Today at noon PT, don't miss this webinar with PHI's Bridge on making access to substance use disorder treatment--specifically, medication for addiction treatment--easier to access through emergency departments. The conversation will dive into the details of what low-barrier access actually means, including a quick start on the basics of telehealth as an expansion of substance use disorder care. Register:
Creating low-barrier access to care — but really. March 18, 2025 12:00 PM PT We’re diving deep into what low-barrier medication for addiction treatment REALLY means in our upcoming webinar. Beyond having buprenorphine on formulary in the emergency department, we’ll discuss the impact of telehealth in expanding substance use disorder care. Get a sneak peek from our expert clinicians in this teaser video! Register now: Speakers: Taylor Nichols, MD FACEP FAAEM Julie Kasarjian, MD Maureen McCollough, MD Hosted by Alicia Mikolaycik Gonzalez, MD CA Bridge is a program of the Public Health Institute’s Bridge Center. #AddictionTreatment #MAT #Telehealth #SubstanceUseDisorder #Webinar #LowBarrierCare