Deloitte Asia Pacific CEO David Hill spoke at the Boao Forum for Asia 2025 "Towards the Future of Regional Integration: Openness & Connectivity" session yesterday. David shared his perspectives on mapping regional connectivity against the backdrop of landmark trade agreements including the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) and the Comprehensive & Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP). If China joins the CPTPP, he said, the agreement could transform into a truly global trade framework, helping regional economies cope with the headwinds of globalisation. The upcoming ASEAN Free Trade Agreement 3.0, meanwhile, could over time transform the region into a unified market and promote closer connectivity. Against this backdrop, David added, companies must explore new markets and establish diverse trade relationships if they are to thrive. Deloitte is proud to support the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Meeting for a 21st consecutive year. With a new theme – "Shaping Asia's Future in a Changing World" – the 2025 edition of this landmark event continues its tradition of upholding multilateralism, promoting open development and addressing global challenges. #BFA2025 #AsianTrade #RCEP #CPTPP #ASEAN #TradeOpportunities #RegionalIntegration Vivian Jiang David Wu Lawrence Jin Zhong Cheng Polly Lee
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Deloitte drives progress. Our firms around the world help clients become leaders wherever they choose to compete. Deloitte invests in outstanding people of diverse talents and backgrounds and empowers them to achieve more than they could elsewhere. Our work combines advice with action and integrity. We believe that when our clients and society are stronger, so are we. Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (“DTTL”), its global network of member firms, and their related entities. DTTL (also referred to as “Deloitte Global”) and each of its member firms are legally separate and independent entities. DTTL does not provide services to clients. Please see to learn more. The content on this page contains general information only, and none of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, its member firms, or their related entities (collectively the “Deloitte Network”) is, by means of this publication, rendering professional advice or services. Before making any decision or taking any action that may affect your finances or your business, you should consult a qualified professional adviser. No entity in the Deloitte Network shall be responsible for any loss whatsoever sustained by any person who relies on content from this page.
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Employees at Deloitte
Stephen Dulaney
Sr. Consultant at Deloitte Consulting
Joe Otto
Sales Operations & Enablement Leader | Marketing Integration, Process Optimization, Cross-Cultural Leadership
Dr. Michael Grampp
🚀 Chief Economist & Head of Research @ Deloitte | 📝 Thought Leadership Strategist | 💡 Tech Optimist | 🎙️ Podcast Host | 🌍 20+ Years of…
Eric Lesser
Analytics, Insights and the Future of Work
Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly becoming a key driver of growth and innovation in Southeast Asia. As industries evolve and AI adoption accelerates, boards must stay ahead of emerging risks while seizing new opportunities. Deloitte Global’s latest AI governance roadmap equips boards with the insights needed to navigate the complexities and uncertainties of this dynamic landscape. For more insights, explore the “Strategic governance of AI: A roadmap for the future” report here: #DeloitteSEA #AIGovernance
デロイト トーマツ グループのネットワークを生かしつつ、リスクマネジメントに関するコンサルティングサービスを提供するデロイト トーマツ リスクアドバイザリー合同会社。 中京地区を拠点とする「中京リスクアドバイザリー」では、ITプロジェクトやコンサルティングファームの経験者をはじめ、多彩な人材が活躍しています。 実際に現場でコンサルタントとして活躍する各チームのリーダーが登壇し、具体的な業務内容や活躍事例、働き方等をご紹介する予定です。 コンサルティング業界に興味のある方は、ぜひお気軽にご参加ください。 #デロイト #リスクアドバイザリー #コンサルティング #IT #中京 #DeloitteJapan
A Deloitte foi patrocinadora ouro do Ignite on Tour São Paulo, promovido pela Palo Alto Networks. O evento reuniu profissionais e líderes para debater como a inteligência artificial está transformando diversos setores, com destaque para a cibersegurança. Um time de especialistas da Deloitte esteve presente no evento e contribuiu para as discussões sobre as mais recentes tendências e estratégias para fortalecer a segurança digital, evidenciando o papel da IA na proteção contra ameaças emergentes. Conheça nossas soluções em Risk Advisory e fale com nossos especialistas. Acesse o link e saiba mais: #DeloitteBrasil
