Alexandre Lesiege who has been in a rich vein of form recently. He scored 7/9 ahead of Kevin Spraggett, David Ross, Lawrence Day, Thanh Nha Duong and Michael Schleifer on 6/9.

26 players took part in this event, the first time it has been ever held as a Swiss. Since this was a Zonal tournament, a 2/3rds score (6/9) gave an automatic IM title. Thus, three Montrealers (Thanh Nha Duong, Dave Ross, and Michael Schliefer) received IM titles. (The other player with 6, Bryon Nickoloff of Toronto is already an IM). Several FM titles for a 4.5/9 score were also earned.

Live coverage at:, Details:

Games are available at: Crosstable at:

Canadian Closed Brantford CAN (CAN), 31 viii-9 ix 1999
                                    1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9 
 1 Lesiege, Alexandre  g CAN 2553  +10 +15 + 8 = 2 + 9 +20 = 3 = 7 = 4  7.0  2569
 2 Spraggett, Kevin    g CAN 2521  +21 =20 + 4 = 1 = 6 + 9 - 8 +10 = 3  6.0  2472
 3 Ross, David         f CAN 2345  =23 =13 +11 = 7 = 5 +22 = 1 + 8 = 2  6.0  2449
 4 Day, Lawrence A     m CAN 2319  =14 +23 - 2 =21 +13 = 7 + 5 +17 = 1  6.0  2439
 5 Duong, Thanh Nha      CAN 2332  +26 = 7 - 9 +14 = 3 + 6 - 4 +11 + 8  6.0  2411
 6 Schleifer, Michael  f CAN 2333  -11 +18 =21 +13 = 2 - 5 +22 +12 + 7  6.0  2458
 7 Nickoloff, Bryon    m CAN 2421  +22 = 5 =20 = 3 = 8 = 4 + 9 = 1 - 6  5.0  2393
 8 Zugic, Igor         m CAN 2406  +18 +11 - 1 =20 = 7 +17 + 2 - 3 - 5  5.0  2417
 9 Yoos, John C          CAN 2302  +16 =17 + 5 +12 - 1 - 2 - 7 +20 =10  5.0  2406
10 Fullbrook, Nigel      CAN 2225  - 1 =19 -23 +24 +14 +21 +12 - 2 = 9  5.0  2297
11 Jung, Hans Rudolf     CAN 2251  + 6 - 8 - 3 -22 +25 +15 +13 - 5 =17  4.5  2270
12 Khassanov, Marat      CAN 2367  =13 +14 +17 - 9 -20 +16 -10 - 6 +21  4.5  2269
13 Glinert, Stephen      CAN 2191  =12 = 3 +15 - 6 - 4 +19 -11 =14 +23  4.5  2237
14 Campbell, Brett       CAN 2197  = 4 -12 +19 - 5 -10 +23 =16 =13 +24  4.5  2189
15 Allan, Denis        f CAN 2295  +19 - 1 -13 +23 -22 -11 +26 +18 =16  4.5  2206
16 Crisan, Ioan          ROM 2247  - 9 =24 +26 =17 =21 -12 =14 +22 =15  4.5  2224
17 Berry, Jonathan     f CAN 2287  +24 = 9 -12 =16 +26 - 8 +20 - 4 =11  4.5  2245
18 Pushkedra, Frank    f CAN 2345  - 8 - 6 -25 =19 +23 +26 +21 -15 +20  4.5  2189
19 Reddy, Tyler          CAN 2027  -15 =10 -14 =18 +24 -13 +25 -21 +26  4.0  2132
20 Hamilton, Robert    f CAN 2315  +25 = 2 = 7 = 8 +12 - 1 -17 - 9 -18  3.5  2275
21 Gentes, Kevin       f CAN 2325  - 2 +25 = 6 = 4 =16 -10 -18 +19 -12  3.5  2184
22 Gardner, Robert       CAN 2247  - 7 -26 +24 +11 +15 - 3 - 6 -16 =25  3.5  2130
23 Schmidt, Tom              ----  = 3 - 4 +10 -15 -18 -14 +24 =25 -13  3.0  2088
24 Breau,Robert              ----  -17 =16 -22 -10 -19 +25 -23 +26 -14  2.5  1970
25 Harkes, Lewis             ----  -20 -21 +18 -26 -11 -24 -19 =23 =22  2.0  1947
26 McKim,Fred                ----  - 5 +22 -16 +25 -17 -18 -15 -24 -19  2.0  1977

5) First Saturday, September

Laszlo Nagy reports: The First Saturday tournaments for September are underway. They take place 5th-17th of september 1999. The main events are two 13 player all-play-all IM events (one is Cat III the other Cat. II) .

In October the First Saturday tournaments start on October 2nd. The main GM event is the 2nd Kluger Memorial. Prizes $500-400-300-200-100 USD. In addition there will be IM and ELO events.

More info: Nagy Laszlo, [email protected] Phone-fax: (361)-263-2859

Budapest HUN (HUN), 5-15 ix 1999                         cat. III (2307)
                                1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 
 1 Kallio, Heikki    f FIN 2360 * . 1 = = = . = 1 1 = . 1  6.5 / 9  2472
 2 Soln, Primoz      f SLO 2411 . * = = 1 = . . 1 0 1 1 =  6.0 / 9  2421
 3 Boros, Daniel       HUN 2292 0 = * . . 1 1 = . 1 = 1 .  5.5 / 8  2456
 4 Skytte, Rasmus    f DEN 2338 = = . * = . 1 . = 0 . 1 1  5.0 / 8  2391
 5 Belotelov, Denis  f RUS 2267 = 0 . = * . 0 1 = . = = 1  4.5 / 9  2306
 6 Eperjesi, Laszlo  m HUN 2381 = = 0 . . * 1 = = . 0 1 .  4.0 / 8  2313
 7 Resika, Nathan A    USA 2251 . . 0 0 1 0 * 1 . 1 1 . 0  4.0 / 8  2298
 8 Kahn, Evarth      m HUN 2305 = . = . 0 = 0 * . = 1 . 1  4.0 / 8  2294
 9 Szuk, Balazs      f HUN 2374 0 0 . = = = . . * = . 1 1  4.0 / 8  2308
10 Farago, Sandor    m HUN 2295 0 1 0 1 . . 0 = = * = = .  4.0 / 9  2273
11 Husari, Sate        SYR 2307 = 0 = . = 1 0 0 . = * . .  3.0 / 8  2233
12 Johnsen, Sverre     NOR 2211 . 0 0 0 = 0 . . 0 = . * 1  2.0 / 8  2127
13 Bodrogi, Mihaly     HUN 2202 0 = . 0 0 . 1 0 0 . . 0 *  1.5 / 8  2063

