Jin Huang

Jin Huang

Cupertino, California, United States
1K followers 500+ connections


A hands on(i.e, implement production ready code) research scientist with specialization…

Articles by Jin

  • a good machine learning book to read

    a good machine learning book to read

    Although not finished the book yet, I found this book "machine learning- a probabilistic perspective" is quite good for…



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    Milpitas, California, United States

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  • A New Simplex Sparse Learning Model to Measure Data Similarity for Clustering

    IJCAI 2015, oral presentation, first author

    The Laplacian matrix of a graph can be used in many areas of mathematical research and has a
    physical interpretation in various theories. However, there are a few open issues in the Laplacian
    graph construction: (i) Selecting the appropriate scale of analysis, (ii) Selecting the appropriate
    number of neighbors, (iii) Handling multiscale data, and, (iv) Dealing with noise and outliers.
    In this paper, we propose that the affinity between pairs of samples could be computed…

    The Laplacian matrix of a graph can be used in many areas of mathematical research and has a
    physical interpretation in various theories. However, there are a few open issues in the Laplacian
    graph construction: (i) Selecting the appropriate scale of analysis, (ii) Selecting the appropriate
    number of neighbors, (iii) Handling multiscale data, and, (iv) Dealing with noise and outliers.
    In this paper, we propose that the affinity between pairs of samples could be computed using
    sparse representation with proper constraints. This parameter free setting automatically produces the
    Laplacian graph, leads to significant reduction in computation cost and robustness to the outliers and
    noise. We further provide an efficient algorithm to solve the difficult optimization problem based on
    improvement of existing algorithms.

    Other authors
  • Approximate Algorithms for Computing Distance Histograms with Accuracy Guarantees

    IEEE Transaction on Knowledge and Data Engineering

    Fast algorithm to get the histogram of pair-wise distances

    Other authors
    • Yi-Cheng Tu
    • V. Grupcev
    • Y. Yuan
    • S. Chen
    • S. Pandit
    • M. Weng
    See publication
  • Robust Discrete Matrix Completion

    AAAI 2013 main track, first author

    Most existing matrix completion methods seek the matrix global structure in the real number domain and produce predictions that are inappropriate for applications retaining discrete structure, where an additional step is required to post-process prediction results with either heuristic threshold parameters or complicated mappings.Such an ad-hoc process is inefficient and impractical. In this paper, we propose a novel robust discrete matrix completion algorithm that produces the prediction from…

    Most existing matrix completion methods seek the matrix global structure in the real number domain and produce predictions that are inappropriate for applications retaining discrete structure, where an additional step is required to post-process prediction results with either heuristic threshold parameters or complicated mappings.Such an ad-hoc process is inefficient and impractical. In this paper, we propose a novel robust discrete matrix completion algorithm that produces the prediction from the collection of user specified discrete values by introducing a new discrete constraint to the matrix completion model. Our method achieves a high prediction
    accuracy, very close to the most optimal value of competitive methods with threshold values tuning. We solve the difficult integer programming problem via incorporating augmented Lagrangian method in an elegant way, which greatly accelerates the converge process of our method and provides the asymptotic convergence in theory. The proposed discrete matrix completion
    model is applied to solve three real-world applications, and all empirical results demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.

    Other authors
    • Feiping Nie
    • Heng Huang
    See publication
  • Spectral Rotation vs K-means in Spectral Clustering

    AAAI 2013 main track, first author

    Conventional spectral clustering methods often resort to other clustering methods, such as K-Means, to get the final cluster. The potential flaw of such common practice is that the obtained relaxed continuous spectral solution could severely deviate from the true discrete solution. In this paper, we propose to impose an additional orthonormal constraint to better approximate the optimal continuous solution to the graph cut objective functions. Such a method, called spectral rotation in…

    Conventional spectral clustering methods often resort to other clustering methods, such as K-Means, to get the final cluster. The potential flaw of such common practice is that the obtained relaxed continuous spectral solution could severely deviate from the true discrete solution. In this paper, we propose to impose an additional orthonormal constraint to better approximate the optimal continuous solution to the graph cut objective functions. Such a method, called spectral rotation in literature, optimizes the spectral clustering objective functions better than K-Means, and improves the clustering accuracy. We would provide efficient algorithm to solve the new problem rigorously, which is not significantly more costly than K-Means. We also establish the connection between our method and K-Means to provide theoretical motivation of our method. Experimental results show that our algorithm consistently reaches better cut and meanwhile outperforms in clustering metrics than classic spectral clustering methods.

