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ABC‘s latest addition is sure to have some viewers in their feelings. Actress and singer Keke Palmer is reportedly joining Michael Strahan and Sara Haines’ Good Morning America spinoff Strahan & Sara as a full-time co-host, Page Six reports.
UPDATE: Palmer was officially made a co-host on Aug. 26.
Already a frequent guest host, particularly during Haines’ recent maternity leave, Palmer has developed a solid connection with the show’s viewers, according to an insider, who adds, “The audience knows her and she’s got great chemistry with both [hosts].”
Last seen in VH1’s six-part Scream: Resurrection, Palmer also played memorable roles on Fox’s Star, Epix’s Berlin Station, Fox’s Scream Queens and Showtime’s Masters of Sex. Of course, we’ll always remember her as the titular vice president on Nickelodeon’s True Jackson, VP.
Palmer’s career extends far beyond television. During the course of her career, Palmer has released two full-length studio albums, played the title role in Broadway’s Cinderella, and starred in a wide variety of films,
TVLine has reached out to ABC for comment. In the meantime, how do you feel about Palmer joining the Strahan & Sara family? And more importantly, how might the show squeeze Palmer’s (first or last) name into the title? Whatever’s on your mind, drop it in a comment below.
Bad move, Palmer. You’re better than this.
Bad move! Too many hosts on the show.
Keke is loud and talks over Strahan and Sara. Won’t be watching anymore.
Agreed 100%
i dont watch strahan and sara adding one more wont help the show.
i watch kelly and ryan they have the best show.
Kelly and Ryan are the two fakest people I know—especially Ryan, who could care less about Rippas stories half the time
Totally agree!,
So True I stopped watching Kelly & Ryan because of how she turned on Michael when he left the show
I agree!! Too many and she’s too loud!!
Agree too loud
Yes too loud and thinks it’s her show . Not liking at all.Michael and Sara had a chemistry together . Twos company three is crowd !!!
Totally agree. Michael and Sara have great chemistry. Kiki is loud and annoying and ruins the show. Too much. Loved the show with Michael and Sara. Hard to watch now.
Yes she is always hugging on Sara all the time loud. Holding on Sara but love Michael i like hard for him sometime
I like Keke, but she’s loud and feels she has to talk ALL the time. Doesn’t give anyone else much of a chance to talk.
I agree 100%
I don’t like it..Sara and Michael were perfect. KeKe adds nothing but loudness and is too pushy. Is she trying to push Sara out. I loved the show before, now, not so much.
I agree completely with the girl’s statement listed above mine by Vicki Edwards from August 20, 2019. I don’t care for KeKe (nothing personal) and I miss the connection between Michael and Sara – it was really cool and very fun to watch them. I don’t care if I see the show now..
I feel exactly the same. She acts like it’s the KeKe show! Strahan and Sara had outstanding chemistry!! Send her to Kelly and Ryan. Ripa wouldn’t let her pull that!
I agree ! Looks like Keke is pushing Sara right off the couch today. Poor Sara couldn’t get a chance to say anything. Hopefully the show goes back to just Michael and Sara, they have good chemistry!
Totally agree!!!
Absolutely agree. Darn it. Messed the show. Don’t watching. 👎👎👎👎
Totally agree!
Not desirable
Totally agree! I wont watch as often with keke there.
True – Keke is Too loud!
Keke feels she has to over shadow Sara to stay on the show that was already a success before she was put on the show temporarily, while Sar was on her very short maternity leave She felt like see was being squeezed out then so she came back way too fast.
Agree 100% should have left well enough alone. Now it’s just a undesirable show. Do not watch anymore.
Agree 100%. Kiki is too much of a buttinsky and overpowering. Leave it to only Michael and Sara. Otherwise, not too inclined to watch anymore.
I agree. I’m done watching. She has loudest voice and biggest ego. They ruined it! Loved Sara and Michael.
I am not fond of Keke either. She offers nothing to the show. I haven’t watched since she started. She is loud and can be obnoxious.