Budapest HUN (HUN), 5-15 ix 1999                                  cat. II (2298)
                                        1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 
 1 Czebe, Attila             m HUN 2414 * = . . = 1 1 1 . = 1 . 1  6.5 / 8  2537
 2 Johannessen, Leif Erlend  f NOR 2356 = * = . = . 1 1 = 1 = . 1  6.5 / 9  2470
 3 Wolter, Kai                 GER 2344 . = * = . . . 1 1 = = 0 1  5.0 / 8  2399
 4 Vadasz, Laszlo            g HUN 2275 . . = * . . = = 1 = = 1 =  5.0 / 8  2391
 5 Leer-Salvesen, Bjarte       NOR 2261 = = . . * = 0 . . 1 = = 1  4.5 / 8  2345
 6 Jamrich, Gyorgy             HUN 2189 0 . . . = * 1 0 1 = 1 . =  4.5 / 8  2342
 7 Valenti, Giuseppe           ITA 2227 0 0 . = 1 0 * . . 1 . 1 =  4.0 / 8  2302
 8 Grimm, Sascha               GER 2337 0 0 0 = . 1 . * = . 1 1 .  4.0 / 8  2304
 9 Molander, Riku              FIN 2234 . = 0 0 . 0 . = * . 1 1 =  3.5 / 8  2267
10 De Sousa, Jose-Claude       FRA 2253 = 0 = = 0 = 0 . . * . 1 .  3.0 / 8  2210
11 Ruiz Gonzalez, Guillermo  f MEX 2309 0 = = = = 0 . 0 0 . * = .  2.5 / 9  2136
12 Kun, Gabor                  HUN 2314 . . 1 0 = . 0 0 0 0 = * =  2.5 / 9  2122
13 Krutti, Valer             m HUN 2357 0 0 0 = 0 = = . = . . = *  2.5 / 9  2124

6) Bosnian team championships

The Bosnian team championships took place in Bihac August 21-29th. Sokolov, Bareev, Ribli, Sax were amongst the players in the event which was won by SK Bosnia. Final standings: 1. ŠK "BOSNA" 44 ½ 2. ŠK "SARAJEVO" 33 3. ŠK "BIHAC" 29 4. ŠK "CAZIN" 28 ½ 5. ŠK "PREPOROD" (SA) 27 ½ 6. TŠK "SLOBODA" 26 7. ŠK "POŠTAR" 24 8. ŠK "ZELJEZNICAR" 22 9. ŠK "NAPREDAK" 20 10. ŠK "PREPOROD" (ZE) 15 ½

Coverage at:

7) Castellaneta Open

Gigi Troso reports: The 3rd Castellaneta Open took place August 29th-31st. This six round open was won by Igors Rausis with 5/6.

Further coverage including photos at:

  1'   8-RAUSIS Igors             LATGM  5.0   20.0                 
  2'  12-EFIMOV Igor               PTGM  4.5   21.0  2.5            
  3'   1-IORDACHESCU Viorel       MDAIM  4.5   21.0  2.0     4      
  4'  17-SIBILIO Mario             RMFM  4.5   21.0  2.0     3      
  5'   6-LAZAREV Vladimir         RUSIM  4.5   19.5                 
  6'   4-CHATALBASHEV Boris       BULGM  4.5   17.5                 
  7'   9-BADEA Bela               ROMIM  4.0   20.5                 
  8'   2-SERMEK Drazen            SLOGM  4.0   20.0                 
  9'  11-TOMESCU Vlad             ROMIM  4.0   19.5                 
 10'  13-MRDJA Milan              CROIM  4.0   19.0  2.0            
 11'   7-ORTEGA Lexy              CUBIM  4.0   19.0  1.5            
 12'  10-FOISOR Ovidiu            ROMIM  4.0   18.0                 
 13'  15-FOISOR Cristina          ROMGM  4.0   17.0                 
 14'  14-CIOARA Andrei            ROM    4.0   16.5                 
 15'  16-DE-SANTIS Alessio         RMFM  4.0   16.0  2.0            
 16'  24-ISONZO David              SR M  4.0   16.0  1.5            
 17'   3-GLEK Igor                RUSGM  3.5   20.0                 
 18'   5-MIEZIS Normunds          LATGM  3.5   19.0                 
 19'  36-DE-VITA Igor              RM M  3.5   15.0  1.5            
 20'  27-QUIMI Marco               RM M  3.5   15.0  1.0            
 21'  23-AUSMINS Elmar            LAT    3.5   13.5                 
 22'  41-PIZZUTO Samuele           BA M  3.0   18.0                 
 23'  37-CAPUANO Eugenio           FG M  3.0   17.5  2.0     2   21'
 24'  22-SAFRANSKA Anda           LATIM  3.0   17.5  2.0     2   36'
 25'  42-MAZZILLI Piero            PACM  3.0   17.0                 
 26'  19-SCAFARELLI Francesco      NAIM  3.0   16.5                 
 27'  20-GENOCCHIO Daniele         TV M  3.0   16.0  2.0            
 28'  26-DE-BORTOLI Peter          VE M  3.0   16.0  1.5            
 29'  21-LAGUMINA Giulio           PAFM  3.0   16.0                 
 30'  38-GUECI Riccardo            PA M  3.0   15.5  2.0            
 31'  34-FICCO Corrado             NA M  3.0   15.5  1.5            
 32'  29-SABIA Corrado             SACM  3.0   15.0                 
 33'  18-MARTORELLI Antonio        SAIM  3.0   13.5                 
53 players

8) 1st Glifada International

Philippos Coerant reports: The 1st Glifada International took place in Athens and ran August 31st-September 9th. The event lasted one day longer than originally scheduled but it took 1 day more at the end due to the big earhquake in Athens (100 killed...). The Final standings are at Most important games (75 games) in pgn: official page of the tournament, with info, pics, standings, games in pgn, games replayable with the javascript of chessbase, interviews etc at (only in greek). The event was won by N Managadze and B Khetsuriani with 7.5/9.

