Gang, Wow. Sharing a unique perspective on where we go from here post-election & well, hold tight cuz the arc is...long. Hawai‘i’s own Norma Wong drops some big time ‘ike here in this podcast that was really the salve i needed. Norma, a contemporary of Aunty Puanani Burgess, is in conversation w/ Adrienne M Brown.
Highest level takeaway: We gotta evolve.
It’s the only way out.
Here are the key meanings I made:
1. Perspective on the election
“I would say that it took about 4,000 yrs for us to get to this point, & so the notion that it could somehow right itself in the course of a few election cycles? That also means we've completely bought into a consumer notion of human history. We can package & sell & buy the answers that will somehow right our ship. The rest of the living universe has figured it out long before we can: if the living universe wants to continue to live, it has to continuously evolve. & we as humans are not doing that very well.”
2. Don’t despair. Stay in the light to build forward
“As long as our purpose is about fighting the conditions that we are in, then we will remain in despair….But if our purpose is about shared humanity, it requires the levers for thriving, it means we are the ones who have to do it, & we cannot look to the institutions and the structures that are collapsing around us to do it. And we go about that work. We are in a totally polarized world, that means that there are actually billions of people that we can count on, and billions of people we cannot. And somehow we're giving more power to the billions of people who cannot. We're giving them more power. What is it about that?”
3. We gotta evolve, transform, & work on the human condition.
THROUGH STORY AND FIERCE IMAGINGING. “To be in a state of the beginner's mind, I believe a fruitful state is in the exercise of story. And future story in concrete terms, in which no isms live, and in which thriving is the fiercest possibility.
THROUGH BREATH AND MEDITATION. “When we say take a breath, it's not a metaphoric thing. It is to be in that embodied aspect of breath, which there are actual mechanical things to be learned in order for us to breathe deeply connected to the earth, in which the exhale is longer than the inhale. By our breath alone, become like a glowing energy ball in which fierce peace is emanating from us, & therefore we are capable of agency, of our agency... It's that which grounds us to the essential humanity. Without that, we're mechanical living beings rather than actual living beings.
THROUGH BEING W/ EACH OTHER. “…not for the purposes of a transaction.”
“THROUGH THE PRACTICE OF THE CULTIVATION OF JOY, even in the most horrific circumstances, to not allow that to die.
THROUGH THE PRACTICE OF GRATITUDE & ANCESTORS. “The practice of gratitude, particularly seeing and being w/ the various beings, not only human ones, who are every single moment making it possible for where we are right now, & what we can become.