I excel at synthesizing diverse ideas into innovative solutions that drive success. As a…
Articles by Bob
Congrats! As a proud gradate of Rockwell College in Cashel, it was a great thrill to build the engineering team to make this launch possible. Cheers…
Congrats! As a proud gradate of Rockwell College in Cashel, it was a great thrill to build the engineering team to make this launch possible. Cheers…
Liked by Bob Danielle, Ed.D.
I’m thrilled to welcome LeeAnne Herbold as our new HRBP Director at Nissin Foods. LeeAnne brings a wealth of experience and a deep passion for…
I’m thrilled to welcome LeeAnne Herbold as our new HRBP Director at Nissin Foods. LeeAnne brings a wealth of experience and a deep passion for…
Liked by Bob Danielle, Ed.D.
CS Lewis famously noted that "Some adventures lead us to our destiny.” 16 years ago, I started an adventure at NASA. My friend convinced me to…
CS Lewis famously noted that "Some adventures lead us to our destiny.” 16 years ago, I started an adventure at NASA. My friend convinced me to…
Liked by Bob Danielle, Ed.D.
Benedictine University
Activities and Societies: Leadership Development; Change Management; Adult Learning Theories; Educational Technologies (e.g., online/virtual learning); Organizational Behavior; Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
This program emphasizes leadership and organizational change, a combination not found in most Ed.D. programs. It readies graduates for the rigors and challenges of developing and implementing strategic plans, improving learning, managing resources, leading personnel, developing and implementing policy and orchestrating successful change within an organization.
Activities and Societies: Cyberethics; Enterprise Systems (ES) planning and implementation projects; AI research; Project Management
This program was structured as a technology MBA with an emphasis on Cybersecurity, Data Analytics, Systems Integration, Business Intelligence, and Program Management.
Activities and Societies: Diversity and Inclusion; Business Communications; Leadership
Focused on leadership, communication, and diversity encapsulated in interdisciplinary coursework.
Licenses & Certifications
Volunteer Experience
Peer reviewer
American Educational Research Association
- Present 1 year 10 months
Peer review panels are launched well in advance of the opening of the submission process. Units (divisions, sections of divisions, SIGs, and committees) establish expert reviewer panels to evaluate a total of approximately 10 to 20 paper or session submissions per person depending on the number of submissions and the unit preference.
Board Member
Kent Chamber DEI Committee
- Present 4 years 6 months
Civil Rights and Social Action
The Kent Chamber DEI Committee’s purpose is to advance the equitable treatment of all people and to celebrate diversity, equity, and inclusion by creating a welcoming culture. We do this by educating the community in recognizing the value of each person.
https://www.facebook.com/kentchamberofcommerce/photos/gm.225694879328614/3848838295194331/?type=3&theater -
Board of Directors
Communities In Schools of Washington
- 7 years 10 months
As a board member of Communities In Schools of Federal Way, we are part of the nation's leading dropout prevention organization, working in public schools to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life. With thousands of kids across the state carry adult-sized burdens to school every day: unmet basic needs, homelessness, bullying, systemic racism, the emotional effects of trauma, untreated medical conditions, DEI challenges, language…
As a board member of Communities In Schools of Federal Way, we are part of the nation's leading dropout prevention organization, working in public schools to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life. With thousands of kids across the state carry adult-sized burdens to school every day: unmet basic needs, homelessness, bullying, systemic racism, the emotional effects of trauma, untreated medical conditions, DEI challenges, language barriers, learning disabilities, we are their advocates.
Please visit these sites for more information:
Chair, Diversity Commission for the City of Federal Way, WA
City of Federal Way
- 3 years
Civil Rights and Social Action
• An appointed commission with a three year term.
• Voted in by commission members as Chair and led several of the largest and most successful diversity-related events in the city’s history, including the Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration in 2013.
http://docs.cityoffederalway.com/weblink/docview.aspx?id=499359 -
Federal Way High School's Curriculum Committee Member
Federal Way Public Schools
- 2 years 1 month
After the passage of a $110 million school levy, this committee’s purpose was to help research, design and recommend the key elements and components for the new Federal Way High School that re-opened in 2016.
Portal Workgroup Committee Member Portal
Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges
- 1 year 11 months
• Created under SB5043, this committee helped develop a single, coordinated student access portal for college information.