Leading final standings:
 1-2  Managadze, N        GEO   2437      fm    7.5     39.5    6
      Khetsuriani, B      GEO   2339      fm    7.5     39.0    6
 3-5  Kolani, L           ALB   2155            7       37.0    6
      Logothetis, S             2158 2125       7       37.0    5
      Nikolic, S          YUG   2331      gm    7       36.0    6
 6-7  Theodorakopoulos, G       2085 2125       6.5     34.0    5
      Petraki, M                2120 2145       6.5     32.0    6
8-14  Dochev, D           BUL   2365      fm    6       35.5    4
      Panagopoulos, N           2332 2340       6       35.5    4
      Papastavropoulos, A       2210 2170       6       32.5    4
      Tassopoulos, M                 2025       6       32.0    5
      Ntatsis, G                2125 1920       6       31.0    6
      Sklavounos, P                  1845       6       27.0    6
      Xaxiris, E                     1825       6       26.0    4
15-24 Efthimiou, E              2110 2030       5.5     31.5    5
      Apostolidis, B      RUS   2296            5.5     31.5    5
      Laimos, N                      1935       5.5     31.5    5
      Korlotsidis, S                 1470       5.5     29.0    5
      Trivizas, M               2078 1970       5.5     29.0    4
      Balaskas, P               2219 2240 fm    5.5     27.5    5
      Sforos, N                      1795       5.5     27.5    4
      Theodoridis, S                 1610       5.5     26.0    4
      Laggousis, A                   1755       5.5     24.5    5
      Panagiotopoulos, A             1815       5.5     23.5    4

9) Portuguese Championships

Luis Santos reports: The Portuguese Championships take place September 8th-18th 1999 in Lisbon, Portugal. After five rounds Antonio Fernandes and Rui Damaso had 4.5/5. Full daily coverage at:

10) German Active Chess Championships

The 10th German Active Chess Championships took place in Frankfurt over the weekend ending September 12th reports Michael Tischendorf. After 11 rounds Stefan Kindermann, Lev Gutman and Robert Rabiega were on 8.5 points each, so a playoff took place to establish the winner. Rabiega won the playoff, after Gutman dropped his queen in the final game. Further coverage:

The day before the organizing club SC Frankfurt-West, which also organizes the yearly Frankfurt Chess Classic tournaments, celebrated its 75th anniversary. On this occasion Hans-Walter Schmitt announced, that according to a phone call he received from Vishi Anand on Thursday, the "Ultimate World Championships" with Garry Kasparov will definitely not take place this year due to a lack of funding. Anand is a close friend of the Club and a regular in Frankfurt.

Rank  Name              Titel   Rat     Team/City              +  =  -  
 1.   Kindermann, Stefan   GM  2527     SK König Plauen        7  3  1    8.5  63.0    48.5
 2.   Gutman, Lev          GM  2471     TuRa Melle             7  3  1     8.5  62.5   48.5 
 3.   Rabiega, Robert      IM  2476     SK König Tegel         7  3  1     8.5  62.5    48.0
 4.   Naumann, Alexander       2478     SG 1868 Aljechin Sol.  6  2  3     7.0  63.0    49.0
 5.   Kohlweyer, Bernd     IM  2463     ASV Zeppelin Neu-Herne 6  2  3     7.0  62.5    48.5
 6.   Michaelsen, Nils     IM  2439     Hamburger SK           6  2  3     7.0  61.5    48.0
 7.   Lobron, Eric         GM  2540     SG 1868 Aljechin Sol.  6  1  4     6.5  64.0    49.5
 8.   Burkart, Patrick     FM  2381     SV Andernach           6  1  4     6.5  53.0    41.0
 9.   Eilers, Stefan       FM  2304     SV Hofheim             5  2  4     6.0  62.0    47.5
 10.  Reschke, Stefan      IM  2341     SV Oberursel           4  4  3     6.0  61.0    47.0
 11.  Duppel, Matthias         2358     VfL Sindelfingen       4  4  3     6.0  54.0    41.0
 12.  Kuraszkiewicz, Mi    FM  2337     SK König Plauen        5  2  4     6.0  53.0    41.5
 13.  Rechel, Bernd        FM  2404     SV Hofheim             5  2  4     6.0  51.0    40.0
 14.  Meins, Gerlef        IM  2421     SV Werder Bremen       4  4  3     6.0  51.0    38.0
 15.  Zeller, Frank            2452     VfL Sindelfingen       4  4  3     6.0  50.0    39.5
 16.  Reich, Thomas        IM  2394     FC Bayern München      4  3  4     5.5  57.5    44.5
 17.  Lüders, Gerhard          2290     BSC Rehberge           5  1  5     5.5  48.5    37.5
 18.  Hammes, Michael      FM  2360     SV Koblenz             4  3  4     5.5  48.5    37.0
 19.  Brustkern, Jürgen        2286     SK König Tegel         3  5  3     5.5  46.5    35.0
 20.  Becking, Stephan         2240     SVG Saarbrücken        4  2  5     5.0  60.5    46.0
 21.  Gerstner, Wolfgan    FM  2400     Karlsruher SF          3  3  5     4.5  57.5    43.5
 22.  Bünermann, Volker    FM  2306     Weiße Dame Borbeck     3  3  5     4.5  55.5    42.5
 23.  Sandner, Gunter      FM  2374     SK König Plauen        3  3  5     4.5  46.5    36.0
 24.  Hecht, Hans Joachim  GM  2413     TuS Fürstenfeldbruck   3  3  5     4.5  45.5    35.0
 25.  Wagner, Ralf             2108     SF Schwerin            3  3  5     4.5  44.0    34.5
 26.  Schulz, Karsten      FM  2261     VBSF Cottbus           4  1  6     4.5  44.0    34.0
 27.  Wittje, Berthold         2221     SK Union Oldenburg     2  4  5     4.0  42.5    33.0
 28.  Niebling,Ferdinand       2208     SC Frankfurt-West      3  1  7     3.5  46.5    36.5
 29.  Fuchs, Heinz         IM  2329     SC Untergrombach       2  3  6     3.5  43.0    31.0
 30.  Mehlhorn, Uwe            2180     SV Gera-Liebschwitz    2  3  6     3.5  42.5    32.5
 31.  Nelki, Hans-Joachim      2100     FTS Eider Büdelsdorf   1  4  6     3.0  45.0    34.5
 32.  Huster, Markus           2210     SC Wiedenbrück         1  4  6     3.0  40.5    31.0

Kindermann - Rabiega       0:1
Gutman     - Kindermann    0:1
Rabiega    - Gutman        1:0

Final result
1. Rabiega
2. Kindermann
3. Gutman

11) European Youth Championships

The European Youth Championships took place September 3-11 in Lotohoro, Greece. There were Boys and Girls sections for under 10, 12, 14, 16 and 18.

Boys Champions: Under 10: Sergiy Koryakin, Under 12: Borki-A Predojevic, Under 14: Nidjat Mamedov, Under 16: Sergey Grigoriants, the under 18 championships were won by Teimour Radjabov of Azerbeijan who is very young indeed being born 12.03.87.

Girls Champions: Under 10: Raluca Sgarcea, Under 12: Nana Dzagnidze, Under 14: Marie Sebag, Under 16: Ana Matnadze, Under 18: Dana Reizniece.

