My passion is improving the delivery and use of energy to reduce the carbon intensity of…
I'm pleased to be at DISTRIBUTECH in Dallas. On Wednesday Southern California Edison (SCE), The Linux Foundation, and Utility Broadband Alliance…
I'm pleased to be at DISTRIBUTECH in Dallas. On Wednesday Southern California Edison (SCE), The Linux Foundation, and Utility Broadband Alliance…
Liked by Marissa Hummon
thank you EPRI for letting me present at DISTRIBUTECH yesterday representing Duquesne Light Company on DER Gateways.. it was a great experience! i…
thank you EPRI for letting me present at DISTRIBUTECH yesterday representing Duquesne Light Company on DER Gateways.. it was a great experience! i…
Liked by Marissa Hummon
Wanted to alert the DER and distribution folks out there about a new German regulation for residential customers that mandates high-powered (>4.2kW)…
Wanted to alert the DER and distribution folks out there about a new German regulation for residential customers that mandates high-powered (>4.2kW)…
Liked by Marissa Hummon
Harvard University
Activities and Societies: Co-chair, Harvard Graduate Women in Science and Engineering. Developed a symposium based on the "Beyond Bias and Barriers" report and a seminar series of invited speakers. Founder, SEAS Graduate Student Committee. Organized orientation activities for new graduate students; institutionalized the standing committee.
Research Projects:
(1) Study of the electronic structure of individual nanocrystals using a scanning tunneling microscope (home-built) -- thesis.
(2) Photon up-conversion in a solid state p+-i-n quantum well structure.
Problem solving for scientists:
Founder, Chalk and Choc. I organized gatherings of graduate students from disparate disciplines to apply a creative group problem solving framework to hard research problems. -
Activities and Societies: Debate Team (4 years), Honor Council (4 years), Victims Assistance Team (4 years), Bowed Piano Ensemble (3 years)
Studied physics and political science.
The Value of CSP with Thermal Energy Storage in the Western United States
Energy Procedia
This study performs a series of simulations of the grid in the western United States to determine how a CSP plant with TES might be dispatched to maximize its value when replacing conventional fossil fuel plants. The value of CSP with TES is compared to renewable generators without storage including PV.
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Variability of Photovoltaic Power in the State of Gujarat Using High Resolution Solar Data
National Renewable Energy Laboratory Technical Report
India has ambitious goals for high utilization of variable renewable power from wind and solar, and deployment has been proceeding at a rapid pace. The western state of Gujarat currently has the largest amount of solar generation of any Indian state, with over 855 Megawatts direct current (MWDC). Combined with over 3,240 MW of wind, variable generation renewables comprise nearly 18% of the electric-generating capacity in the state. A new historic 10-kilometer (km) gridded solar radiation data…
India has ambitious goals for high utilization of variable renewable power from wind and solar, and deployment has been proceeding at a rapid pace. The western state of Gujarat currently has the largest amount of solar generation of any Indian state, with over 855 Megawatts direct current (MWDC). Combined with over 3,240 MW of wind, variable generation renewables comprise nearly 18% of the electric-generating capacity in the state. A new historic 10-kilometer (km) gridded solar radiation data set capturing hourly insolation values for 2002-2011 is available for India. We apply an established method for downscaling hourly irradiance data to one-minute irradiance data at potential PV power production locations for one year, 2006.
