... Carroll Waller. Both Presley and Waller are from Gon- zaga high school in Spokane, but neither played prep baseball. Presley held the hospital batsmen — all of whom wear the purple heart — to three hits in thc opener and two in the ...
... Carroll Waller of Albany is chairman of the commlitco in churge. The schedule announcod by Waller r calls for a downhill run at 11 n in. Sunday between University of Oregon and Oregon State college teams. Following this will take place ...
... Carroll Waller ler of Albany is chairman ol the committee mittee in charge. The schedule announced by Waller calls s for a downhill run at 11 a. m. Sunday nday between University of Oregon and Oregon State college towns. Following this ...
... Carroll Waller, sound truck operator, on a charge of conducting a lottery v(«re being convinced today tha.t One arrest was not just another stunt to entertain the fall opening crowds. Sheriff Herbert Shelton made tho' arrests on a ...
... Carroll Waller, sound truck operator, on a charge of conducting n lottery w«rt being convinced today that the arrest wan not Ju»t anothe «tunt to entertain tho fall opening crowd*. Sheriff Herbert Shelton mntle- th arrest* on a warrant ...
... Carroll Waller said, "but the first night was almost a disaster." Gov. Bill Waller had to work late. The canned spaghetti was a desperation attempt at Sustenance Tuesday. "It was the only thing in the mansion," she wailed. "I even had ...
... Waller, Edward Waller and Carroll Waller, all of Woodford. The family will receive friends from 8 to 9 tonight at C.W. Edwards Funeral Home in Bowling Green. Top Round [STEAK (boneless) Ib. EYE of ROUND. 1.39 .Ib. 1.69 .Ib, 1.49.
... Carroll Waller, Edward Waller and Percy Waller, all of Woodford, Charles Waller of Washington, D.C., and Clarence Waller and Willie Waller, both of Spotsylvania. The family will receive friends from 8 to 9 Thursday night at C.W. Edwards ...
... Carroll Waller, Spokane halfback, seniors; Fullback Dick Abrams, Bellingharr, and End Francis Bacoka, Everett, juniors, and these sophomores: End Dick Bown, Tacoma; Guard Bob Buileri, Fife; Guard Phil Claymore, Marys- ville; Tackle Bob ...
... Carroll, Waller 1'nrk . and Miss Jcai "rofort. Uno of Ui> . B' slng'ng lien ieard at tlie '"rytta he on- pr. scntod bj the Trl\ rrl... listed a.' he "melodious merr nakt-rs." Prob- abb the best thing on tho prograir and. without a douh ...