Security Risks to Consider with AI Integration: AI in DevOps

Presented by

Jyotirmayee Pradeep Kumar, Vice President- CoreDev DevOps | International Banking

About this talk

In the ever-evolving landscape of DevOps, the paradigm is now shifting - where security is taking the central stage. With vast surface areas including containers, cloud, repositories and third-party components, cyber threats became more prominent than ever before in DevOps. This presentation will delve into the evolution from traditional DevOps to the advanced usage of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to automate and optimize the software development and delivery processes. This includes automating code scanning, testing and deployment processes while eliminating the threats in each possible way in the cycle. In this session, join Jyotirmayee Pradeep Kumar (Vice President - Cloud DevOps at a well-known global bank) as she unravels the stages of integration of AI at each phase of DevOps. Topics for discussion include: - Types of AI used in DevOps. - Benefits of using AI in DevOps. - Implementation of AI in DevOps. - Best practices for using AI in DevOps. - Eliminating security threats using AI in DevOps.
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