Internet coverage was at:

Finals Standings:

Final Rankings of BU10

  1.   28  KORYAKIN SERGIY             8.0  51.0  45.00  36.0  0000  -   0    
  2.   51  RODSHTEIN MAXIM             7.5  47.0  35.25  40.5  0000  -   0    
       24  JOJUA DAVIT                 7.5  50.5  38.75  38.5  0000  -   0    
  4.    6  ANDREASIAN ZANEV            6.5  49.5  32.75  33.0  0000  -   0    
       61  STAVRIANAKIS IOANNIS        6.5  43.5  30.25  29.5  0000  -   0    
  6.   63  SZABO KRISZTIAN             6.0  46.5  27.00  34.0  0000  -   0    
       48  POPOV IVAN                  6.0  48.0  30.00  33.0  0000  -   0    
        8  BARANYUK SERGIY             6.0  44.0  25.25  31.5  0000  -   0    
       54  SAMSONKIN ARTSIOM           6.0  44.0  29.00  29.0  0000  -   0    
       62  SWINKELS ROBIN              6.0  45.5  30.75  26.5  0000  -   0    
 11.   37  MIHAILOVS JURIJS            5.5  53.5  29.25  35.5  0000 2129 0    
       64  TEVDORASHVILI VAKHTANG      5.5  47.5  25.00  30.0  0000 2129 0    
       55  SANIKIDZE TORNIKA           5.5  50.0  26.50  28.5  0000 2129 0    
        1  BANUSZ TAMAS                5.5  43.5  26.00  28.0  2129  -   +0.00
       21  HOWELL DAVID                5.5  47.0  25.75  27.5  0000  -   0    
        7  ANDREJCZUK MACIEJ           5.5  41.0  22.75  26.5  0000  -   0    
       41  OSINENKO ANTON              5.5  43.0  24.75  25.0  0000  -   0    
       30  KRIVOBORODOV EGOR           5.5  40.0  23.50  23.0  0000  -   0    
        3  AGAYEV NIDJAT               5.5  41.5  24.00  21.5  0000  -   0    
68 players

Final Rankings of BU12

  1.   58  PREDOJEVIC BORKI-A          7.5  52.0  42.00  38.0  0000 2356 +1.00
  2.    4  STELLWAGEN DANIEL           7.0  50.0  36.50  37.0  2254 2343 +0.35
        5  PAPP GABOR                  7.0  50.0  37.50  37.0  2248 2269 +0.09
  4.    3  PASHIKIAN ARMAN             6.5  53.5  36.75  37.5  2260 2321 +0.30
        9  WOJTASZEK RADOSLAW          6.5  45.5  30.75  32.5  2117 2687 +0.35
       70  ZAVGORODNIY SERGIY          6.5  43.5  29.75  29.5  0000 2254 0    
  7.    2  TOMASHEVSKY EVGENI          6.0  52.5  32.50  35.0  2292 2359 +0.32
       32  JONES GAWAIN                6.0  48.5  31.25  33.5  0000 2248 +0.50
       29  IOTOV VALENTINE             6.0  50.5  31.50  31.5  0000 2016  2016
       30  JIMSHELEISHVILI NIKOLOZ     6.0  44.0  28.25  30.5  0000 2398 0    
       43  MAMEDOV RAUF                6.0  47.5  28.00  29.5  0000 2210  2210
       38  KUPARADZE GIGA              6.0  45.0  27.00  29.0  0000 2130  2130
       24  GUERZHOV LEONID             6.0  42.0  25.75  26.5  0000 2147 0    
 14.    8  ERDOS VICTOR                5.5  47.0  25.75  32.0  2147 1596 -0.66
       12  VICOL DORIAN                5.5  50.0  28.25  31.5  2010 1528 -0.50
       15  BEINORAS MINDAUGAS          5.5  46.0  24.75  31.0  0000 2248 0    
       10  SIPOS ISTVAN                5.5  49.5  26.75  31.0  2111 1583 -0.30
       67  VALEANU EDUARD              5.5  42.5  23.25  27.5  0000 1886 0    
        6  ROMANOV EVGENY              5.5  46.0  26.00  27.0  2179  -   +0.00
       11  HORVATH LASZLO              5.5  44.0  24.25  27.0  2110  -   +0.00
       71  ZILKA STEPAN                5.5  44.0  21.50  27.0  0000 1434 0    
       62  STOPA JACEK                 5.5  42.0  23.50  25.5  0000 2008 0    
       42  MAGALASHVIVLI DAVIT         5.5  44.0  25.75  25.5  0000 2103  2103
71 players

Final Rankings of BU14

  1.    6  MAMEDOV NIDJAT              7.5  47.5  39.50  37.0  2298 2600 +2.43
  2.    1  GASHIMOV VUGAR              7.0  55.0  40.75  39.5  2426 2484 +0.61
        3  BERKES FERENC               7.0  52.0  39.75  36.5  2353 2439 +0.80
        2  TIMOFEEV ARTYOM             7.0  53.0  38.75  36.5  2391 2460 +0.70
  5.   10  KHARITONOV ALEXANDER        6.5  48.5  32.50  35.5  2270 2326 +0.54
       16  LLOBEL CORTELL ENRIQUE      6.5  44.0  30.75  30.5  2198 2208 +0.09
       20  BRATOVIC BLAZ               6.5  39.0  25.00  29.5  2179 2225 +0.30
  8.    4  BARTEL MATEUSZ              6.0  51.5  31.50  33.0  2343 2303 -0.44
       11  JEREMIC VELJKO              6.0  47.5  29.25  32.0  2240 2257 +0.12
        5  GUSEINOV KADIR              6.0  48.0  29.25  31.5  2326 2314 -0.12
       25  LIVSHITS GABY               6.0  44.5  26.75  28.0  2119 2283 +1.40
        8  SHANAVA KONSTANTINE         6.0  43.0  27.25  27.0  2287 2183 -0.82
 13.   15  MILJKOVIC MIROSLAV          5.5  50.5  26.75  33.0  2200 2235 +0.35
       13  HEBERLA BARTLOMIEJ          5.5  49.5  27.00  31.0  2223 2236 +0.14
       32  MAIOROV NIKITA              5.5  49.5  28.25  30.5  2078 2286 +2.26
       17  GASTHOFER ALEXANDER         5.5  45.0  25.50  29.5  2196 2249 +0.44
       33  KUKEL IMRE JR               5.5  46.0  26.50  27.0  2074 2216 +1.14
       38  BALCERAK PHILIPP            5.5  44.5  24.75  26.5  2046 2194 +1.40
       64  PETKOVIC ZELJKO-RS*         5.5  43.0  24.00  26.0  0000 2185 +0.50
 20.   27  FARGERE FRANCOIS            5.0  50.0  24.75  29.0  2106 2175 +0.62
       21  BARGLOWSKI FILIP            5.0  45.5  21.50  27.5  2143 2073 -0.52
       24  MANESCU TIBERIU             5.0  45.0  22.00  27.5  2120 2007 -0.65
       18  SMEETS JAN                  5.0  44.0  21.00  27.5  2193 2005 -1.54
       34  MOHAMMADI AMIR              5.0  35.0  17.75  25.5  2060 2228 +0.88
       12  IANOCICHIN VICTOR           5.0  42.0  21.75  25.5  2238 1816 -1.60
       23  WEGERLE JOERK               5.0  42.0  19.75  25.5  2132 2104 -0.18
       35  ERWICH MARC JL              5.0  45.0  22.50  25.0  2059 2081 +0.15
       28  CHEPARINOV IVAN             5.0  43.0  20.50  25.0  2101 1915 -0.78
       39  TOMBA IVAN                  5.0  41.0  19.00  24.0  2010 2021 +0.05
       51  GOMON DIMITRI               5.0  36.5  19.00  20.5  0000 2080  2080
75 players