The objective of this report is to characterize the intra-hour variability of existing and planned photovoltaic solar power generation in the state of Gujarat (a total of 1.9 gigawatts direct current (GWDC)), and of five possible expansion scenarios of solar generation that reflect a range of geographic diversity (each scenario totals 500-1,000 MW of additional solar capacity). The report statistically analyzes one year’s worth of power variability data, applied to both the baseline and expansion scenarios, to evaluate diurnal and seasonal power fluctuations, different timescales of variability (e.g., from one to 15 minutes), the magnitude of variability (both total megawatts and relative to installed solar capacity), and the extent to which the variability can be anticipated in advance. The paper also examines how Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation (GETCO) and the Gujarat State Load Dispatch Centre (SLDC) could make use of the solar variability profiles in grid operations and planning.Other authorsSee publication -
Time Domain Partitioning of Electricity Production Cost Simulations
National Renewable Energy Laboratory Technical Report
Production cost models are often used for planning by simulating power system operations over long time horizons. The simulation of a day-ahead energy market for a one-year horizon can take several weeks to compute. Tractability improvements are often made through model simplifications, such as reductions in transmission modeling detail, relaxation of commitment variable integrality, and reductions in cost modeling detail. One common simplification is to partition the simulation horizon so that…
Production cost models are often used for planning by simulating power system operations over long time horizons. The simulation of a day-ahead energy market for a one-year horizon can take several weeks to compute. Tractability improvements are often made through model simplifications, such as reductions in transmission modeling detail, relaxation of commitment variable integrality, and reductions in cost modeling detail. One common simplification is to partition the simulation horizon so that weekly or monthly horizons can be simulated in parallel. However, horizon partitions are often executed with overlap periods of arbitrary and sometimes zero length. We calculate the time domain persistence of historical unit commitment decisions to inform time domain partitioning of production cost models. The results are implemented using PLEXOS production cost modeling software in a high performance computing environment to improve the computation time of simulations while maintaining solution integrity. Our results show that including two days of overlap on partitioned problems maximizes solution quality. Additionally, we achieve roughly 25-times speedup when optimizing 52 weeks in parallel, with overlap, versus a single annual optimization.
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Grid Integration of Aggregated Demand Response, Part 1: Load Availability Profiles and Constraints for the Western Interconnection
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Technical Report
Demand response (DR) has the potential to improve electric grid reliability and reduce system operation costs. However, including DR in grid modeling can be difficult due to its variable and non-traditional response characteristics, compared to traditional generation. Therefore, efforts to value the participation of DR in procurement of grid services have been limited. In this report, we present methods and tools for predicting demand response availability profiles, representing their…
Demand response (DR) has the potential to improve electric grid reliability and reduce system operation costs. However, including DR in grid modeling can be difficult due to its variable and non-traditional response characteristics, compared to traditional generation. Therefore, efforts to value the participation of DR in procurement of grid services have been limited. In this report, we present methods and tools for predicting demand response availability profiles, representing their capability to participate in capacity, energy, and ancillary services. With the addition of response characteristics mimicking those of generation, the resulting profiles will help in the valuation of the participation of demand response through production cost modeling, which informs infrastructure and investment planning. We present an approach for predicting demand response availability profiles for thirteen end-use loads within the Western Interconnection for the year 2020. For each end-use, we estimate an annual hourly load profile for each of the 36 balancing authority areas. These load profiles are further evaluated and filtered to obtain an estimate of the amount of load available to participate in each of five products (three ancillary services, an energy product, and a capacity product) for each hour of the 2020 calendar year. We supplement these DR availability profiles with expectations on constraints for the duration and frequency of the load responses, in order to best represent the expected electricity customer system, such as their willingness and capability (e.g., equipment) to participate in demand response events. Finally, we discuss the projected theoretical availability for full load participation.
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Grid Integration of Aggregated Demand Response, Part 2: Modeling Demand Response in a Production Cost Model
National Renewable Energy Laboratory Technical Report
Demand response (DR) resources present a potentially important source of grid flexibility particularly on future systems with high penetrations of variable wind an solar power generation. However, DR in grid models is limited by data availability and modeling complexity. This presentation focuses on the co-optimization of DR resources to provide energy and ancillary services in a production cost model of the Colorado “test system”. We assume each DR resource can provide energy services by…
Demand response (DR) resources present a potentially important source of grid flexibility particularly on future systems with high penetrations of variable wind an solar power generation. However, DR in grid models is limited by data availability and modeling complexity. This presentation focuses on the co-optimization of DR resources to provide energy and ancillary services in a production cost model of the Colorado “test system”. We assume each DR resource can provide energy services by either shedding load or shifting its use between different times, as well as operating reserves: frequency regulation, contingency reserve, and flexibility (or ramping) reserve. There are significant variations in the availabilities of different types of DR resources, which affect both the operational savings as well as the revenue for each DR resource. The results presented include the system-wide avoided fuel and generator start-up costs as well as the composite revenue for each DR resource by energy and operating reserves.
