Community colleges have long been meant to be a gateway to the American dream, furnishing the general education courses that make up the first two years of a liberal arts curriculum at a much lower cost than four-year universities. With an associate degree in hand, graduates can transfer to a university and take the advanced courses that earn a bachelor’s degree.
And yet, Bloomberg Businessweek reports as part of its special report on Education, fewer than half of students who enroll in community college earn any credential at all within six years. That's according to the research arm of the National Student Clearinghouse, which tracks students for colleges and universities. The Community College Research Center at Teachers College, Columbia University found that among students entering community college for the first time from 2007 through 2015, no more than a third ever transferred to a four-year program. Fewer than half of these earned a bachelor’s degree.
The Alamo Colleges District in San Antonio may have figured out how to ensure greater success for those who enroll in community college, remapping the path from school to career.