Final Rankings of BU16

  1.    3  GRIGORIANTS SERGEY          7.0  52.5  40.50  35.5  2413 2494 +0.79
        8  JAKUBOWSKI KRZYSZTOF        7.0  45.0  35.25  33.0  2320 2428 +1.04
  3.    4  AKOBIAN VARUZHAN            6.5  50.0  34.25  35.5  2387 2470 +1.01
       12  IZORIA ZVIAD                6.5  48.0  32.75  34.0  2272 2451 +1.90
        5  MASTROVASILIS D             6.5  48.0  33.00  33.0  2384 2423 +0.47
       18  KEKENJ ALEKSANDAR           6.5  45.0  29.25  32.0  2236 2424 +2.06
  7.   11  ZIVANIC MARKO               6.0  52.5  33.25  34.0  2300 2384 +0.96
        1  KOVCHAN ALEKSANDER          6.0  50.0  32.25  31.5  2448 2373 -0.84
       35  SARIC ANTE                  6.0  45.0  27.75  30.0  2175 2340 +1.40
        2  RAINFRAY ARNAUD             6.0  45.0  29.00  28.0  2422 2305 -1.16
 11.    6  LUPULESCU CONSTANTIN        5.5  49.5  27.25  33.5  2361 2380 +0.28
       14  BOTVINNIK MIKAHAIL          5.5  49.5  28.75  32.5  2246 2309 +0.74
        7  PINTER GABOR                5.5  50.5  29.75  31.5  2332 2328 -0.12
       13  MARKOS JAN                  5.5  50.5  28.50  31.0  2248 2250 +0.00
       10  DZIUBA MARCIN               5.5  43.5  23.25  30.5  2310 2260 -0.54
       17  HINDERMANN FELIX            5.5  42.0  23.75  29.0  2237 2205 -0.24
       32  ZAWADZKI STANISLAW          5.5  41.5  21.75  28.5  2192 2322 +1.27
       16  STOJANOVIC DALIBOR          5.5  43.5  23.75  28.5  2241 2285 +0.50
       28  GASHIMOV SARKHAN            5.5  40.0  23.75  27.5  2200 2255 +0.48
       31  PAEHTZ THOMAS JR            5.5  41.5  22.75  27.0  2192 2213 +0.21
       27  KOUKOUFIKIS ALEXANDROS      5.5  40.5  23.25  26.5  2201 2159 -0.42
       63  MLADENOV SVETLIN            5.5  42.5  24.50  25.0  0000 2306 +1.00
71 players

Final Rankings of BU18

  1.    2  RADJABOV TEIMOUR            7.0  53.5  40.00  38.5  2438 2581 +1.51
        6  POSTNY EVGENY               7.0  49.5  37.50  37.0  2400 2568 +1.87
        5  KUNDIN ALEXANDER            7.0  48.0  37.75  35.0  2403 2536 +1.42
  4.    8  BUHMANN RAINER              6.5  48.0  33.75  33.5  2386 2453 +0.74
        4  BOKROS ALBERT               6.5  42.5  28.75  29.5  2405 2392 -0.18
  6.    3  HORVATH ADAM                6.0  51.5  32.75  34.5  2412 2456 +0.51
       19  BITANSKY IGOR               6.0  48.0  29.25  33.5  2314 2422 +1.06
        9  ARDELEAN GEORGE CATALIN     6.0  50.5  32.25  33.5  2374 2424 +0.60
       12  KOROBOV ANTON               6.0  48.0  28.00  33.0  2336 2425 +1.05
        7  SZELAG MARCIN               6.0  48.0  30.50  31.5  2389 2393 +0.06
       10  DANILOVIC ALEKSANDAR        6.0  44.0  28.00  29.0  2364 2383 +0.24
 12.    1  POTKIN VLADIMIR             5.5  50.5  28.75  31.0  2478 2417 -0.71
       38  HAZNEDAROGLU KIVANC         5.5  48.0  28.00  29.5  2187 2410 +2.71
       21  BLOT JEROME                 5.5  44.0  22.50  29.0  2299 2320 +0.26
       11  BABAEV RASHAD               5.5  48.0  26.75  28.0  2353 2399 +0.55
       26  BERKVENS JOOST              5.5  44.0  22.75  27.5  2268 2308 +0.42
       20  JANKOVIC ALOJZIJE           5.5  44.0  24.75  27.0  2313 2339 +0.34
       18  VAVRAK PETER                5.5  41.5  22.25  26.0  2323 2307 -0.14
 19.   16  KAPNISIS SPYRIDON           5.0  45.5  23.00  28.0  2324 2283 -0.58
       43  ERTURAN YAKUP               5.0  48.5  24.75  27.5  2148 2323 +1.84
       22  GRAFI FLORIAN               5.0  40.5  18.50  25.0  2285 2275 -0.08
       30  SCHENK ANDREAS              5.0  41.0  21.75  24.5  2241 2297 +0.57
       36  RASIC DAMIR                 5.0  41.0  18.50  24.0  2191 2282 +0.83
       33  NILL OLIVER                 5.0  40.5  19.50  23.5  2212 2209 +0.00
       42  NIKOLOV MOMCHILL            5.0  42.0  21.00  22.5  2150 2236 +0.76
       23  KOVALJOV DENIS              5.0  39.5  18.25  22.5  2270 2158 -1.13
       27  HASLINGER STEWART           5.0  35.0  18.25  21.5  2267 2133 -1.08
64 players

