Chrissy Daniels

Chrissy Daniels

Salt Lake City, Utah, United States
12K followers 500+ connections


Chrissy Daniels is a national leader in patient experience and health care value. As…


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  • Pain Management for Inpatients: A Multidisciplinary Team Approach

    NEJM Catalyst

    University of Utah Health Care implemented a team-based, multidisciplinary intervention for managing the pain of inpatients. Led by a physician champion, the effort was piloted in one acute-care unit and then expanded to other units. Pain-management measures show modest improvements, and staff members (including physicians) report that they have become more skilled at and committed to managing patients’ pain.

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    • Mari
    • Nathan Wanner, MD
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  • Mastering a Facebook World

    During nothing more than a standard staff meeting in 2012, a revolutionary idea came to Chrissy Daniels, director of strategic initiatives at University of Utah Hospitals and Clinics in the US, was listening to a doctor complain about a negative review he had found of himself online.
    “How are you going to take care of this?” the doctor asked hospital administrators. “You guys need to help me manage my online presence.”

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    • Eric Barton
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  • What Motivates Front-Line Staff to Make Care More Efficient

    Algorithms for Innovation

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    • Chrissy Daniels
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  • 4 Creative Ways to Improve Patient Experience From University of Utah Health Care

    Becker's Healthcare

    One of the greatest drivers of patient satisfaction improvement at Salt Lake City-based University of Utah Health Care is innovation at the unit level. The health system empowers each unit to develop strategies to improve satisfaction at its unit; these strategies are then shared with others in the system. Here, Chrissy Daniels, director of strategic initiatives at University of Utah Health Care, shares four creative tactics University of Utah Health Care units have used to boost patient…

    One of the greatest drivers of patient satisfaction improvement at Salt Lake City-based University of Utah Health Care is innovation at the unit level. The health system empowers each unit to develop strategies to improve satisfaction at its unit; these strategies are then shared with others in the system. Here, Chrissy Daniels, director of strategic initiatives at University of Utah Health Care, shares four creative tactics University of Utah Health Care units have used to boost patient satisfaction

    Other authors
    • Sabrina Rodak
    See publication
  • Publicly Posting Patient Satisfaction Data to Counter Physican Rating Sites

    Beckers Healthcare

    Physicians know that a positive reputation is crucial when recruiting patients and securing referrals from colleagues. A concern among some physicians is how their reputation is affected by physician rating sites and other forums where patients with extreme views can post their opinion. Instead of trying to close off avenues for patients to express their opinion, Salt Lake City-based University of Utah Health Care decided to address the concern over physician rating sites by providing their own…

    Physicians know that a positive reputation is crucial when recruiting patients and securing referrals from colleagues. A concern among some physicians is how their reputation is affected by physician rating sites and other forums where patients with extreme views can post their opinion. Instead of trying to close off avenues for patients to express their opinion, Salt Lake City-based University of Utah Health Care decided to address the concern over physician rating sites by providing their own rich feedback: It began publicly posting physicians' patient satisfaction scores and comments from patients' satisfaction surveys.

    Other authors
    • Sabarina Rodak
    See publication
  • Responding to Physician Rating Sites With Transparent Patient Satisfaction Data

    Becker's Healthcare

    Physicians know that a positive reputation is crucial when recruiting patients and securing referrals from colleagues. A concern among some physicians is how their reputation is affected by physician rating sites and other forums where patients with extreme views can post their opinion. Instead of trying to close off avenues for patients to express their opinion, Salt Lake City-based University of Utah Health Care decided to address the concern over physician rating sites by providing their own…

    Physicians know that a positive reputation is crucial when recruiting patients and securing referrals from colleagues. A concern among some physicians is how their reputation is affected by physician rating sites and other forums where patients with extreme views can post their opinion. Instead of trying to close off avenues for patients to express their opinion, Salt Lake City-based University of Utah Health Care decided to address the concern over physician rating sites by providing their own rich feedback: It began publicly posting physicians' patient satisfaction scores and comments from patients' satisfaction surveys.

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    • Sabrina Rodak
    See publication
  • University of Utah Health Care's 5-Pronged Approach to Patient Satisfaction

    Becker's Healthcare

    In fiscal year 2011, satisfaction with outpatient care at Salt Lake City-based University of Utah Health Care was in the 38th percentile. Today, satisfaction is at the 75th percentile. The health system's inpatient side has experienced similar jumps in patient satisfaction.

    This success is attributable to several factors, including the system's prioritization of patient satisfaction, physician engagement, access to data and benchmarking, education and transparency across the system.

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    • Sabrina Rodak
    See publication
  • Patient Reviews: DocAdvisor

    The Economist

    Patients around the world are starting to give doctors a piece of their mind. The result should be better care.

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    • The Economist
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