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Impact of Photovoltaic Orientation on its Relative Economic Value in Wholesale Energy Markets
Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications
Most calculations of optimum photovoltaic (PV) performance focus on maximizing annual energy production. However, given the seasonally and daily time varying electricity demand and resulting variation in price, the PV orientation resulting in maximum energy yield may not yield the maximum economic benefit. With the use of historical solar irradiance and wholesale market prices for several locations in the USA, we evaluate the benefits of a variety of orientations for fixed and tracking PV…
Most calculations of optimum photovoltaic (PV) performance focus on maximizing annual energy production. However, given the seasonally and daily time varying electricity demand and resulting variation in price, the PV orientation resulting in maximum energy yield may not yield the maximum economic benefit. With the use of historical solar irradiance and wholesale market prices for several locations in the USA, we evaluate the benefits of a variety of orientations for fixed and tracking PV arrays. We find that orienting fixed arrays slightly to the west of due south generally increases their economic value in the simulated systems because the reduced generation on an annual basis is more than offset by increased generation in high-value hours in late summer afternoons. However, this effect is small, typically providing an increase in value from 1% to 5%. The economic value of adjusting the orientation semi-annually (May 1st and September 1st) and monthly shows a modest increase in value from 3% to 5%. Several other implications of this analysis are also discussed.
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Downscaling Solar Power Output to 4-Seconds for Use in Integration Studies
3rd International Workshop on Integration of Solar Power in Power Systems, London, England
High penetration renewable integration studies require solar power data with high spatial and temporal accuracy in order to understand the impact of high frequency solar power ramps on the operation of the system. Our previous work concentrated on down-scaling solar power simulation from one hour to one minute. This method used clearness classifications to categorize temporal and spatial variability, and iterative methods to simulate intra-hour clearness variability. Solar power ramp…
High penetration renewable integration studies require solar power data with high spatial and temporal accuracy in order to understand the impact of high frequency solar power ramps on the operation of the system. Our previous work concentrated on down-scaling solar power simulation from one hour to one minute. This method used clearness classifications to categorize temporal and spatial variability, and iterative methods to simulate intra-hour clearness variability. Solar power ramp correlations between sites decrease with distance and the duration of the ramp, starting at around 0.6 for 30-minute ramps between sites that are less than 20 km apart. The sub-hour irradiance algorithm has a noise floor that causes the correlations to approach ~0.005. Below one minute, the majority of the correlations of solar power ramps between sites less than 20 km apart are zero, and thus a new method to simulate intra-minute variability is needed. Intra-minute solar power ramps can be simulated using several methods. We evaluate three methods: cubic spline fit to the one-minute solar power data; projection of the power spectral density toward higher frequency domain; and development of a “template” for high frequency power spectral density. Each method either under- or over-estimates the variability of intra-minute solar power ramps. We show that an optimized weighted linear sum of methods, dependent on the classification of temporal variability of the segment of one-minute solar power data, yields time series and ramp distributions similar to measured high-resolution solar irradiance data. This method has been applied to sites in California to model automatic generator control in response to high frequency solar power ramps.
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Modelling Concentrating Solar Power with Thermal Energy Storage for Integration Studies
3rd International Workshop on Integration of Solar Power in Power Systems, London, England
Concentrating solar power with thermal energy storage (CSP-TES) can provide multiple benefits to the grid, including low marginal cost energy and the ability to levelize load, provide operating reserves, and provide firm capacity. It is challenging to properly value the integration of CSP because of the complicated nature of this technology. Unlike completely dispatchable fossil sources, CSP is a limited energy resource, depending on the hourly and daily supply of solar energy. To optimize the…
Concentrating solar power with thermal energy storage (CSP-TES) can provide multiple benefits to the grid, including low marginal cost energy and the ability to levelize load, provide operating reserves, and provide firm capacity. It is challenging to properly value the integration of CSP because of the complicated nature of this technology. Unlike completely dispatchable fossil sources, CSP is a limited energy resource, depending on the hourly and daily supply of solar energy. To optimize the use of this limited energy, CSP-TES must be implemented in a production cost model with multiple decision variables for the operation of the CSP-TES plant. We develop and implement a CSP-TES plant in a production cost model that accurately characterizes the three main components of the plant: solar field, storage tank, and power block. We show the effect of various modelling simplifications on the value of CSP, including: scheduled versus optimized dispatch from the storage tank and energy-only operation versus co-optimization with ancillary services.