Final Rankings of GU10

  1.   42  SGARCEA RALUCA              8.0  51.5  45.50  42.5  0000  -   0    
       30  MUZYCHUK ANNA               8.0  51.0  43.00  40.0  0000  -   0    
  3.   15  GAKHOKIDZE TAMAR            6.5  50.5  32.50  34.5  0000  -   0    
       26  MARININA TATIANA            6.5  48.0  33.75  34.0  0000  -   0    
       18  GOLUBENKO VALENTINA         6.5  42.0  26.25  33.5  0000  -   0    
  6.    4  ATNILOV BELLA               6.0  46.0  26.50  30.5  0000  -   0    
  7.   14  FUKSON SOFIA                5.5  49.5  24.25  32.5  0000  -   0    
       34  PAULET IOSEFINA             5.5  50.0  26.75  32.5  0000  -   0    
       23  KONKOVA ELENA               5.5  52.0  26.25  30.5  0000  -   0    
       10  BUTSKHRIKIDZE ANA           5.5  48.5  27.00  30.0  0000  -   0    
       20  JAKOUCHEVA DARIA            5.5  44.5  24.75  28.5  0000  -   0    
       28  MERKULOVA IRYNA             5.5  44.0  23.50  28.5  0000  -   0    
       25  LEKS HANNA                  5.5  45.5  24.00  26.0  0000  -   0    
        1  AGAYEVA AYTAN               5.5  44.0  23.75  26.0  0000  -   0    
46 players

Final Rankings of GU12

  1.    2  DZAGNIDZE NANA              7.5  54.0  44.75  39.5  2097  -   +0.00
       33  KIRILLOVA VARVARA           7.5  51.0  41.25  35.5  0000 2398 0    
        5  ABRAMIAN TATEV              7.5  50.5  39.75  35.5  0000 1420 0    
  4.   54  ROGULE LAURA                7.0  54.0  39.50  39.0  0000 2356 0    
  5.   16  FOMINYKH MARIA              6.5  52.5  34.00  35.5  0000 1420 0    
       34  KOHUT ANNA                  6.5  48.5  31.25  31.0  0000 2133 0    
       37  LAHNO KATERYNA              6.5  47.0  32.75  29.5  0000 2050 0    
  8.   66  ZAWADZKA JOLANTA            6.0  51.0  31.00  33.0  0000 2151 0    
       65  ZAKS VICTORIA               6.0  48.5  28.50  32.0  0000  -   0    
       14  DYRDA VLADLENA              6.0  47.5  27.00  31.0  0000  -   0    
        1  VEGA GUTIERREZ SABRINA      6.0  50.0  29.00  30.0  2228  -   +0.00
66 players

Final Rankings of GU14

  1.    3  SEBAG MARIE                 7.0  48.0  35.00  36.0  2153 2267 +0.44
        6  CHISTIAKOVA TAMARA          7.0  45.5  33.75  35.5  2064 2362 +0.78
  3.   40  NOVIKOVA ANNA               6.5  55.5  40.25  35.0  0000 2230 +1.00
        1  PAEHTZ ELIZABETH            6.5  50.5  35.50  33.5  2276 2209 -0.25
       18  CHAREVITCH ANNA             6.5  46.5  32.25  33.0  0000 2089 0    
        8  HASANOVA ELMIRA             6.5  45.0  29.75  33.0  2036 1599 -0.20
       52  TSERETELI TAMAR             6.5  49.5  34.50  32.5  0000 2173 0    
        5  MOTOC ALINA                 6.5  49.5  33.00  31.5  2089 2327 +0.62
  9.   34  KURSOVA MARIA               6.0  48.0  28.00  28.0  0000 1918  1918
       30  IGLA BELLA                  6.0  42.5  26.25  26.0  0000 1976 0    
 11.    7  WOREK JOANNA                5.5  52.0  31.00  33.5  2062 1838 -0.79
       51  TOMA KATARZYNA              5.5  43.5  23.25  31.5  0000 2168 0    
       54  VEGA GUTIERREZ BELINDA      5.5  44.0  23.75  29.0  0000 2050 0    
        2  CIOBANU CAMELIA             5.5  36.5  18.50  26.0  2167  -   +0.00
       11  ANTIPOVA ANASTASSIA         5.5  48.5  26.75  25.5  0000 1359 0    
       46  ROHACKOVA VERONIKA          5.5  37.5  21.75  24.5  0000  -   0    
       39  MUHREN BIANCA               5.5  42.0  21.00  24.5  0000 1400 0    
58 players

Final Rankings of GU16

  1.    1  MATNADZE ANA                7.0  52.5  39.50  37.0  2280 2352 +0.66
        3  KORBOUT EKATERINA           7.0  51.5  39.25  36.0  2254 2378 +1.02
        9  CHARKHALASHVILI INGA        7.0  50.0  37.25  36.0  2205 2404 +1.56
  4.    6  GOCZO MELINDA               6.5  51.0  34.50  36.5  2226 2336 +1.18
        8  KOSINTSEVA TATIANA          6.5  46.5  31.50  32.0  2218 2228 +0.05
  6.    7  KHUSNUTDINOVA LUIZA         6.0  49.5  30.00  33.5  2221 2232 +0.15
        2  GARA ANITA                  6.0  48.0  31.25  31.0  2260 2207 -0.48
       12  CALOTESCU CRISTINA          6.0  44.0  28.25  30.5  2176 2269 +0.50
       20  BERZINA ILZE                6.0  46.0  27.75  27.0  2075 2091 +0.06
       52  PAHOR ANDREA                6.0  43.0  27.50  25.5  0000 2225 +1.00
 11.    4  GARA TICIA                  5.5  49.0  28.50  31.0  2233 2130 -0.98
       11  GVETADZE SOPIO              5.5  41.5  22.25  30.5  2193 1989 -1.40
       13  MAMEDJAROVA ZEINAB          5.5  44.0  23.50  30.5  2162 2168 +0.08
       14  SREBRNIC ANA                5.5  37.5  20.50  29.5  2161 2049 -0.44
       24  SKROCHOCKA JUSTYNA          5.5  47.0  26.50  28.0  2035 2144 +0.82
       19  KIERAN ROSALIND             5.5  43.0  24.00  27.5  2079 2084 +0.02
        5  BOGATYRIOVA LIDIA           5.5  41.0  22.75  26.5  2231 2114 -0.48
       26  GOLETTO CELINE              5.5  45.0  24.00  26.0  2007 2142 +0.62
 19.   47  MILLIET SOPHIE              5.0  50.0  26.00  29.5  0000 2171  2171
       18  MAKKA IOULIA                5.0  45.5  20.50  28.0  2099 1986 -0.56
       23  STIRI ALEXANDRA             5.0  42.0  22.25  25.5  2041 2147 +0.56
       60  UROSEVIC MARIJA             5.0  43.0  21.00  25.0  0000 2059  2059
       33  FLITER IRENA                5.0  44.5  22.50  24.0  0000 2080  2080
       29  BONNAFOUS NATHALIE          5.0  40.0  20.50  22.5  0000 1556 0    
       30  CHMIELINSKA ALICJA          5.0  38.0  20.50  22.0  0000  -   0    
       17  MELNIKOVA YANA              5.0  34.0  19.25  20.0  2109  -   +0.00
64 players