Advisory Board Member, Encore Program
Tacoma Community College
- 1 year 10 months
• A continuing education program focused on providing high-quality, low cost educational services to the 50+ population in the Sound Puget Sound area (Washington State).
Breaking the Cycle of an Unfulfilled Career
IEEE-USA Publishing
If you feel like your career has hit a standstill, or never quite taken off, you’ve taken a smart step toward changing that. The author has spent his entire career closely observing the intricate dance of human interaction and professional dynamics. While the victories are many, it’s the struggles of talented, hardworking people not reaching their deserved career heights that have left a lasting impression on him.
This book draws from his extensive firsthand experiences, offering readers…If you feel like your career has hit a standstill, or never quite taken off, you’ve taken a smart step toward changing that. The author has spent his entire career closely observing the intricate dance of human interaction and professional dynamics. While the victories are many, it’s the struggles of talented, hardworking people not reaching their deserved career heights that have left a lasting impression on him.
This book draws from his extensive firsthand experiences, offering readers a collection of compelling stories. Each narrative is a window into the real-world challenges and victories those striving for success face, providing valuable insights to help them navigate and thrive in their own professional journeys. -
Tell Me About Yourself
IEEE-USA Publishing
In this new IEEE-USA e-book, Dr. Robert Danielle focuses on your personal brand: why it is important; its benefits; and how to build and maintain your brand. He provides insights, tools, tips and anecdotes to help you plan, design and create your own brand. As he writes in the introduction, “Your personal brand is a combination of your reputation, and the value you bring to current and future employers,” and “the tool and fuel that helps drive professional growth and career…
In this new IEEE-USA e-book, Dr. Robert Danielle focuses on your personal brand: why it is important; its benefits; and how to build and maintain your brand. He provides insights, tools, tips and anecdotes to help you plan, design and create your own brand. As he writes in the introduction, “Your personal brand is a combination of your reputation, and the value you bring to current and future employers,” and “the tool and fuel that helps drive professional growth and career success.”
Danielle feels a strong personal brand allows you to respond confidently (whether at a cocktail party, or in a job interview) to the prompt, “Tell me about yourself.”
The author starts by discussing iconic corporate brands like Nike and McDonald's; and then he explains that each of us has a brand -- what makes us different and special. Your brand exists, whether you know it, or not; and whether you consciously build one, or just let it happen.
Danielle’s book outlines the many benefits of a strong personal brand -- such as differentiating yourself from the crowd; giving you more control of your career; establishing yourself as an expert; increasing your perceived value; attracting new opportunities; turning your “fans” into promoters; and providing a career safety net.
He suggests using the three Cs of branding when building your personal brand: Clarity, Consistency, Constancy.
• Clarity -- Strong brands are concise, powerful and clear.
• Consistency -- Brand messaging needs to be consistent everywhere: on social media, your LinkedIn profile, websites, bio and resume, business cards, communications, presentations -- even your introductions at meetings. As Danielle notes, “The more consistent the message, the more the message is learned and reinforced.”
• Constancy -- A consistent message is critical, but just as in advertising and marketing, the message must be heard repeatedly by the right people. -
As If Age Matters
IEEE-USA Publishing
In this e-book, the author explores ageism through multiple lenses, with the intent to raise situational and organizational awareness — as well as provide pathways to hope and prosperity, by sharing strategies to help combat the challenges facing older workers. Many of the scenarios shared come from his own personal experiences, with the remainder coming from friends, colleagues, and research he has conducted over the years. He also examines age-related perceptions, some beginning in the 40s…
In this e-book, the author explores ageism through multiple lenses, with the intent to raise situational and organizational awareness — as well as provide pathways to hope and prosperity, by sharing strategies to help combat the challenges facing older workers. Many of the scenarios shared come from his own personal experiences, with the remainder coming from friends, colleagues, and research he has conducted over the years. He also examines age-related perceptions, some beginning in the 40s, that result in damaging, self-fulfilling prophecies — sabotaging any chance for workplace satisfaction, or career success.
