「Marco Mezger ist eine ausgezeichnete und motivierende Führungskraft mit dem Fokus auf den Kern des Business.」
Enthusiastic and skilled global executive & entrepreneur with 20 years of experience in…
Hybrid Bonding #Technology for #HBM4E or #HBM5 — It’s a Must? 🤔 Hybrid bonding (HB) technology is now common for 3D NAND manufacturers such as…
Hybrid Bonding #Technology for #HBM4E or #HBM5 — It’s a Must? 🤔 Hybrid bonding (HB) technology is now common for 3D NAND manufacturers such as…
Marco Mezger分享
Welcome to listen my recent interview: 藍湖策略·數位轉型> 迎戰缺工潮,沈浸式Al無人自動巡檢方案解決跨國管理問題 (Part I) Ft.信驊科技謝承儒營運長
Welcome to listen my recent interview: 藍湖策略·數位轉型> 迎戰缺工潮,沈浸式Al無人自動巡檢方案解決跨國管理問題 (Part I) Ft.信驊科技謝承儒營運長
Marco Mezger說讚
I was thrilled to visit our Italy site earlier this month, where I connected with a talented team that has been shaping Micron’s technology and…
I was thrilled to visit our Italy site earlier this month, where I connected with a talented team that has been shaping Micron’s technology and…
Marco Mezger說讚
2 人推薦Marco
🚆 Malaysia’s ASEAN Chairmanship 2025: Driving Growth Through Workforce & High-Value Jobs 🚆 As Malaysia prepares to take on the #ASEAN Chairmanship…
🚆 Malaysia’s ASEAN Chairmanship 2025: Driving Growth Through Workforce & High-Value Jobs 🚆 As Malaysia prepares to take on the #ASEAN Chairmanship…
Marco Mezger說讚
🔁 Another great year in Embedded World #EW25 ❤️. ⏫ So excited to see all the #IOT use cases with #security elements and right on time for the newly…
🔁 Another great year in Embedded World #EW25 ❤️. ⏫ So excited to see all the #IOT use cases with #security elements and right on time for the newly…
Marco Mezger說讚
Was macht ein Sales-Kick-Off unvergesslich? Ein Ort, der inspiriert. Ein Team, das rockt. Ein Spirit, der bleibt! Ausblick, Perspektiven, Business…
Was macht ein Sales-Kick-Off unvergesslich? Ein Ort, der inspiriert. Ein Team, das rockt. Ein Spirit, der bleibt! Ausblick, Perspektiven, Business…
Marco Mezger說讚
其他名叫Marco Mezger的會員
Marco Mezger
Marco Mezger
Firmenkundenberater bei Martens & Prahl Pensionsmanagement
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