UdI already made a comment but I agree with all the negative comments about keke —she is obnoctous and loud tries to take over
Although I like Keke I don’t like her on the show. Three hosts is too much. She is loud and talks a lot. It feels more rushed and not as laid back with her on. I want to relax not feel on edge. As a sub host though when one is gone she’s great. Just not all 3 together.
Agreed ..if it’s not broke don’t fix it!! Strahan and Sarah got this!!
I agree. I can’t hardly understand KeKe half the time she so loud and talk so fast. Don’t like the vibe with her and Sara. one’s got 2 go!
I agree I liked the show before KeKe she loud takes over the show and can’t understand what she is saying. I haven’t been watching lately and I love Sara but will watch something else the I can understand.
I just found out about her staying..I can not watch her. Tell her to keep her legs together and stop the childish talking over people… she is bad news for the show…not watching any more.
I agree with Wolando. She has a problem with her clothes being too short. She is loud and talks over the hosts. I don’t like how she is sitting too close and a lot of touching with Michael’s leg. . I like Sarah and Michael. chemistry and how they joke with each other. It is a fun show, just think 3 hosts are too many and not happy with the addition of Keke. I will continue watching until Keke makes the show not enjoyable. Let her go
Don’t think it was necessary to add another host. Don’t really care for her and she is very loud and constantly talking over Sara and sometimes Michael. She seems to be way to touchy/friendly with Michael on the show, and it’s not appropriate. They do an absolutely great show Without her. She should stick to whatever she did before. Why is she always sitting between Sara and Michael?
Please go back to just Sara and Michael..They work, don’t ruin a good thing!
Keke is to much always got something to say about Michael and he is handsome keke hang on Sara so much hugging her all the time and talk to loud he Michael say something she talk over he. Keke Stop Hugging Sara all the time like it tje old way with just Michael and Sara
Replace Strahen with Micheal simon and sara and keke will be alright
I intend to continue watching Strayhan and Sara, at least for the immediate future, but I do agree that Keke is too loud, and, at least in my opinion, Keke distracts from Michael and Sara, and not really in a positive way, and she also distracts from the show’s guests. She might be a good addition for specific segments on the show, but her loud contributions may prove to turn away some viewers, as well as guests on the show.
I agree 1000%
I totally agree!the title is “Straham and Sara! We don’t need 3
Yeahhh I could go without Keke also. She has overstayed her welcome. I’d like it to be just Michael & Sara now.
Wondering when she would leave
Very very upsetting. Kiki loves to be in limelight. Not the same. They lost my viewing. Loud miss know it all. Sara is definitely drowned out
In agreement 100%. Kiki is not a positive addition in my opinion. I love Sara and Michael.
Keke talks too fast, is loud and talks over Sara and MIchael. Not enjoying show as much as I use to
Dont like her. She ruins the show. She’s to loud and self absorbed.
Do not care for addition of Palmer. Sara and Michael were doing great. Must have been something going on
To add Keke. Don’t know how much of the show will still interest me. So far leave it to Sara and Michael
Agree!! Take her off!
I agree, awful!
Ke-Ke is the show spoiler. She is tolerable for a short time only, if that???
Agreed with others, she is too loud and talks way too much.
Cannot hold a candle to Sara.
Agreed 100%. There’s no good reason for Keke to be on that show.
Too many hosts! How dumb, I’ve stopped watching
Agree completely….she’s too dominating/ demonstrative/loud over both other cohosts…she’s a bit annoying. Always butting in with sound effects and monopolizing the conversations. The other 2 will be out of their jobs soon….Michael & Sara should start scoping out new jobs and working a way out of your contract. Isn’t this what happened when Sara was overtaking Kathie Lee Gifford and her morning show by being too loud and demonstrative … Interesting how everything comes back around . Not watching anymore.
I agree, BAD MOVE!!!!! Spoiled the show,Please take her off!!! Not going to watch anymore!!!