Recent Review - https://insight.ieeeusa.org/articles/new-ieee-usa-e-book-takes-on-ageism-in-the-workplace/ -
Some Not-So-Common Questions to Ask if You’re Thinking About Going Back to School
IEEE-USA Publishing
As someone who completed my three post-secondary degrees after the age of 35, and who also worked in higher education as an administrator for almost 20 years, I have learned a thing or two about not only picking the right schools to attend, but also graduating from them with what I needed to succeed in my professional career along the way. It’s this insider perspective that I want to share to help you make an informed decision about returning to school; one that will help determine whether your…
As someone who completed my three post-secondary degrees after the age of 35, and who also worked in higher education as an administrator for almost 20 years, I have learned a thing or two about not only picking the right schools to attend, but also graduating from them with what I needed to succeed in my professional career along the way. It’s this insider perspective that I want to share to help you make an informed decision about returning to school; one that will help determine whether your educational return on investment (ROI) will be worth your valuable time, effort and money to pursue.
What Makes an Expert?
IEEE-USA Publishing
When it comes to determining expertise in today's world, it doesn’t seem to have elongated the time required to be deemed or anointed as an expert in a variety of fields and activities. There are many factors and reasons behind this, but one seems to stand out as the more common approach. Generating significant exposure on social media, on multiple platforms (e.g., TikTok, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.), while executing solid and consistent branding strategies, can seemingly…
When it comes to determining expertise in today's world, it doesn’t seem to have elongated the time required to be deemed or anointed as an expert in a variety of fields and activities. There are many factors and reasons behind this, but one seems to stand out as the more common approach. Generating significant exposure on social media, on multiple platforms (e.g., TikTok, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.), while executing solid and consistent branding strategies, can seemingly transform someone overnight into being viewed as having achieved expertise status — with or without tangible and relevant supporting evidence.
However, what if we looked at this through a different lens, one that looks more closely at the stated expertise, and the impact to the person or persons seeking and receiving it. Does having relevant experience, training or education factor into this? Should any or all of them even matter? -
When Opportunity Knocks
IEEE-USA Publishing
In the second book of the IEEE-USA Career Transitioning series, author Dr. Robert Danielle takes a look at opportunity. He explores how taking a chance – instead of passing one up – can make all the difference in progressing along a successful career path. Dr. Danielle helps readers identify what might be an opportunity; gain a better understanding of one; and put themselves in a better position to make an informed go (or no-go) decision about pursuing it.
City of Federal Way Higher Education Needs Assessment (contributor)
In October 2015, the City of Federal Way (the City) engaged MGT of America Consulting, LLC, (MGT) a
national education planning and research firm, to conduct a comprehensive higher education market
analysis and needs assessment to identify local baccalaureate and graduate degree programs and
training opportunities. The study included a combination of market demographic, population, and
education data, as well as qualitative and quantitative input from an array of stakeholders…In October 2015, the City of Federal Way (the City) engaged MGT of America Consulting, LLC, (MGT) a
national education planning and research firm, to conduct a comprehensive higher education market
analysis and needs assessment to identify local baccalaureate and graduate degree programs and
training opportunities. The study included a combination of market demographic, population, and
education data, as well as qualitative and quantitative input from an array of stakeholders. Information
about program needs, preferences, delivery options, barriers, and obstacles were gathered to inform
City officials and economic development professionals in their efforts to engage one or more higher
education providers to offer targeted programs in the community. -
Narratives of Professionals Transitioning from Non-Academia to Higher Education Leadership Positions
ProQuest Publishing
American higher education is a rapidly changing and highly competitive environment that has been significantly impacted by growing demands from its stakeholders for increased accountability, affordability, and a quantifiable return on a student's educational investment. The purpose of this study was to explore the narratives of the professionals who had transitioned from non-academia careers to the mid-level leadership and administrative positions in higher education at for-profit institutions.…
American higher education is a rapidly changing and highly competitive environment that has been significantly impacted by growing demands from its stakeholders for increased accountability, affordability, and a quantifiable return on a student's educational investment. The purpose of this study was to explore the narratives of the professionals who had transitioned from non-academia careers to the mid-level leadership and administrative positions in higher education at for-profit institutions. The findings of this study revealed the core skills that participants deemed transferable from their nonacademia careers to their leadership positions at for-profit institutions, which included communication, business acumen, interpersonal intelligence, navigating change, and practical intelligence. Resulting from the data analysis themes-- On the Road Less Traveled: Tales of Transitioning Professionals, Restoried Identities, Building Career Capital, and What Lies at the End of the Rainbow --were the contributions to a better understanding of how and why the participants made decisions to change their careers and how they succeeded in that. This study filled in important gaps in the literature concerning the theories of organizational and career change, professional identity theories, leadership in for-profit higher education, and transferable skills in higher education. The study offers insights into what recruitment and human resource officers may conceive of a highly qualified workforce for potential employment in for-profit institutions of higher learning.
