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My greatest expertise lies in building vibrant self-sustaining communities and…
Статті від Fedir
The guy who build AI tool for passing stupid leetcode interviews just got expelled from the #CollumbiaCollege This is a good example why you…
The guy who build AI tool for passing stupid leetcode interviews just got expelled from the #CollumbiaCollege This is a good example why you…
Вподобано Fedir Makarchuk
Bayes Business School
Діяльність та товаристваCass Trading Society, Cass Equity Society, Cass Banking Society
Our subjects cover such topics as energy markets, commodity trading, oil and gas transportation and logistics, securities markets, commodity markets and many more, as well as more general subjects such as econometrics, managerial accounting, corporate finance etc.
Діяльність та товаристваU.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, the UK Bribery Act, and many other anti-corruption laws
Excerpt from the official course description:
You may be accustomed to tipping wait staff or other service providers, but what if you paid a police officer for NOT issuing a parking ticket? Or if you gave a “gift” to a government official for signing a contract with your company? Tipping might be okay, but paying a bribe is a violation of the law.
Bribery is widespread and exists almost everywhere and in many forms. Compliance programs address this and other forms of corruption…Excerpt from the official course description:
You may be accustomed to tipping wait staff or other service providers, but what if you paid a police officer for NOT issuing a parking ticket? Or if you gave a “gift” to a government official for signing a contract with your company? Tipping might be okay, but paying a bribe is a violation of the law.
Bribery is widespread and exists almost everywhere and in many forms. Compliance programs address this and other forms of corruption.
June 2016
Master Thesis Topic: Development of stock markets in Eastern and Central Europe in the edge of globalization
Attended in two campuses: Kyiv, Ukraine and Vienna, Austria
Excellence at key subjects (finance, business)
GPA in core subjects: 4.0 out of 4.0 -
Linguistic specialization
Ліцензії та сертифікати
Дата видачі Термін дії закінчуєтьсяІдентифікатор кваліфікаційного сертифіката 100002373738 -
British Council
Дата видачі Термін дії закінчуєтьсяІдентифікатор кваліфікаційного сертифіката 13UA003244MAKF001A -
Fantom Ecosystem Spotlight – Yoshi.exchange
Fantom Foundaiton
Yoshi.exchange is a decentralized exchange (DEX) Aggregator deployed on Fantom and Binance Smart Chain. It sources low-spread and low-slippage trades from partner DEXs while adding liquidity to the whole network...
Master's diploma: Development of stock markets in Eastern and Central Europe in the edge of globalization
Kyiv National Economic University (КНЭУ)
Corporate taxation rates worldwide
Результати тестування
Результат: 8.0
Результат: 610
Рідна мова або володіння двома мовами
Рідна мова або володіння двома мовами
Повний професійний рівень володіння
Обмежений рівень володіння, достатній для роботи
Отримані рекомендації
1 людина рекомендує Fedir
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Всі такими колись були) #ithumor #money #hire #hiring #hr #candidate #teammate #qa #debug #googlemeet #meet #work #dev #career #project #it #humor…
Всі такими колись були) #ithumor #money #hire #hiring #hr #candidate #teammate #qa #debug #googlemeet #meet #work #dev #career #project #it #humor…
Вподобано Fedir Makarchuk
А потім кажуть "Військових невистачає", "Треба більше мобілізувати", "Відслужиш контракт та поїдеш додому". Але по факту маємо 100% кріпацтво, повну…
А потім кажуть "Військових невистачає", "Треба більше мобілізувати", "Відслужиш контракт та поїдеш додому". Але по факту маємо 100% кріпацтво, повну…
Вподобано Fedir Makarchuk
RIP graphic designers? OpenAI just dropped image generation in GPT-4o 😳 It’s the best AI image model I've ever seen. OpenAI 4o can now generate and…
RIP graphic designers? OpenAI just dropped image generation in GPT-4o 😳 It’s the best AI image model I've ever seen. OpenAI 4o can now generate and…
Вподобано Fedir Makarchuk
🏦 Цікаво де держслужбовці беруть гроші на подібні авто під час війни офіційно заробляючи менше ніж я, але я чомусь їжджу на машині за…
🏦 Цікаво де держслужбовці беруть гроші на подібні авто під час війни офіційно заробляючи менше ніж я, але я чомусь їжджу на машині за…
Вподобано Fedir Makarchuk
Time to be scared? 😅 💊💊💊 If you’re not waiting for the market to decide your financial future… Explore and apply for our latest jobs at…
Time to be scared? 😅 💊💊💊 If you’re not waiting for the market to decide your financial future… Explore and apply for our latest jobs at…
Вподобано Fedir Makarchuk
🚨 You can now buy a HOUSE with crypto in Japan 🇯🇵 . XRP, Dogecoin, Solana, not just BTC and ETH. Japan is making crypto practical. Open House…
🚨 You can now buy a HOUSE with crypto in Japan 🇯🇵 . XRP, Dogecoin, Solana, not just BTC and ETH. Japan is making crypto practical. Open House…
Вподобано Fedir Makarchuk
Exactly. There is a good book (also available in audio format) called Check Your Financial Privilege by Alex Gladstein - it really resonates with…
Exactly. There is a good book (also available in audio format) called Check Your Financial Privilege by Alex Gladstein - it really resonates with…
Поширено Fedir Makarchuk
Crypto wasn’t built in Africa - but it was made for it. What started as a way to send money online in 2009 is now a $3 trillion market - with many…
Crypto wasn’t built in Africa - but it was made for it. What started as a way to send money online in 2009 is now a $3 trillion market - with many…
Вподобано Fedir Makarchuk
I remember a time when Swiss banking was built to be efficient and people adored that...sadly, not anymore. T+2 is a nightmare today. Who do we have…
I remember a time when Swiss banking was built to be efficient and people adored that...sadly, not anymore. T+2 is a nightmare today. Who do we have…
Вподобано Fedir Makarchuk
You know what I really miss? The good old days of trading…when it used to feel like you were trading against other humans. Sadly, not anymore… Now…
You know what I really miss? The good old days of trading…when it used to feel like you were trading against other humans. Sadly, not anymore… Now…
Вподобано Fedir Makarchuk