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"Iron Cross" from books.google.com
... Iron cross, a symbol of Nazi Germany, awarded to Hitler's troops, has become a new fad among many American teen-agers loo young to remember World War II. A nationwide survey showed foday that teen-agers from the boroughs of New York ...
"Iron Cross" from books.google.com
... Iron Cross." It was not presented by the emperor of Germany, pp-'.apg but it is an "iron cross", nevertheless and thereby hangs a tale. A few weeks ago a number of Dubuque men attended a state «or,'-en- tion of an organization to whicL ...
"Iron Cross" from books.google.com
... Iron Cross and there was keen disappointment when he failed. Mink rode a \ery pool- race on Iron Cross and has been suspended as a result. Prlscllla Mullens did the mile In 1 30 4-". Tli>- first event of tho afternoon went to Tit for ...
"Iron Cross" from books.google.com
... iron cross-liars — snlo price, $12. ijill.iitl liury and fjold enameled Iron lied- slead v Illl cunliniieiis posts, slinppil top, brass scroll panel, anil nine iron tillers it !th<f. fancy clillls in head and foot, angle iron cross-bars ...
"Iron Cross" from books.google.com
... Iron Cross, St. Barnabas', Camden; Rand a d of St. Michael, St. Michael's, Germantown; t. Ambrose, of St. Timothy's, Roxborough; t Peter's, Germantown; Guild of the Iron Cross, o s, St. Clement's Church; St. Andrew's Guild. t. Mark's ...
"Iron Cross" from books.google.com
... Iron Cross on hfs bathing suit. Lars Brandt, 16. toys with one earlier and Pohland complied, .of Germany's highest wartime but the Iron Cross scene was not decorations in the film version (i,.,,, of Guenter Grass' novel "Cat an ...
"Iron Cross" from books.google.com
... Iron Cross solicitors, but the hyperbole illustrates the point that it is better and cheaper to "give till it hurts" on the Hed Cross plan than under the Iron Cross method. And, also and furthermore, if every one, in Meriden, and ...
"Iron Cross" from books.google.com
... Iron Cross of tho first bestowpd ott him on Dec. 28, 1870, by BmpBrof Frederick III' when the Germans were besieging ... Iron Cross." The Iron Cross of the first class is worn on a pin, directly over the heart, signifying great ...
"Iron Cross" from books.google.com
... iron cross of tho second class arc far more numerous and in- cludo nearly 8,000 non-commissioned men and privates. Before a person is given the iron cross first-class, ho (and recently a woman nurse has been so decorated), must bo a ...
"Iron Cross" from books.google.com
... Iron Cross of the German Republic is one example. The Victoria Cross is another vituatton in which the identity is incorrect It is often referred to as Uie Mal'e-se Cross as is the Iron Cross but both are eith«v forms of the <Voss ...