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Fundamental Drivers of the Cost and Price of Operating Reserves
National Renewable Energy Laboratory Technical Report
Operating reserves impose a cost on the electric power system by forcing system operators to keep partially loaded spinning generators available to respond to system contingencies and random variation in demand. In many regions of the United States, thermal and hydropower plants provide a large fraction of the operating reserve requirement. Alternative sources of operating reserves, such as demand response and energy storage, may provide these services at lower cost. However, to estimate the…
Operating reserves impose a cost on the electric power system by forcing system operators to keep partially loaded spinning generators available to respond to system contingencies and random variation in demand. In many regions of the United States, thermal and hydropower plants provide a large fraction of the operating reserve requirement. Alternative sources of operating reserves, such as demand response and energy storage, may provide these services at lower cost. However, to estimate the potential value of these services, the cost of reserve services under various grid conditions must first be established.
The analysis demonstrates that the price of operating reserves depends greatly on many assumptions regarding the operational flexibility of the generation fleet, including ramp rates and the fraction of the fleet available to provide reserves. While variable renewables increase the total reserve requirements, the additional operational cost of these reserves appears modest in the evaluated system. Wind and solar generation tend to free up generation capacity in proportion to its production, largely canceling out the net cost of the additional operating reserves. Further work is needed to address issues, such as down reserves and implementation of fast-response regulation, which were not included in this study. Finally, this analysis points to the need to consider how the operation of the power system and composition of the conventional generation fleet may evolve if wind and solar power reach high penetration levels.Other authorsSee publication -
Sub-Hour Solar Data for Power System Modeling From Static Spatial Variability Analysis
2nd International Workshop on Integration of Solar Power in Power Systems, Lisbon, Portugal
High penetration renewable integration studies need high quality solar power data with spatial-temporal correlations that are representative of a real system. For instance, as additional solar power sites are added, the relative amount of variability should decrease due to spatial averaging
of localized irradiance fluctuations. This presentation will summarize the research relating sequential point-source sub-hour global horizontal irradiance (GHI) values to static, spatially distributed…High penetration renewable integration studies need high quality solar power data with spatial-temporal correlations that are representative of a real system. For instance, as additional solar power sites are added, the relative amount of variability should decrease due to spatial averaging
of localized irradiance fluctuations. This presentation will summarize the research relating sequential point-source sub-hour global horizontal irradiance (GHI) values to static, spatially distributed GHI values. This research led to the development of an algorithm for generating coherent sub-hour datasets that span distances ranging from 10 km to 4,000 km. The algorithm,
in brief, generates synthetic GHI values at an interval of one minute, for a specific location, using SUNY/Clean Power Research, satellite-derived, hourly irradiance values for the
nearest grid cell to that location and grid cells within 40 km. During each hour, the observed GHI value for the grid cell of interest and the surrounding grid cells is related, via probability distributions, to one of five temporal cloud coverage classifications (class I, II, III, IV, V). Synthesis algorithms are used to select one-minute time step GHI values based on the classification of the grid cell of interest in a particular hour. Three primary statistical measures of the dataset are
demonstrated: reduction in ramps as a function of aggregation; coherence of GHI values across sites ranging from 6 to 400 km apart over time scales from one minute to three hours; and
ramp magnitude and duration distributions as a function of time of day and day of year.Other authorsSee publication
Honors & Awards
Grid Edge Innovation Award
Green Tech Media
Tendril’s Orchestrated Energy platform
Tendril is one of the original entrants to the nascent world of home energy management, with more than a decade in utility pilots and deployments. It has a lot of experience -- and a lot of data -- to keep fine-tuning and expanding its scope of work. With its Orchestrated Energy platform, Tendril is putting its technology to work for Continuous Demand Management, or CDM -- a solution that enables utilities to simultaneously optimize system operation…Tendril’s Orchestrated Energy platform
Tendril is one of the original entrants to the nascent world of home energy management, with more than a decade in utility pilots and deployments. It has a lot of experience -- and a lot of data -- to keep fine-tuning and expanding its scope of work. With its Orchestrated Energy platform, Tendril is putting its technology to work for Continuous Demand Management, or CDM -- a solution that enables utilities to simultaneously optimize system operation and customer comfort. It’s connecting with smart thermostats and rooftop solar today to optimize cooling schedules to shave peaks without sacrificing customer comfort.
