... tribal chief Amos Simtustus, 51, whose working attire includes denims, sport shirt, a beaded medallion and felt hat. "It is difficult to explain, but I feel that--! -am- my -whole tribe J-T-. 1_ represent all my people," Wasco Chief ...
... tribal chief or council prudent. Both the book and th« medal must meet with rom- plete tribal approval bclnrp they are issued. Dr. W. David Baird. a *"-'•> rian at the University of r r. - etteville. wrote the histor-v ,,f the trials ...
... Tribal Chief Ralph Sturges got off the phone at the tribal office Monday afternoon, tribal member Pauline Brown was out the door, headed to the tribe's burial ground at Fort Shantok State Park. She walked among the graves of her ...
... tribal chief is offering a bull as a prize to whichever region under his jurisidiction can produce the most virgins. "There is too much immorality, illegitimacy and prostitution among our young people and we must root it out," Zulu ...
... tribal chief, known as Melvin Chevalier before he switched to his Indian name several years ago, is a 41-year- old Vietnam war veteran, actor and Indian lobbyist. He says he has no idea why the FBI is keeping the case open. Tribal ...
... tribal chief. The ,Ka.ws, like many other Indl*ns. havo sold &n& dissipated their hi .Ulnj?a and are now reduced to poverty. Although their lands join those of the rich Osage, and oil dcrriclw can be scrn rl.*- ng In the distance., tho ...
... Tribal chief Carl McKay represented the Sioux and chief Norman Hollow the Peck tribes. Tribal industries at the Iwo economically depressed reservations will hand- fashion camouflage nets with green and beige anti- foil pieces attached ...
... tribal Chief ordered ordered ered his men to bind Tim Tim m and his father. They were brought before fore the Chief who ordered them them m beheaded. As they were were e awaiting their cruel death death th the native dhildrcn came came ...
... tribal chief has consistently followed one basic strategy: independence for Xhosa-speaking ethnic groups under Xhosa rule in as much of the territory historically held by Xhosa-speaking people can be negotiated away from white rule ...
... tribal chief or King with whom he had contracted. "The chief made his captures from among the tribes with whom he was at war or on unfriendly terms. If hard pressed in battle the tribal chief received protection at the European fort ...