🟢 ¡Casa llena! El día de hoy Deloitte realizó el evento "Desafíos contables en la era digital: Inteligencia Artificial y activos digitales, NIIF 18 y Facturación Electrónica 4.4", oportunidad ideal para explorar junto a nuestros clientes cómo la IA está revolucionando el mundo de la contabilidad y la auditoría. ✨ En la actividad Pablo Duarte, Socio líder de Innovación para Auditoría y Assurance, compartió sobre las últimas tendencias y avances en #InteligenciaArtificial aplicados a la contabilidad y cómo algunas herramientas y tecnologías están cambiando la forma en que trabajamos. 💬 También, Jorge Barboza, Socio de Auditoría y Assurance, explicó los nuevos requerimientos de presentación y revelación de estados financieros de la NIIF 18; por su parte, Bryan Mora, Socio de Impuestos y Servicios Legales, conversó con los asistentes acerca de los principales cambios e implicaciones del nuevo comprobante electrónico 4.4. ✍️ Sin duda, un este fue un evento muy enriquecedor y lleno de aprendizaje. Agradecemos a nuestros clientes por su participación y compromiso. #DeloitteCostaRica
#FlashLegal | 📝 Se implementan nuevos requerimientos para los procesos migratorios a extranjeros que viven o quieran vivir en México. 🗓️ Recientemente, el Instituto Nacional de Migración (INM) dio a conocer estas nuevas condiciones migratorias que incluyen: •Mayor escrutinio •Más requerimientos •Tiempos de procesamiento más robustos Conoce todos los detalles en nuestro documento 👇 #DeloitteMexico
🚨 ¡Boletín informativo semanal! | La SUNAT ha publicado un proyecto de resolución para mejorar el cumplimiento tributario en el sector minero, tanto en la minería metálica aurífera como no aurífera. Esta medida busca fortalecer la recaudación y reducir riesgos de evasión fiscal. 📊 ➡️ Lee la noticia completa 🔗 #DeloittePerú
📊 Econosignal, el área de análisis económico de Deloitte, presenta su reporte trimestral sobre las perspectivas económicas de Colombia para 2025. 🇨🇴 ➡️ La economía crecerá un 2.7% anual, impulsada por el agro, el sector financiero y la recuperación de la construcción y comercio. Se espera que la inflación cierre en 3.9% y la inversión siga creciendo, aunque con alta incertidumbre política. Los sectores agropecuario, financiero y de entretenimiento tendrán un desempeño positivo, mientras que manufacturas y canteras enfrentarán desafíos. 💡 🗣️ Lee el informe completo 🔗 #DeloitteColombia
New Zealand's productivity is at a crossroads, with at-times sluggish R&D investment and technology adoption putting our global standing at risk of falling behind our peers. Over the last few years, New Zealand has faced a challenging economic environment with high interest rates and inflation resulting in a steady decline in GDP per capita. As we look forward, uncertainty surrounds our current economic trajectory. In a new report, commissioned by 2degrees and prepared by Deloitte Access Economics, we explore technology and innovation as drivers of productivity. The report assesses the potential benefit that either an increase in R&D expenditure or an uplift in the adoption of existing technologies could have on the economy. Explore the report here -
A Deloitte, Global Strategic Partner da Databricks, esteve presente no Data Intelligence Day e no Financial Services Industry Forum 2025, onde exploramos como a tecnologia está transformando o setor financeiro. Durante o evento, Jefferson Lopes Denti, nosso Chief Disruption Officer (CDO), apresentou a palestra “Inovação e disrupção: como a GenAI está redefinindo a indústria financeira”, abordando as principais tendências e oportunidades emergentes no setor. Também participaram do evento Sergio Biagini, sócio-líder da indústria de Serviços Financeiros e Suzana Maria Batista de Morais, André Fontana, Nilton Kazuyuki Ueda e Allan Dantas, profissionais do Disruption Office da Deloitte, que compartilharam suas perspectivas sobre como explorar dados, linguagem natural e inteligência artificial generativa de maneira segura, impulsionando a inovação e melhorando a experiência do cliente. Saiba mais em: e #DeloitteBrasil