I agree
Agree — I’m watching reruns and she has totally taken over and doesn’t let Sara say anything!
Needs to just be Michael and Sara.. It was a lot better to watch with just them too. Jake just rules like she is all that and she is loud and gets off track. Doesn’t feel the people like Sara
I don’t like it now, either. Not going to watch.
I am very disappointed with Sranan n Sara ! niki is way to loud and the show has gotten very stupid will not be watching n e more I washed today for her birthday and i it was like a zoo! Terrible !
Agree, hope the ABC people see these remarks
I agree . Everything you said is spot on. I won’t be watching.
Why spoil a good thing So disappointed.
I agree. Don’t like third host. It’s unnecessary. Won’t watch it.
I think the addition of Keke Palmer was a bad move. I agree with others that she has a very annoying and abrasive manner that seems to swallow the stars of the show! I thought they did fine by them selves, and personally she almost seems to relish in taking over conversations time and time again.
I agree. One too many hosts. Keke does talk over the others. My husband also agrees. Find Keke another vehicle.
Agree. Stopped watching as don’t like this Keke. Obviously trying to take over.
Just found out she is staying. Won’t be watching can’t stand her.(Keke yuck)
Thank you,thank you!!!!!
She can do other things as well. She’s popular, smart & well like.
Great move!! I was hoping ABC would this. KeKe is smart & pretty
Ugh. I really like Keke Palmer and I really like “Strahan & Sara”. I dont like Keke on “Strahan & Sara”
It should stay Michael and
Sarah…seems like Keke wedged in while Sarah was on maternity leave…not crazy about the show now before I absolutely loved it
I would watch periodically as I love Sarah. Can’t stand Kiki. So overbearing, loud and totally ignores Sarah and puts all attention on Michael. Bad move ABC . Get rid of her. Won’t watch at all now!!
Get rid of her….too loud
Agree take her off the show to loud and always saying something bad about Michael and that don’t good!! Like she so crazy over Sara hugging her all. The time show don’t like with Keke
Dolores Romas, she was invited to fill in. Its not like she shoved her way in off the street.
I see the same thing. Sarah needs to sit next to Michael. I think Kiki should be at the end. She also can’t control when to speak and when to listen. I don’t like her on the show. I didn’t even like her as a sub. Just my opinion
Key word Dolores — “fill in” — she no longer acts like a “fill in” — even Michael can’t get a word in!! I feel bad for Sara. She deserves better — she’s lost the sparkle in her eyes. Probably an effort just to get through the taping! My husband and I planned to try to get tickets in October, but if Keke still on there, we’ll do something else.
I agree with all of these comments. I tolerated her when I thought she was just filling in for Sarah, temporarily. She has totally changed the dynamic of the show, not for the better. I didn’t know who she was before she was on the show. She’s cute, and I’m sure she is very talented, but not on this show.
Shes loud and inconsiderate of Sara and Michael she’s to young for afternoon programming of this sort. Audience is older
I prefer Strahan @ Sara
I’m sure you do.
She had a shortlived talk show on BET and also subbed for Wendy Williams during her leave, so she has hosting experience. I think it makes sense. It will allow Michael and Sara (and Keke) to do field pieces (or ABC News interviews) without having to scramble for a guest host.
I totally agree.
Your response is the first smartest one ive read.
Keke palmer is a fantastic actress than can lead her own shows, and movies. Please keke, dont do this your so much better!!! Remember abc is begging you to JOIN, you are the talent.
Good for her. I like her. She can do both (acting/hosting), if she wants.
I like three of them,but keke make the show more lively and I think is a good idea to keep her. They look like good team so far
LOVE Keke. Not sure why she needs to join this mess of a show.
Damn, how does she have the time? She’s everywhere! But good on her
Congrats to her! She clearly wants a hosting gig as she’s tried a lot in the past (and she was probably the best guest host on Wendy). But weirdly a little saddened by this news. She’s such a fantastic comedic actress, I was hoping she’d land a good series or even a parody/satire like the latest Scream season.
