... why we fight. Iraqis pouring into the street for a spontaneous venting of 35 ^ years' worth of pent-up rage. That's why $6^1 ^ fight. Iraqis publicly proclaiming love or & hatred for anyone or anything of their choos-<* ing, with no ...
... Why We Fight" series. Of all of those films, "Why We Fight" remains the most famous' and influential, and it was cited in most accounts of the current Hollywood meetings as the model for what today's movie people would like to see and ...
... Why We Fight" examines the same issue as its namesakes: reasons for going to war. But as it scrutinizes America's extraordinary defense budget as well as links between politicians and corporations, it urges viewers to draw a ...
... why we fight brother! Why? Because there's New York City, Chicago. Birmingham, St. Louis and Seattle. You've seen the factories of the good, green East. Down South you've heard daikies sing and see the tall pine and willow trees ...
... Why We Fight im Crow. Eugene Gordon* of the Boston Posts whose yearly survey of race newspapers have attracted wide attention, deprecates in his 1D26 review in Opportunity Magazine the flght made by tho Afro-American last year on ...
... Why We Fight In Korea Editor. The Times: I have just read in a Sunday paper that General Dean, who is now missing in action, complained that he didn't understand why his men would not fight. Someone answered that they knew not why they ...
... why we fight, that is what we are fighting about, against an enemy who has. so far, done the lion's share of the killing, and has got himself in a good position to do a whole lot more. As for the post-war world, the recent victories of ...
... Why We Fight "is first about how we learn — and don't learn — the facts of history. Without the facts of history, moral understanding about what's going on in the Middle Hast is empty, uninformed and incomplete. Pouring information into ...
... why we fight, as il somehow the simplest statement of it were not good enough, that -,ve are fighting for our own people, our own country, our own way ol lile. He says: It is the fashion of some popular publicists to tell us with a sort ...
... Why We Fight. That is why we are fighting with guns, where guns are necessary, and dollars and wheat (in India) and press releases and radio broadcasts and information offices and military missions and naval and airbases on foreign soil ...