Deepak Agarwal

Deepak Agarwal

Mountain View, California, United States
14K followers 500+ connections

Articles by Deepak

  • 2017 Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing

    2017 Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing

    I am looking forward to attending #GHC17 next week. This is the my first time attending the event and I cannot describe…

  • Visit LinkedIn booth at KDD 2016

    Visit LinkedIn booth at KDD 2016

    Hi friends, We humbly request your presence at our booth to discuss some of our unique data mining and machine learning…

  • A Practical Guide to Recommender Systems

    A Practical Guide to Recommender Systems

    My colleague Bee-Chung Chen and I recently published a book on Recommender systems. You can check it out here This book…

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  • University of Connecticut Graphic

    The University of Connecticut


    I was fortunate to learn from my advisor Alan Gelfand, a genius when it comes to statistical modeling.
    Thesis work was in ecology, I collaborated closely with ecologists and spent a lot of time working with GIS. I ended up developing spatial models to study deforestation patterns in Madagascar, studying Isopod settlement patterns in Negev desert of Israel and predicting house prices in Dallas. Each of these projects involved working with data that were considered "big" at the time.

Licenses & Certifications


  • Scout: A Point of Presence Recommendation System Using Real User Monitoring Data

    Passive and Active Measurements Conference

    This paper describes, Scout, a statistical modeling driven approach to automatically recommend new Point of Presence (PoP) centers for web sites. PoPs help reduce a website’s page download time dramatically. However, where to build the new PoP centers given the current assets of existing ones is a problem that has rarely been studied in a quantitative and principled way before; it was mainly done through empirical studies or through applying industry experience and intuitions. In this paper, we…

    This paper describes, Scout, a statistical modeling driven approach to automatically recommend new Point of Presence (PoP) centers for web sites. PoPs help reduce a website’s page download time dramatically. However, where to build the new PoP centers given the current assets of existing ones is a problem that has rarely been studied in a quantitative and principled way before; it was mainly done through empirical studies or through applying industry experience and intuitions. In this paper, we propose a novel approach that estimates the impact of the PoP centers by building a statistical model using the real user monitoring data collected by the web sites and recommend the next PoPs to build. We also consider the problem of recommending PoPs using other metrics such as user’s number of page views. We show empirically that our approach works well, by experiments that use real data collected from millions of user visits in a major social network site.

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  • Statistical Methods for Recommender Systems

    Cambridge University Press

    This book summarizes research done for a period of 5 years when I was at Yahoo! Research. Much of the work was motivated by our project of personalizing the Yahoo! front page. Many of the methods discussed are deployed both at yahoo! and linkedin.

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  • Automatic Ad Format Selection via Contextual Bandits

    Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM)

    Visual design plays an important role in online display advertising: changing the layout of an online ad can increase or decrease its effectiveness, measured in terms of click-through rate (CTR) or total revenue. The decision of which layout to use for an ad involves a trade-off: using a layout provides feedback about its effectiveness (exploration), but collecting that feedback requires sacrificing the immediate reward of using a layout we already know is effective (exploitation). To balance…

    Visual design plays an important role in online display advertising: changing the layout of an online ad can increase or decrease its effectiveness, measured in terms of click-through rate (CTR) or total revenue. The decision of which layout to use for an ad involves a trade-off: using a layout provides feedback about its effectiveness (exploration), but collecting that feedback requires sacrificing the immediate reward of using a layout we already know is effective (exploitation). To balance exploration with exploitation, we pose automatic layout selection as a contextual bandit problem.

    There are many bandit algorithms, each generating a policy which must be evaluated. It is impractical to test each policy on live traffic. However, we have found that offline replay (a.k.a. exploration scavenging) can be adapted to provide an accurate estimator for the performance of ad layout policies at Linkedin, using only historical data about the effectiveness of layouts. We describe the development of our offline replayer, and benchmark a number of common bandit algorithms.

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  • Determining a Churn Probability for a Subscriber of a Social Network Service

    Issued US

  • Determining user preference of items based on user ratings and user features

    Issued US

    A set of item-item affinities for a plurality of items is determined based on collaborative-filtering techniques. A set of an item's nearest neighbor items based on the set of item-item affinities is determined. A set of user feature-item affinities for the plurality of items and a set of user features is determined based on least squared regression. A set of a user feature's nearest neighbor items is determined based in part on the set of user feature-item affinities. Compatible affinity…

    A set of item-item affinities for a plurality of items is determined based on collaborative-filtering techniques. A set of an item's nearest neighbor items based on the set of item-item affinities is determined. A set of user feature-item affinities for the plurality of items and a set of user features is determined based on least squared regression. A set of a user feature's nearest neighbor items is determined based in part on the set of user feature-item affinities. Compatible affinity weights for nearest neighbor items of each item and each user feature are determined and stored. Based on user features of a particular user and items a particular user has consumed, a set of nearest neighbor items comprising nearest neighbor items for user features of the user and items the user has consumed are identified as a set of candidate items, and affinity scores of candidate items are determined. Based at least in part on the affinity scores, a candidate item from the set of candidate items is recommended to the user.

    See patent
  • System and method for serving electronic content

    Filed US 13/711,499

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  • Available from uspto as specified below

    US Patents (filed and issued)

    Use advanced query: "Agarwal-Deepak$ and CA"

    ~27 patents issued, several pending.

  • Determining a School Rank Utilizing Perturbed Data Sets


Honors & Awards

  • Fellow of the American Statistical Association


  • Member, Board of Directors, SIGKDD


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