It was already going downhill, this will be the end for the show, no doubt about it!!
I agree, the show is sinking like the Titanic.
They think that bringing Keke on will help the show, but she made it even worse. Sorry to say I am not a fan of Keke and won’t watch it if she’s on.
I rather they bring back The Chew.
They cant because it got axed due low ratings
Yep bring back The Chew
Don’t like the plan at all
NO! Too many hosts mean too many people talking, It`s a BAD IDEA, The 2 of them talk over each other already, I think by Feb this show will be cancelled and filled by a game show. Sara will go BACK on The View and Mike GMA, This was suppose to breakout Sara and it`s a train wreck
Keke talks over people and she is a little too loud! I won’t be watching!
Love this move. Keke fits right in and will be a nice addition to draw the millennials in.
So are they going to rename the show to add her name? May I suggest “P.M.S Afternoon”
LOL!!! That just made me spit out my water!
Michael and Sara have built the show and I don’t know if I like someone else coming in now to be equal to them. It’s great that she did a good job while Sara was on maternity break but I think she should be like Anna Navarro is to the View… Fill in when Michael or Sara is out and maybe come once a week or occasionally.
Totally agree
I agree.. she doesn’t belong being a full-time co-host! Being a fill-in would be great but not as a regular co-host. Sara and Michael can hold the show just fine!
I loved Michael nd Sara.
I think Keke is a big mouth fool.
She has ruined the show.
I cant watch it anymore.
Yes. Keke as an occasional guest host. Not everyday.
I only started watching because of Keke
She’s a “breath of fresh air.” She’s smart and booming personality
TV finally got it right. Plus she’s a cutie. Been following her for years. Another bump on her resume!
Me too. I love Sara but I didn’t really like the show. Loved when Keke was there and even better when Michael wasn’t… Now I honestly wish it was Sara and Keke.
I wouldn’t mind that either. I do find Strahan to be the weak link in the current format. If the show had stayed closer to the original GMA Day (Ugh I STILL can’t with that title!) format which was closer to what he does on Morning GMA, I wouldn’t mind him as much, but in a looser, more laid back daytime show, he doesn’t seem to fit. I also think Paula Ferris would pair well due to her fantastic chemistry with her close friend Sara, but now with Keke, Michael and Sara.. this show does not need more hosts!
I am with you Fern. I only watched the show lately because KeKe was on. It isthe ONLY reason I watched.
What a great move. I just started watching again because Keke’s on. They have great chemistry. ❤🤗
I’m actually very happy with this news! I thought last night while watching yesterday’s episode how it would be very smart of ABC to sign her on full time. Strahan & Sara has been much more fun since her appearances began. Now that she is back with both Michael and Sara, the show has perked back up. Though, I can’t wait to see what the shows 3rd name in 2 years will be… plus if this move will help GH’s ratings and how Tamron Hall’s new ABC based show will perform in the lineup.
I enjoy Michael and Sara and would prefer Keke leave. She is loud and talks over everyone. If she becomes permanent I won’t watch it regularly. It isn’t just Keke, I wouldn’t want anyone to be a third wheel. Michael and Sara have a chemistry and they don’t need anyone else.
Co host means two…nothing against her.
I know, GMA DAY! wait…..
Can’t stand her. She is loud and obnoxious. I record the show, but fast forward through her. Probably will drop the show despite how much I like Michael and Sara.
Don’t care for the addition of Kemerovo Palmer. Three is just to many and two females crowds Michael out. They get loud and talk over one another and I just shut off the TV. Bring back the Chrw or bring back the old format. But don’t have three hosts, right now you have already lost a viewer in me.
Bad move for all, won’t last.
Grant it KeKe was AMAZING co hosting this show and can fully understand why the audience fell in love with her, but I kind of agree that she’s better than this at this point in her career.
The show is useless so they are trying to boost audience! Good luck!
Really, I really like Michael, Sara ok. Keke -NO!
This show is not going to last until the end of the year.