Final Rankings of GU18

  1.    1  REIZNIECE DANA              7.0  51.0  39.00  37.5  2294 2378 +0.88
        2  KOSINTSEVA NADEZHDA         7.0  46.0  33.50  36.5  2259 2365 +1.04
        6  JAVAKHISHVILI LELA          7.0  49.5  37.25  35.0  2181 2407 +1.93
  4.    7  GEORGUIEVA LUBKA            6.0  47.5  29.25  32.5  2162 2291 +1.28
        3  KARLOVICH ANASTASIA         6.0  47.5  30.25  31.5  2223 2237 +0.12
       10  KISS JUDIT                  6.0  43.5  25.00  29.0  2144 1990 -0.80
  7.    4  MOSER EVA                   5.5  50.5  27.75  34.5  2223 2211 -0.14
        8  CEDIKOVA KATERINA           5.5  46.5  25.00  29.5  2150 2227 +0.68
       21  VOVK OKSANA                 5.5  44.0  24.75  29.5  2075 2149 +0.70
       16  BOGZA OANA                  5.5  45.0  24.00  28.5  2086 2168 +0.66
       15  ZARKOVIC DANIJELA           5.5  43.0  24.50  28.0  2090 2234 +1.00
       19  BUCKLEY MELANIE             5.5  43.0  24.50  27.5  2075 2054 -0.14
       31  HAMELINK DESIREE            5.5  37.5  22.00  24.0  0000 2151 +0.50
 14.   14  PILA DIEZ GLORIA            5.0  45.0  23.25  26.0  2102 2075 -0.26
        9  ANDRZEJEWSKA EDYTA          5.0  41.0  22.00  25.0  2145 2042 -0.86
       23  TIMKO MELINDA               5.0  44.0  21.25  24.0  2034 2068 +0.22
       20  GASPARIAN MARIANA           5.0  41.5  20.75  23.5  2075 1923 -0.76
 18.   11  GOMEZ GABRERO  MARIA        4.5  45.0  19.25  28.5  2139 2104 -0.25
       28  GAFAROVA NADIA              4.5  43.0  18.75  23.5  0000 2022  2022
       30  GRZINCIC TIHANA             4.5  43.5  20.50  23.0  0000 2057  2057
       12  KWIECIEN JOANNA             4.5  40.5  18.25  21.0  2131 1881 -0.91
       33  KRADOLFER CONNY             4.5  35.5  15.00  20.0  0000 2040  2040
       37  MAMEDOVA SIMUZAR            4.5  36.5  15.25  19.0  0000 1724  1724
       27  FELDMANE NELLIJA            4.5  38.0  15.75  19.0  0000 1892  1892
       18  KOVALEVSKAJA NATALIA        4.5  36.5  16.50  18.5  2078 2112 +0.15
 26.    5  KAPS DARJA                  4.0  47.5  20.75  27.0  2202 2074 -1.10
       40  SCHRANK MANUELA             4.0  35.5  13.75  17.5  0000 2025  2025
       32  JAUK NADINE                 4.0  38.0  13.50  16.0  0000 1920  1920
       38  PAPADOPOULOU ZOI            4.0  34.5  12.50  16.0  0000 1885  1885
42 players

12) New York State Championships

The New York State Championships took place September 4th-6th reports Bill Townsend. The event was won by IM Jay Bonin who beat the defending champion, FM Ron Burnett, in the last round. Burnett-Bonin contains a very interesting novelty, 6.c4!? in the Advance French. Full report next week.

13) St.Petersburg rapid chess Cup

Shahcom reports: The St.Petersburg rapid chess Cup took place September 4th-5th. The knockout event was won by top seed Konstantin Sakaev who beat Konstantin Aseev in the final. Perhaps games and further details next week.

Coverage at: and

1/16 finals 
Sakaev       1.5-0.5 Novikov
Taimanov     1.5-0.5 Ionov 
Solozhenkin  0.5-1.5 Chepukaitis 
Shchukin     0.0-2.0 Ivanov 
Aseev        0.0-2.0 Smirnov 
Mishuchkov   0.0-2.0 Popov 
Lugovoi      3.0-1.0 Mukhin 
Andreev, V   0.5-1.5 Yemelin 
Shaposhnikov 2.5-1.5 Malcsev 
Malinin      1.5-0.5 Kochyev
Lukin        0.5-1.5 Kashtanov
Andreev, K   2.5-1.5 Sivokho 
Orlov        1.5-0.5 Soldatenkov 
Eliseev      2.0-0.0 Rusanov 
Klimov       0.5-1.5 Romanovich 
Khropov      3.0-1.0 Shushpanov 
1/8 finals 
Sakaev       1.5-0.5 Taimanov 
Ivanov       0.5-1.5 Chepukaitis 
Aseev        1.5-0.5 Malinin 
Popov        2.5-1.5 Kashtanov 
Lugovoi      1.5-0.5 Andreev, K 
Yemelin      2.0-0.0 Eliseev 
Shaposhnikov 2.5-1.5 Romanovich 
Orlov        2.0-0.0 Khropov 
Sakaev       1.5-0.5 Yemelin 
Aseev        1.5-0.5 Shaposhnikov 
Popov        2.5-1.5 Orlov 
Lugovoi      1.5-0.5 Chepukaitis 
Sakaev       1.5-0.5 Popov 
Aseev        1.5-0.5 Lugovoi 
Sakaev       2.0-0.0 Aseev 

14) Garry Kasparov vs the World

The Garry Kasparov vs. the World chess tournament. The event continues, you can follow the game at: It allows players to consult in choosing which move is played against Kasparov. Players can vote for one of the suggested moves or for their own recommended move. The move with the most votes will be chosen as the world team's move. There is a team of coaches Etienne Bacrot, 16, Florin Felecan, 19, Irina Krush, 15, and Elisabeth Pähtz, 14 who have aided the choice of moves and GM Danny King has acted as moderator during the match.

