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📢 How can we better track researcher career pathways to capture their contribution to the UK R&D ecosystem and society? We are inviting everyone with an interest—from HE institutions, to funders, employers, researchers, PhD graduates—to come together, discuss, and collaborate on how to develop a sustainable approach to systematically tracking researcher careers in the UK. 🔎 Why does this matter? We know that PhD graduates are highly employable. Vitae’s research shows that 90% of those who graduated in 2018/19 were either employed or engaged in further study within 15 months (Vitae, 2022). Of those: 📌 Around 50% worked in higher education 📌 10% conducted research outside higher education 📌 Almost one-third worked in common doctoral-level occupations outside higher education 📌 One in ten were in other roles beyond higher education Yet, beyond 18 months (i.e., the point at which the Graduate Outcomes Survey takes place), we lose sight of researchers’ career outcomes and contributions. A clearer picture of researcher careers will help shape better policies, strengthen career development, and identify the full impact and economic contribution of doctoral graduates across sectors. 🔗 Join the conversation and help shape the future of researcher career tracking: