Amanda Nevius

Amanda Nevius

Clinton, Massachusetts, United States
388 followers 377 connections


Deputy Director with 6 years of experience in grant writing, 16 years in professional…


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Licenses & Certifications


  • Powering Grant Narratives: Accessing Free, Reputable Data to Strengthen Your Case

    Grant Professionals Association

    Crafting a compelling grant proposal isn’t just about telling a great story—it’s about backing that story with solid, evidence-based data that strengthens your case for funding. In this article, I share strategies for finding and utilizing high-quality, publicly available data to enhance grant applications and increase funding success.

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  • Librarians Attending Non-Librarian Conferences: Benefits and Preparing to Attend

    Journal of New Librarianship

    This experience-based opinion piece, authored by a diverse team of librarians, will empower readers to attend non-librarian conferences by acknowledging the benefits and challenges of doing so, along with advice for overcoming these challenges and making the most of this professional development and advocacy opportunity. A review of the literature provides background and support for Part 1, which discusses the benefits of attending non-librarian conferences, organized into the categories of…

    This experience-based opinion piece, authored by a diverse team of librarians, will empower readers to attend non-librarian conferences by acknowledging the benefits and challenges of doing so, along with advice for overcoming these challenges and making the most of this professional development and advocacy opportunity. A review of the literature provides background and support for Part 1, which discusses the benefits of attending non-librarian conferences, organized into the categories of broadening horizons and advocacy. In Part 2 we give advice for preparation for attending and overcoming challenges. We present Part 2 organized into the following themes: 1) Acquiring time, money, and support, 2) Defending against imposter syndrome, 3) Conference culture differences, and 4) Diversity, inclusion, and allyship. In our conclusion, we offer the opportunity for you to contact any member of the author team for mentorship or advice.

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  • Aligning Information Literacy and Evidence-Based Dentistry Concepts in a Rubric to Improve Dental Education

    Medical Reference Services Quarterly

    Understanding of the alignment of key concepts in both evidence-based dentistry and information literacy could lead to greater collaboration between librarians and dental faculty. To identify these areas of partnership, a group of dental librarians from across North America created a rubric aligning information literacy concepts with competencies from dental education groups in the United States and Canada. The process included identifying relevant competencies, determining information literacy…

    Understanding of the alignment of key concepts in both evidence-based dentistry and information literacy could lead to greater collaboration between librarians and dental faculty. To identify these areas of partnership, a group of dental librarians from across North America created a rubric aligning information literacy concepts with competencies from dental education groups in the United States and Canada. The process included identifying relevant competencies, determining information literacy concepts for each competency, and adding learning outcomes scaled by Bloom's Taxonomy. The resulting rubric is useful for advocating librarian involvement in dental education curriculum, communication with dental faculty, and instruction planning.

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  • Types and roles of reviews of the literature in dental education

    Journal of Dental Education

    Systematic reviews have consistently grown in popularity and reputation. On behalf of the Dental Caucus of the Medical Library Association and with insight from the Director of Faculty Education & Instructional Development at Tufts University School of Dental Medicine, we offer guidance on the wide variety of reviews of the literature available to aid researchers in dental education in selecting the best review to suit their question, team size, time, and needs of the profession.

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  • Using Evidence-Based Dentistry in the Clinical Management of Methadone Maintenance Therapy Patients

    Journal of Evidence-Based Dental Practice

    Aims and objectives: There is an increased interest to incorporate interprofessional educational models in the academic dental institutions to serve both student education and patient care. The aim of this report is to integrate evidence-based dentistry (EBD) with an interprofessional approach to treat methadone maintenance therapy (MMT) patients. Current example illustrates the case of a 26-year-old man receiving MMT who presented at Tufts University School of Dental Medicine with the chief…

    Aims and objectives: There is an increased interest to incorporate interprofessional educational models in the academic dental institutions to serve both student education and patient care. The aim of this report is to integrate evidence-based dentistry (EBD) with an interprofessional approach to treat methadone maintenance therapy (MMT) patients. Current example illustrates the case of a 26-year-old man receiving MMT who presented at Tufts University School of Dental Medicine with the chief complaint of "I want to fix my teeth." He presented with a collapsed vertical dimension of occlusion, extensive partial edentulism on both arches with bone loss, and a past history of drug abuse since the age of 16 years.

    Conclusions: This study demonstrates that incorporating EBD concepts and an interprofessional approach, MMT patients can be successfully treated. Future studies on this topic are recommended, specially considering the growth of the opioid epidemic in the past years and the need to treat the MMT patients and educate students.

    Other authors
    • S Maripuri
    • H Sadi
    • G Terenzi
    • N Mehta
    • IF Dragan
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  • Faculty Development Initiatives in Academic Dentistry: A Systematic Review

    Journal of Dental Education

    The aims of this systematic review were to collect a list of published articles on dental faculty development and to determine the types and location of programs evaluated and years of publication. A subset of selected articles were then assessed using Kirkpatrick assessment model four levels: learner reaction, participant learning, participant behavioral change, and changes in organizational practice. The search, conducted in 2016, comprised all potentially relevant articles in the following…

