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As we do every semester, we hosted the Texas A&M University Structural Engineering Capstone class (CVEN 483) at our office last Friday. We enjoyed spending time going through project updates gearing up towards their final presentations at the end of the semester. It’s always a rewarding experience to work with the students in a class that I myself took when I was a senior at A&M. The students along with several Walter P Moore engineers then headed out for a construction site visit at the two new terminal B projects at IAH. Walter P Moore is providing structural, civil, traffic, enclosures, parking and diagnostics services at this much aniticipated terminal replacement and expansion. Thanks to Clark Construction Group and Manhattan Construction Company for hosting us at the site. Thanks to Mary Beth Hueste for helping organize the trip and allowing the students to have this opportunity. Also, thank you Shruti Sharma and Nishant Verma, PE for taking the time to share your projects.