Bhargav Brahmbhatt

Bhargav Brahmbhatt

San Jose, California, United States
4K followers 500+ connections


I breathe life into innovative products.

I transform product concepts into market…

Articles by Bhargav



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  • Multiverse Graphic
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    San Francisco Bay Area

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    Menlo Park, CA

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    Santa Barbara, California


Licenses & Certifications


  • Achieving Brand Leadership

    MKTG 3712

  • New Product Innovations

    MKTG 3572


  • New Product Innovation - Fitbit Ionic X


    Analyzed the Fitbit Ionic in its competitive landscape as a product, innovation, and utility, and its critical issues. Developed next version of Ionic including “why”, success metrics, concepts, and roadmap. Created go-to-market strategy to launch new product and analyzed goals, metrics, positioning, promotions, and competitive response.

  • The Tech Edge JD Marketing Strategy


    Conducted customer and competitor analysis, developed segmentation, targeting, and positioning scheme, and delivered a marketing strategy for Santa Clara Law’s new IP/tech law program, put into effect July 2017.

    Santa Clara University's School of Law aims to attract strong candidates from across the United States to be part of its flagship IP and tech law program, the Tech Edge J.D., in the heart of the Silicon Valley; the program begins in Fall 2018. We provided the School of Law a…

    Conducted customer and competitor analysis, developed segmentation, targeting, and positioning scheme, and delivered a marketing strategy for Santa Clara Law’s new IP/tech law program, put into effect July 2017.

    Santa Clara University's School of Law aims to attract strong candidates from across the United States to be part of its flagship IP and tech law program, the Tech Edge J.D., in the heart of the Silicon Valley; the program begins in Fall 2018. We provided the School of Law a tailored marketing strategy to promote awareness of and ultimately draw candidates to apply for this program at the forefront of IP and tech law innovation.

    Other creators
  • TinyFS


    Developed a tiny file system which was emulated on a single Unix file. The goal was to gain experience with the fundamental operations of a file system. File systems are not only an integral part of every operating system, but they incorporate aspects of fault tolerance, scheduling, resource management and concurrency. The file system incorporated two parts--emulating the disk with which the file system would communicate, and implementing the file system, which included the most basic…

    Developed a tiny file system which was emulated on a single Unix file. The goal was to gain experience with the fundamental operations of a file system. File systems are not only an integral part of every operating system, but they incorporate aspects of fault tolerance, scheduling, resource management and concurrency. The file system incorporated two parts--emulating the disk with which the file system would communicate, and implementing the file system, which included the most basic functionality necessary for a usable file system: creating a file system; mounting and unmounting a file system; opening and closing files; reading from, seeking through, and writing to files; and of course, closing and deleting files.

    Other creators
    See project
  • AI TCX


    Using the base code from a prior project, TCX, I managed a team to expand upon the original game to include an artificial intelligence (AI) component to it. The rules of the game and the logic of the game remains intact, except now there are AI agents that play the game instead of humans. A next step, given more time, would have been to integrate human and AI gameplay.

    Other creators
    • Jordyn Battle
    • Bryan Ching
    • Minnal Kunnan
    See project
  • Scheduler Tool


    The Scheduler Tool was a project that was developed as part of a software engineering course. It was intended to be a possible baseline for the replacement of the scheduling system used by the Computer Science Department at Cal Poly. Over the duration of the project, we developed the tool from start to finish using a traditional software design model. We started with a requirements document and incrementally developed the tool until deployment, consulting with the customer weekly.

    Other creators
  • TCX


    A quarter-long programming project designed to test our understanding of real-time graphics applications and their underpinnings. Each of several teams came up with a video game pitch and spent ten weeks designing and implementing it using real-time graphics technologies.

    Other creators
    See project
  • Ski Free 3D


    This was my final project for my introduction to graphics programming class. I loosely modeled it on the Windows '95 game Ski Free. The end result was a simple game that simulated players "skiing" down a mountainside, avoiding objects and collecting points to try and beat the high score. Modeled using C++, OpenGL, GLUT, and GLSL.

    See project


    A site for user-created content, specifically art in its many forms. It allowed users to comment, save, and rate their favorite pieces, highlighting work that receives the most positive community feedback. Due to fiscal problems, this project had to be discontinued at the end of 2012.

    Other creators
    See project
  • Chef, the Game


    A game we designed and created for the Introduction to Game Design course. It was a ten-week project that involved learning and using Adobe Flash CS5 to create the various objects used in the game. The programming language we learned and used was ActionScript 3.0.

    Other creators
    • Talha Saifi
    • Stephen Hill
    • Alvin Feng
    • Ryan Suarez
    See project
  • Portal Y


    An early high school endeavor. It was a website we created with the intention of creating a site that provided access to flash games, comparable to or In addition, we wanted to provide access to some of the other most popular things in the demographic we thought would visit our site the most. The site was moderately successful, yielding over $100 in profit (for middle schoolers, that's not too shabby!).

    Other creators
    See project


  • English

    Native or bilingual proficiency

  • Gujarati

    Native or bilingual proficiency

  • Hindi

    Professional working proficiency

  • Spanish

    Limited working proficiency


  • Women in Business

    Vice President of Events


    Event Planning: Assess, plan, and market events reflecting member needs and organizational goals. Key responsibilities: choosing an event, determining a time to maximize turnout, developing event budget, selecting a venue per organization constraints, planning catering, arranging guest speakers, marketing the event, and developing invitations. Event Management: Create, coordinate, and manage event components and the teams responsible for each aspect to ensure event success. Key…

    Event Planning: Assess, plan, and market events reflecting member needs and organizational goals. Key responsibilities: choosing an event, determining a time to maximize turnout, developing event budget, selecting a venue per organization constraints, planning catering, arranging guest speakers, marketing the event, and developing invitations. Event Management: Create, coordinate, and manage event components and the teams responsible for each aspect to ensure event success. Key responsibilities: reserving event locations, coordinating vendors, managing location staff, overseeing execution of event, monitoring event and resolving on-site situations.

  • Leo Club

    Activities Coordinator


    Event planning and management for high school branch of local Lions International organization, including creating volunteer opportunities, sourcing local interest and talent for event opportunities, event marketing, developing invitations, and managing often-overflowing volunteer list.

  • Union City Youth Commission

    Vice President


    Oversee day-to-day organizational happenings including organization meetings, organization recruitment and interviewing, event planning and management, and working with other city organizations to develop cross-functional events and opportunities for city growth, including budgeting, site-planning and real estate evaluation, and garnering city government buy-in.

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