Changing Landscapes Can Mean Unleashing New Possibilities
Northwest Career College Federation
Honors & Awards
Gold Muse Creative Award 2023
The MUSE Creative Awards is a part of the MUSE Awards Program, created by the International Awards Associate (IAA) in 2015. IAA’s inception was based on a mission to honor, promote and encourage creativity by providing a new standard of excellence for evaluating media design production and distribution. IAA’s mission has largely shaped MUSE Creative Awards’ goals.
At its core, MUSE Creative Awards is an international competition for creative professionals who inspire others to greater…The MUSE Creative Awards is a part of the MUSE Awards Program, created by the International Awards Associate (IAA) in 2015. IAA’s inception was based on a mission to honor, promote and encourage creativity by providing a new standard of excellence for evaluating media design production and distribution. IAA’s mission has largely shaped MUSE Creative Awards’ goals.
At its core, MUSE Creative Awards is an international competition for creative professionals who inspire others to greater heights. With their concepts, ideas or designs, these creatives light a fire in others to strive further, thus becoming a muse.
My eBook, As if Age Matters, was the winner.
https://www.amazon.com/Career-Transitioning-101-Book-Age-Matters-ebook/dp/B0BRL78TZ8/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2MNYHGU0LO6TY&keywords=Career+Transitioning+101--Book+3%3A+As+If+Age+Matters&qid=1694642518&sprefix=career+transitioning+101--book+3+as+if+age+matters%2Caps%2C288&sr=8-1 -
K. Patricia Cross Future Leaders Award (2015) nominee (Benedictine University)
Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U)
The K. Patricia Cross Future Leaders Award recognizes graduate students who show exemplary promise as future leaders of higher education; who demonstrate a commitment to developing academic and civic responsibility in themselves and others; and whose work reflects a strong emphasis on teaching and learning.
Academic Quality - Graduate Retention
Academic Quality - Graduate Retention Most Improved
Academic Quality - Undergraduate Retention
Academic Quality - Undergraduate Retention Most Improved
City of Federal Way Council Vacancy Applicant
I Teach Award recipient
Devry Education Group
TEACH Summit 2012
https://youtu.be/cbjwizxkpKI -
DeVry Education Group
The PRIDE (Professional Recognition of Integrity, Dedication and Excellence) Award is the highest form of recognition at DeVry University and is given to those who go the extra mile to execute their responsibilities. Each recipient exemplifies the very best in personal integrity and commitment.
The TEACH Summit Awards recognize the accomplishments of those in the organization that reinforce why DeVry does what it does (Purpose), what it aspires to be (Vision) and what it values and how…The PRIDE (Professional Recognition of Integrity, Dedication and Excellence) Award is the highest form of recognition at DeVry University and is given to those who go the extra mile to execute their responsibilities. Each recipient exemplifies the very best in personal integrity and commitment.
The TEACH Summit Awards recognize the accomplishments of those in the organization that reinforce why DeVry does what it does (Purpose), what it aspires to be (Vision) and what it values and how it achieves its purpose (TEACH Values).
Advertising Sales Manager of the Year
The News Tribune
Voted on by peers to acknowledge the top advertising sales manager within the organization after achieving consecutive year-over-year revenue growth in multiple verticals.
