adam baker

adam baker

San Francisco, California, United States
778 followers 500+ connections


I help teams pathfind in complex problem spaces, improve product design chops, and ship…



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  • GE HealthCare Graphic

    GE HealthCare

    San Francisco Bay Area

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    San Francisco Bay Area

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    San Francisco Bay Area

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    San Francisco

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    Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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  • University of Waterloo Graphic

    University of Waterloo


    Software design, HCI, typography, languages, evidence-based medicine, patient-centered medicine.

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    Foundational studies in art and design.

Volunteer Experience

  • Launch Academy Graphic


    Launch Academy

    - Present 12 years 3 months

    Science and Technology

    Mentoring vancouver startups in user experience design, user interface design, user research, and product management.


  • OpenFDA: an innovative platform providing access to a wealth of FDA's publicly available data

    Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association

    Using cutting-edge technologies deployed on FDA's new public cloud computing infrastructure, openFDA provides open data for easier, faster (over 300 requests per second per process), and better access to FDA datasets; open source code and documentation shared on GitHub for open community contributions of examples, apps and ideas; and infrastructure that can be adopted for other public health big data challenges.

    See publication
  • The post-mac interface


    In 1996 Don Gentner and Jakob Nielsen published a thought experiment, The Anti-Mac Interface. It’s worth a read. By violating the design principles of the entrenched Mac desktop interface, G and N propose that more powerful interfaces could exceed the aging model and define the “Internet desktop.”

    It’s been almost 20 years since the Anti-Mac design principles were proposed, and almost 30 since the original Apple Human Interface Guidelines were published. Did the Anti-Mac principles…

    In 1996 Don Gentner and Jakob Nielsen published a thought experiment, The Anti-Mac Interface. It’s worth a read. By violating the design principles of the entrenched Mac desktop interface, G and N propose that more powerful interfaces could exceed the aging model and define the “Internet desktop.”

    It’s been almost 20 years since the Anti-Mac design principles were proposed, and almost 30 since the original Apple Human Interface Guidelines were published. Did the Anti-Mac principles supersede those of the Mac?

    Here I reflect on the Mac design principles of 1986, the Anti-Mac design principles of 1996, and what I observe as apparent (and cheekily named) Post-Mac design principles of 2016… er, 2015.

    See publication



  • French



  • IxDA


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