The Kasparov vs. the World chess tournament started June 21st. The event is taking place on the MSN network. Kasparov gave a press conference in London on September 2nd 1999.

Download this file to hear the full interview. The file has dsslight (which needs installing) and the full 45 minute Kasparov in (.dss format) MSN press conference zipped together [1.7 Meg].

Garry Kasparov vs The World Prize Quiz

John Henderson reports from Kasparov's press conference yesterday. "At a press conference held yesterday at one of London's exclusive private members club, Home House, Kasparov and Microsoft officials announced that the match had caught the imagination of the world with unprecedented "hits" on Microsoft's gaming zone. Since June 21, when the match started, the MSN.COM site has received more than 15 million page views, and "Kasparov vs. The World" is now rated the largest interactive competition in history - even surpassing the previous record of hits, ironically held by a previous chess match, the infamous 1997 meeting between Kasparov and IBM's Deep Blue.

With chess fans of all skills and levels from more than 79 countries joining up to become members of the World Team, Kasparov admitted that collectively they had caused him to have a few sleepless nights. "I have spent more time analysing this game than I have any other during my reign as world champion," he said. "This experiment on MSN.COM proves that collaboration over the Internet can raise the quality of play remarkably. Throughout the match, the World Team has consistently performed at a level that far surpasses what you would expect from anyone rated less than a grandmaster."

Kasparov revealed that he had spent over 100 hours analysing the position to date and, while he believes he's not losing, on the other hand, even he's not all that sure yet if he's winning! Whilst at the beginning of the match everyone simply assumed that Kasparov was going to win, this game has by no means been an easy ride for the world champion, and even at this late stage of the game, the outcome is still unclear.

The match suddenly came to life when "The World", prompted by one of their four young coaches for the match, the 15-year-old American, Irina Krush, hit the world champion with the speculative theoretical novelty 10..Qe6!? From then on, the world champion admitted that the game got steered into murky waters of which no computer could work out as the ramifications went way beyond their "horizon" threshold.

Moves so far Kasparov,G (2812) - The World [B52] 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.Bb5+ Bd7 4.Bxd7+ Qxd7 5.c4 Nc6 6.Nc3 Nf6 7.0-0 g6 8.d4 cxd4 9.Nxd4 Bg7 10.Nde2 Qe6 11.Nd5 Qxe4 12.Nc7+ Kd7 13.Nxa8 Qxc4 14.Nb6+ axb6 15.Nc3 Ra8 16.a4 Ne4 17.Nxe4 Qxe4 18.Qb3 f5 19.Bg5 Qb4 20.Qf7 Be5 21.h3 Rxa4 22.Rxa4 Qxa4 23.Qxh7 Bxb2 24.Qxg6 Qe4 25.Qf7 Bd4 26.Qb3 f4 27.Qf7 Be5 28.h4 b5 29.h5 Qc4 30.Qf5+ Qe6 31.Qxe6+ Kxe6 32.g3 fxg3 33.fxg3 b4 34.Bf4 Bd4+ 35.Kh1 b3 36.g4 Kd5 37.g5 e6 38.h6 Ne7 39.Rd1 e5 40.Be3 Kc4 41. Bxd4 exd4 42. Kg2 b2 [last update 13/9/99]... continues.

15) Forthcoming Events and Links

Croatian Team Championships

The Coratian Team Championships run September 9th-18th 1999. Players include: Movsesian, Tkachiev, Tukmakov, Morovic Fernandez, Shariyazdanov, Kozul, Lalic, Zelcic, Komljenovic, Palac, Dizdar, Csaba Horvath, Cvitan, Cebalo, Dizdarevic, Kurajica, Kovacevic, Nikolac, Sermek, Gymesi, Pinter, Hulak, Ulibin (23 GM's).

X Panamerican Youth Festival

The X Panamerican Youth Festival take place in Matinhos, Paraná, Brazil, from Sept 30th to Oct 6th.

Organization: Brazilian Chess Federation - e-mail [email protected] - phone 00 55 41 232 1828 - fax 00 55 41 2336101

Events: - X Panamerican Youth Championships (u-18/10 boys/girls) - Mercosur Rapid Tournament (15') - Seminary for chess in schools - Arbiters Course - Trainers Courses - Clinic for players

Support: City Hall of Matinhos ( Ministry of Sport and Tourism of Brazil

Confirmed participants from the 10 federations of the Americas: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Equador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, USA, Venezuela

Panamerican Program (in english) available at Coverage at

British Rapidplay Chess Championships

The British Rapidplay Chess Championships take place in Leeds, 16/17 October 1999. Further details

Bradford Chess Congress

The Bradford Chess Congress takes place 17-19th September 1999. The venue is the Polish Ex-Servicemens Club on Shearbridge Road Bradford. Open £15 entry £200 first prize. There are Major and Minor sections (£12 entry first prize £130). Entries Mr. S Swire 69 Scholemoor Avenue, Lidget Green, Bradford BD7 2RU. Tel 01274 411817. Or contact Ihor Lewyk at [email protected]

Northumberland Congress

Northumberland Chess Association and nt NORTH TYNESIDE C O U N C I L present The 1999 CHESS CONGRESS Friday 24TH SEPTEMBER TO SUNDAY 26TH SEPTEMBER AT The Parks Leisure Royal Quays North Shields North Tyneside enquiries and entries to The Congress Organiser: Lara Barnes 34 Beaconsfield St. Blyth, Northumberland NE24 2DP e-mail LB and [email protected] Tel & Fax (01670) 540848 Open No grading restrictions, Entry fee: £18.00 (conc' £16) Prizes: £200, £100, £50 + 2 grading prizes Major Restricted to players of 150 BCF + below Entry fee: £14 (conc' £12) Prizes £140, £60, £30 + grading prize Minor Restricted to players of 120 BCF + below Entry fee £12 (conc' £10) Prizes: £100, £40, £20 + grading prize Tyro Restricted to players 90 BCF or below or ungraded novices Entry fee: £10 (conc' £8.00) Prizes: £60, £20, £10 + 2 other prizes A BCF Game Fee Event ONYX GRAND PRIX NCCU GRAND PRIX The TYNE & WEAR TROPHY will be awarded for the best result by a North East player in the OPEN, and is to be held for one year. The NORA HUNTER TROPHY will be awarded for the best result by a North East player in the MINOR, and will be held for one year. The HK APPLEBY TROPHY will be presented to the club team of three, each in a different tournament, obtaining the highest aggregate score, and is to be held for one year. Junior Quickplay Event Sunday 26th only Restricted to ungraded players under 16 years of age or under 12 years of age graded under 70 BCF Start 10am - Entry Fee £4