    Other authors
    • Feiping Nie
    • Heng Huang
    See publication
  • Supervised and Projected Sparse Coding for Image Classification

    AAAI 2013 main track, first author

    Classic sparse representation for classification (SRC) method fails to incorporate the label information of training images, and meanwhile has a poor scalability due to the expensive computation for L1 norm. In this paper, we propose a novel subspace sparse coding method with utilizing label information to effectively classify the images in the subspace. Our new approach
    unifies the tasks of dimension reduction and supervised sparse vector learning, by simultaneously preserving the data…

    Classic sparse representation for classification (SRC) method fails to incorporate the label information of training images, and meanwhile has a poor scalability due to the expensive computation for L1 norm. In this paper, we propose a novel subspace sparse coding method with utilizing label information to effectively classify the images in the subspace. Our new approach
    unifies the tasks of dimension reduction and supervised sparse vector learning, by simultaneously preserving the data sparse structure and meanwhile seeking the optimal projection direction in the training stage, therefore accelerates the classification process in the test stage. Our method achieves both flat and structured sparsity for the vector representations, therefore making
    our framework more discriminative during the subspace learning and subsequent classification.

    Other authors
    • Feiping Nie
    • Heng Huang
    • Chris Ding
    See publication
  • A New Sparse Simplex Model for Brain Anatomical and Genetic Network Analysis

    MICCAI 2013 LNCS-Springer

    we propose a novel sparse simplex model to accurately construct the brain anatomical and genetic networks, which are important to reveal the brain spatial expression patterns.

    Other authors
    • Heng Huang
    • Feiping Nie
    • Jingwen Yan
    • Weidong Cai
    • Andrew J. Saykin
    • Li Shen
  • Robust Manifold Non-Negative Matrix Factorization

    ACM Transaction on Knowledge and Data Discovery, first author

    A novel way to conduct data clustering via Non-Negative Matrix Factorization

    Other authors
    • Feiping Nie
    • Heng Huang
    • Chris Ding
  • Social Trust Prediction Using Heterogeneous Networks

    ACM Transaction on Knowledge and Data Discovery, first author

    Predict users' relationships in social network via aggregating multiple sources of information

    Other authors
    • Feiping Nie
    • Heng Huang
    • Yi-Cheng Tu
    • Yu Lei
  • Social Trust Prediction Using Rank-k Matrix Recovery

    IJCAI 2013, first author, Oral Presentation

    In this paper, we propose a new method to predict the pairwise relationship status between social network users. Conventional social network graphs (such as facebook), has large amount of missing values. Our method assumes the trust votes for individual users are determined by a few latent factors such as similar background, hobbies etc. Empirical experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.

    Other authors
    • Feiping Nie
    • Heng Huang
    • Yu Lei
    • Chris Ding
    See publication
  • Trust Prediction via Aggregating Heterogeneous Social Networks

    CIKM 2012, first author

    Other authors
    • Feiping Nie
    • Heng Huang
    • Yi-Cheng Tu
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  • Esnet Large Volume Network Traffic Prediction

    Using time series technique to analyze the correlation and predict the future trend

    Other creators
    • Taghrid Samak
  • NIH grant proposal evaluation semantic analysis

    This project is to develop a software to automatically analyze the reviews' evaluation for NIH grant proposal. I am the one who develop NLP learning rules and Python package developer

  • Social Network Trust Prediction

    - Present

    Relationship Status Prediction between users in large scale social network, identify who's friend and who's enemy. Design a collaborative filtering work that incorporates users' recommendation system into the trust prediction, which significantly improves the prediction accuracies for both graph

    Improve the social graph prediction accuracy 4% than conventional methods

    Provide a new prospective to improve recommendation system

  • Making Databases Green: An Energy-Aware DBMS Approach

    - Present

    Design a low energy consuming computing database platform, saves 25% energy

    Incorporate MapReduce, Hadoop framrwork to big data analysis in energy saving mode

    See project
  • Efficient Data Processing in Molecular Dynamics Simulation

    - Present

    Design an efficient algorithm O(nlgn) instead of O(n^2) to handle billions of pair-wise distance

    Provide the theoretic accuracy guarantee proof for our approximate algorithm


  • English

    Full professional proficiency

  • Chinese

    Native or bilingual proficiency

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