Adjunct Faculty of the Year
Adjunct Faculty of the Year
Adjunct Faculty of the Year
DeVry University
Adjunct Faculty of the Year
Discovery Northwest, PSC
Director, Career and Professional Development
- Present -
Aerospace Futures Alliance
- -
Washington State Space Coalition
- -
St. Martin's University
Assistant Professor, School of Business
-Proven passion and commitment to teach effectively in a wide range of Business courses at the undergraduate and graduate level. • Produced relevant course content and student learning experiences that fostered diversity, equity and inclusion in the classroom • Received highly rated course evaluations from students in all sections taught. • Developed course syllabi, lesson plans, lectures, exams, and online course shells. • Created activities in line with course outcomes. • Provided prompt…
Proven passion and commitment to teach effectively in a wide range of Business courses at the undergraduate and graduate level. • Produced relevant course content and student learning experiences that fostered diversity, equity and inclusion in the classroom • Received highly rated course evaluations from students in all sections taught. • Developed course syllabi, lesson plans, lectures, exams, and online course shells. • Created activities in line with course outcomes. • Provided prompt student feedback on coursework and quickly responded to student emails and course inquiries. Undergraduate and graduate courses taught in the School of Business: o BA305 Business Communications o BA330 Principles of Marketing o BA350 Business in Society: Ethics and Responsibility o MBA622 Marketing Management
Northwest Career College Federation (NWCCF)
- -
DeVry Education Group
Certified Leadership Center Facilitator | Corporate Trainer
-Facilitated courses and created programs at the DeVry Education Group's Leadership Center for the development of future and seasoned organizational leaders. • Contributed to 76% increase of internal promotions for leadership center graduates. • Coached and provided mentoring to high-performers in mid to senior level positions, leading to an average 18% increase in employee engagement ratings within their respective groups. • Utilized FORTÉ, StrengthsFinder, LSI, OCI, MBTI, PDI Profilor, CCL…
Facilitated courses and created programs at the DeVry Education Group's Leadership Center for the development of future and seasoned organizational leaders. • Contributed to 76% increase of internal promotions for leadership center graduates. • Coached and provided mentoring to high-performers in mid to senior level positions, leading to an average 18% increase in employee engagement ratings within their respective groups. • Utilized FORTÉ, StrengthsFinder, LSI, OCI, MBTI, PDI Profilor, CCL 360-degree, and Emotional Intelligence assessment tools to increase managerial effectiveness by 22%. • Implemented tracking and survey assessment tools to evaluate training and program relevancy in the workplace.
DeVry University | Keller Graduate School of Management
Senior Adjunct Faculty | Visiting Professor
-Taught leadership, organizational behavior, change management, marketing, business communications, information systems management, team development, career development, ethics, human resources, social responsibility, critical thinking, research, and sales management courses. • Experienced in the onsite, blended, and online learning modalities using the eCollege LMS platform. • Adapted teaching style to meet students' varying needs, abilities, and interests. • Helped developed curriculum…
Taught leadership, organizational behavior, change management, marketing, business communications, information systems management, team development, career development, ethics, human resources, social responsibility, critical thinking, research, and sales management courses. • Experienced in the onsite, blended, and online learning modalities using the eCollege LMS platform. • Adapted teaching style to meet students' varying needs, abilities, and interests. • Helped developed curriculum, including learning resources and assessments, for new courses and programs. • Served as the Subject Matter Expert (SME) for MBA Capstone • Provided undergraduate and graduate student advising Taught the following undergraduate and graduate courses: o BUSN115 Introduction to Business and Technology o BUSN319 Marketing o HRM587 Managing Organizational Change o HUMN445 Principles of Ethics o MISM535 Managerial Applications of Information Technology o MIS600 Information Systems Capstone o MGMT303 Principles of Management o MGMT408 Management of Technology Resources o MGMT520 Legal, Political and Ethical Dimensions of Business o MGMT530 Managerial Decision Making o MGMT591 Leadership and Organizational Behavior o MGMT592 Leadership in the 21st Century o MGMT600 Business Planning Seminar (Capstone) o MKTG575 Advertising Management o MKTG577 Sales Management
Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition (CCDC)
Director of iTV (Interactive Television) Programming
-Key contributor to the 1.3M subscriber launch and advertising sales for the iTV (Interactive TV) services on Charter Cable systems that was part of Paul Allen's Wired World initiative. • Developed and purchased iTV programming for Motorola and Moxi Media Center set-top DVR boxes. • Followed technical writing and SDLC processes to produce technical requirements documentation for innovative advertising solutions. • Provided expertise in the development of marketing assets and building strong…
Key contributor to the 1.3M subscriber launch and advertising sales for the iTV (Interactive TV) services on Charter Cable systems that was part of Paul Allen's Wired World initiative. • Developed and purchased iTV programming for Motorola and Moxi Media Center set-top DVR boxes. • Followed technical writing and SDLC processes to produce technical requirements documentation for innovative advertising solutions. • Provided expertise in the development of marketing assets and building strong partnerships within creative, marketing and business intelligence teams. • Collaborated with software/hardware development teams and content partners to develop industry-leading products and services.
Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP)
American Educational Research Association (AERA)
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Senior Director of Broadcast Operations | Director of Programming | Senior Director of Broadcast Standards
Areas of responsibility included station management, broadcast operations, programming, news and commercial production, affiliate relations, editing, engineering, studio operations, satellite/microwave signal acquisition, Must Carry/Retransmission negotiations, and FCC compliance. • Provided operational and digital media content management of the first all-digital news cable network in the U.S. • Negotiated local broadcasting rights for Seattle Mariners and Seattle SuperSonics. • Managed…
Areas of responsibility included station management, broadcast operations, programming, news and commercial production, affiliate relations, editing, engineering, studio operations, satellite/microwave signal acquisition, Must Carry/Retransmission negotiations, and FCC compliance. • Provided operational and digital media content management of the first all-digital news cable network in the U.S. • Negotiated local broadcasting rights for Seattle Mariners and Seattle SuperSonics. • Managed programming, operations, and capital budgets up to $58M. • Accountability for Top 10 cable network’s (TNN) programming, on-air standards, sporting and entertainment events, including NASCAR, Winston Cup, NHRA, PBR, and original programming. Major accomplishments included: • Developed and implemented creative advertising programs (worked with Sales) to generate new revenue streams up to $1M annually. • Produced top-rated and Emmy-award winning kids and professional sports programming. • Achieved 100% compliance to FCC regulations. • Successful development and implementation of cross-training programs for broadcast operations’ staff members resulting in 27% increase in productivity. • Implemented the initial stages of TNN’s successful transition to SpikeTV. • Demonstrated track record of integrating new and emerging technologies under budget and within requested timelines. • Built strong partnerships across union and non-union groups resulting in an engaged and motivated workforce.
Recommendations received
LinkedIn User
7 people have recommended Bob
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I turned 35 on Saturday. This year, I’m finally ready to chase my dream. I want to travel to the United States and Europe to share my story and…
I turned 35 on Saturday. This year, I’m finally ready to chase my dream. I want to travel to the United States and Europe to share my story and…
Liked by Bob Danielle, Ed.D.
Thank you everyone for your kind words and support!
Thank you everyone for your kind words and support!
Liked by Bob Danielle, Ed.D.
In our professional journeys, we often come across moments that redefine us. These moments, though brief, leave a lasting impact and become part of…
In our professional journeys, we often come across moments that redefine us. These moments, though brief, leave a lasting impact and become part of…
Shared by Bob Danielle, Ed.D.
#oscars #primevideo If you haven’t seen it, #nickelboys is a moving film with a lot of heart. Enjoy the Oscars on Sunday!
#oscars #primevideo If you haven’t seen it, #nickelboys is a moving film with a lot of heart. Enjoy the Oscars on Sunday!
Liked by Bob Danielle, Ed.D.
Today I attended a Career Sprout online webinar, very valuable. I learned new and effective ways to find my next career role. Highly recommend…
Today I attended a Career Sprout online webinar, very valuable. I learned new and effective ways to find my next career role. Highly recommend…
Liked by Bob Danielle, Ed.D.
We're incredibly proud to have worked on this amazing facilty for All Classical Radio. It was a truly collaborative effort that reflects the passion…
We're incredibly proud to have worked on this amazing facilty for All Classical Radio. It was a truly collaborative effort that reflects the passion…
Liked by Bob Danielle, Ed.D.
We all encounter challenges and obstacles that might seem overwhelming, but the only impossible journey is the one you never begin...
We all encounter challenges and obstacles that might seem overwhelming, but the only impossible journey is the one you never begin...
Shared by Bob Danielle, Ed.D.
When I helped source freelance talent at NASA we found something FASCINATING: NASA needed an expert to come up with a design solution for a folding…
When I helped source freelance talent at NASA we found something FASCINATING: NASA needed an expert to come up with a design solution for a folding…
Liked by Bob Danielle, Ed.D.
We're headed to Sports Video Group's Silicon Valley Video Summit (SVVG) next week. If you're attending, say hello to ZTransform's Ben Wolk and Mark…
We're headed to Sports Video Group's Silicon Valley Video Summit (SVVG) next week. If you're attending, say hello to ZTransform's Ben Wolk and Mark…
Liked by Bob Danielle, Ed.D.
Every successful career I've ever known was filled with long periods of meandering, months or even years when no one knew what would happen next…
Every successful career I've ever known was filled with long periods of meandering, months or even years when no one knew what would happen next…
Liked by Bob Danielle, Ed.D.
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