Monthly Weather-Los Angeles, CA
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Wed 26 | Night
SSW 2 mph
Partly cloudy this evening, then becoming cloudy after midnight. Patchy drizzle possible late. Low 53F. Winds light and variable.
- Record Low37°
- Average Low53°
- Moonrise5:15 amWaning Crescent
- Moonset4:18 pm
Mar 26 | High | Low | Precip |
Averages | 71°F | 53° | -- |
Records | 91°(2015) | 37°(1884) | -- |
Reported Conditions | |||
Yesterday | 74° | 52° | 0.00 in |
Last 7 Days | 87° | 48° | 0.00 |
Month to Date | 87° | 41° | 1.53 |
Historical Monthly Avg | |||
March | 70° | 52° | 0 |
April | 72° | 55° | 0 |
May | 74° | 58° | 0 |
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