    The aims of this systematic review were to collect a list of published articles on dental faculty development and to determine the types and location of programs evaluated and years of publication. A subset of selected articles were then assessed using Kirkpatrick assessment model four levels: learner reaction, participant learning, participant behavioral change, and changes in organizational practice. The search, conducted in 2016, comprised all potentially relevant articles in the following databases: PubMed, EMBASE via Ovid, and ERIC. The study screening was done by three reviewers in multiple stages: by title, abstract, and full text review. Following deduplication, 257 titles were obtained; of those, 102 articles were selected for abstract review. As a result of that review, 32 articles were excluded, leaving 70 for data extraction. The majority of the 70 articles were about programs in the U.S., and two-thirds were studies conducted at individual academic institutions. Most focused on faculty development initiatives (n=49), followed by retention (n=22), recruitment (n=16), and/or promotion/tenure (n=11). The year with the highest number of published articles was 1991 (n=10, 14%), followed by 2007 and 2011 (n=6, 8.6% each). Among the 12 articles evaluated with the Kirkpatrick model, most assessed Levels 1, 2, and 3, but very few addressed Level 4. Research in those 12 articles was conducted primarily at two dental schools: New York University College of Dentistry (n=5) and University of Florida College of Dentistry (n=4). This study generated a varied list of published articles on faculty development, but the results point to the need for research at more institutions and using additional methodologies.

    Other authors
    • Chelsea Johnston
    • Joyce Ganas
    • Y Natalie Yong
    • Seyed Hossein Bassir
    • Irina F. Dragan
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  • Using Evidence-Based Dentistry in the Clinical Management of Combined Periodontal Conditions

    Journal of Evidence Based Dental Practice

    This report proposes a framework to integrate evidence-based dentistry (EBD) in a systematic approach in the clinical management of a patient diagnosed with drug-induced gingival hyperplasia combined with generalized aggressive periodontitis.This report illustrates the case of a 37-year-old female who presented to the Department of Periodontology at Tufts University School of Dental Medicine with enlarged, tender, bleeding gums, and loose teeth combined with a history…

    This report proposes a framework to integrate evidence-based dentistry (EBD) in a systematic approach in the clinical management of a patient diagnosed with drug-induced gingival hyperplasia combined with generalized aggressive periodontitis.This report illustrates the case of a 37-year-old female who presented to the Department of Periodontology at Tufts University School of Dental Medicine with enlarged, tender, bleeding gums, and loose teeth combined with a history of uncontrolled hypertension treated with calcium channel blockers.

    Incorporating the EBD process, a new 5-step framework is proposed: ask the clinical question, acquire and appraise the evidence, apply it in the clinical setting, and assess the subjective and objective outcomes. Articles on aggressive periodontitis and/or gingival enlargement were sought using the assistance of an expert librarian. The search was conducted on the PubMed, Embase, and Scopus databases.

    Initial literature search identified 34 publications. Articles were reviewed by 2 clinicians, and 31 relevant articles were selected. Twenty-six of the references matched the levels of evidence initially agreed upon. Based on the scientific evidence, patient's chief complaint, and clinical expertise, a decision tree highlighting treatment options was compiled. The outcomes of the clinical management revealed that combined conditions can be successfully treated with nonsurgical therapy before proceeding with surgical therapy.

    Within the limitations of this study, integrating EBD concepts was a reliable method to treat an atypical case, where 2 severe periodontal conditions were combined: drug-induced gingival enlargement and generalized aggressive periodontitis.

    Evidence-based dentistryGingival enlargementAggressive periodontitisPatient-centered outcomes

    Other authors
    • Samar Shaikh,
    • Samar Shaikh
    • Irina Florentina Dragan
    • Noshir Mehta
    • Nadeem Karimbux
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  • Library instruction in medical education: a survey of current practices in the United States and Canada

    Journal of the Medical Library Association

    Objective: The most recent survey on instruction practices in libraries affiliated with accredited medical institutions in the United States was conducted in 1996. The present study sought to update these data, while expanding to include Canadian libraries. Additional analysis was undertaken to test for statistically significant differences between library instruction in the United States and Canada and between libraries affiliated with highly ranked and unranked…

    Objective: The most recent survey on instruction practices in libraries affiliated with accredited medical institutions in the United States was conducted in 1996. The present study sought to update these data, while expanding to include Canadian libraries. Additional analysis was undertaken to test for statistically significant differences between library instruction in the United States and Canada and between libraries affiliated with highly ranked and unranked institutions.

    Methods: A twenty-eight-question survey was distributed to libraries affiliated with accredited US and Canadian medical schools to assess what and how often librarians teach, as well as how librarians are involved in the curriculum committee and if they are satisfied with their contact with students and faculty. Quantitative data were analyzed with SAS, R, and MedCalc.

    Results: Most of the seventy-three responding libraries provided instruction, both asynchronously and synchronously. Library instruction was most likely to be offered in two years of medical school, with year one seeing the most activity. Database use was the most frequently taught topic, and libraries reported a median of five librarians providing instruction, with larger staffs offering slightly more education sessions per year. Libraries associated with highly ranked schools were slightly more likely to offer sessions that were integrated into the medical school curriculum in year four and to offer sessions in more years overall.

    Conclusions: In US and Canadian libraries, regardless of the rank of the affiliated medical school, librarians’ provision of instruction in multiple formats on multiple topics is increasingly common.

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Honors & Awards

  • Partners in Excellence

    Partners in Health and McLean Hospital

    In Recognition of Outstanding Performance and Commitment to Excellence


  • Grant Professionals Association


    - Present
  • American Dental Education Association (ADEA)


  • Boston Library Consortium (BLC)

    Co-Convener of Health Sciences Community of Interest


    Co-Convener of Health Sciences Community of Interest, June 2015 to present

  • Medical Library Association (MLA)



    Official Blog Correspondent for MLA 2013 and 2014 Member of Dental Caucus

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