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Did you start 2025 committed to making this your year for professional change?...and now find yourself nearly three months in, still doing the same thing? Sometimes LIFE gets in the way of the most ardent promises we make to ourselves But as spring arrives and things start feeling more positive it's a great time to revisit your accounting career resolutions A good place to start is with a personal career appraisal. Take the role of both manager and employee and assess where you are now and what you want to achieve by the end of this year - and most importantly set some goals to get there. 🕜 Commit some time to this exercise - but don't think that if you're time poor you can't do it. Use the time you spend over the next week commuting, exercising, cooking or even when you're showering to get thinking. 💪 Be honest and realistic but don't be afraid of a challenge - this isn't the time to start lying to yourself about your abilities or setting unachievable targets (See the A of SMART below) BUT don't be afraid of a challenge or of not quite reaching them. It's the process that counts. 👭 Advice & Support - Don't forget to think about who can support you and don't be afraid to ask for advice. 👍 S.M.A.R.T - Once you've got your list ask yourself if they meet the following criteria: S = Specific: For example “I want to be happier at work” is too vague, your goals are the things you can/need to do that will get you to that place. M = Measurable: what will success or the achievement of this goal look like? Will you have changed job? learnt a new skill? A = Achievable: This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be bold or think longer term, but ask yourself what you can realistically achieve given your current circumstances. (and none should depend on winning the lottery) R = Relevant: Keep this list focused on specific goals and targets that are going to improve your professional life. T = Time-bound: just because you are setting goals for the rest of the year, that doesn’t mean that all the targets/goals need to take 9 months to achieve, however you should aim to complete them within that time. If they are going to take longer then maybe you need to break down that goal into more specific and achievable parts. ✍ Write them down - and refer back to them regularly. Some of your goals may take time to achieve and it's important to remind yourself of what they are so you can keep track of your progress. If you decide your goal is to find a new finance role then let's have a chat about your career - get in touch to arrange a call.