Check out our newest publication in Epilepsia Journal, “Validation of a discrete electrographic seizure detection algorithm for extended-duration, reduced-channel wearable EEG”. We echo the sentiments of our Senior Computation Scientist, Mitch Frankel; see his comments and the publication link below.
We are very excited here at Epitel to announce our latest publication, “Validation of a discrete electrographic seizure detection algorithm for extended-duration, reduced-channel wearable EEG”, has been published in Epilepsia Journal! As supplement to our REMI™ Remote EEG Monitoring System, we designed, developed, validated, and received USFDA market clearance for the REMI Vigilenz™ AI for Event Detection algorithm that can detect potential self-limiting electrographic seizures from just four miniature wireless, wearable REMI EEG sensors. This algorithm is intended to support clinician review of the extended-duration REMI EEG and includes a confidence metric that lends transparency and credibility to the algorithm output. Because the 510(k) summary provides only some of the highlights on the clinical and performance aspects, and because we believe in the importance of transparency, this publication provides the complete detail of the process we followed to acquire and annotate ground-truth records, the statistical analysis protocol developed to validate the algorithm results, and of course, all the results themselves, including many subgroups of interest. I’m very proud of the work that the entire Epitel team put in to get this algorithm to market, especially all the effort from the Data and Algorithms team (Zoë Tosi, Ph.D., Avi Kazen, Tyler Newton, and Vamshi M.). None of this would have been possible without the statisticians, our clinical research partners at Boston Children's Hospital, NYU Langone Health, and University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, and the grant funding from The National Institutes of Health. Tyler and I put a lot of work into this manuscript, and the support from co-authors and suggestions from reviewers have made this a strong publication. We have many ongoing studies and publications in the works that will expand upon the discussion provided in this manuscript, so keep your eyes on Epitel! Read the full open-source article here -