Two large U.S. utilities have piloted Orchestrated Energy, reducing air conditioner demands on the grid by up to 50 percent and lowering consumption from cooling by up to 20 percent, with twice the efficiency savings of a smart thermostat alone and twice the HVAC demand reduction. Tendril is planning to add smart water heaters, electric cars and other resources to its mix, putting them to use by supporting TOU rates and integrating renewables into the grid. -
Edison Award - Best New Product
Edison Awards
The Edison Awards™ is an annual competition honoring excellence in new product and service development, marketing, human-centered design, and innovation.
Orchestrated Energy by Tendril
Orchestrated Energy turns the home into a battery by using thermal mass to store energy. It does this by connecting with a home’s smart thermostat - and soon other devices - to optimize cooling schedules, which enables utilities to balance demand continuously. This approach effectively shaves a peak…The Edison Awards™ is an annual competition honoring excellence in new product and service development, marketing, human-centered design, and innovation.
Orchestrated Energy by Tendril
Orchestrated Energy turns the home into a battery by using thermal mass to store energy. It does this by connecting with a home’s smart thermostat - and soon other devices - to optimize cooling schedules, which enables utilities to balance demand continuously. This approach effectively shaves a peak without sacrificing customer comfort. -
Top Women in Energy 2017
Denver Business Journal
Top Women in Energy - Marissa Hummon
Apr 14, 2017, 4:02am MDT
Marissa Hummon is a Denver Business Journal 2017 Top Women in Energy honoree
Company: Tendril Inc.
Website: tendrilinc.com
Email: mhummon@tendrilinc.com
Physicist Marissa Hummon is working to turn a home into a battery that stores energy so consumers can cut energy costs by not using air conditioning at peak times, for example.
To that end,…http://www.bizjournals.com/denver/top-women-in-energy/
Top Women in Energy - Marissa Hummon
Apr 14, 2017, 4:02am MDT
Marissa Hummon is a Denver Business Journal 2017 Top Women in Energy honoree
Company: Tendril Inc.
Website: tendrilinc.com
Email: mhummon@tendrilinc.com
Physicist Marissa Hummon is working to turn a home into a battery that stores energy so consumers can cut energy costs by not using air conditioning at peak times, for example.
To that end, Hummon is the principal architect of Tendril’s Orchestrated Energy technology, developing ways to optimize a homeowner’s energy assets, including heating and cooling systems as well as appliances.
Creating ways for both consumers and utilities to benefit from energy efficiency and savings comes naturally for the sustainable energy specialist.
Paula Moore is a contributing writer for the Denver Business Journal.
More activity by Marissa
Attending DISTRIBUTECH in #Dallas? Christophe Villemer 🐧⚡, Savoir-faire Linux Executive VP and Governing Board Member of the LF Energy will…
Attending DISTRIBUTECH in #Dallas? Christophe Villemer 🐧⚡, Savoir-faire Linux Executive VP and Governing Board Member of the LF Energy will…
Liked by Marissa Hummon
Yeehaw! I'm excited to travel to Dallas to attend DISTRIBUTECH this month. For those of you also heading to the Lone Star state, join me on March…
Yeehaw! I'm excited to travel to Dallas to attend DISTRIBUTECH this month. For those of you also heading to the Lone Star state, join me on March…
Liked by Marissa Hummon
Attending DISTRIBUTECH in Dallas? Join the LF Energy community today at 11am in room C143/149 for a panel discussion on "Strategic use of open source…
Attending DISTRIBUTECH in Dallas? Join the LF Energy community today at 11am in room C143/149 for a panel discussion on "Strategic use of open source…
Liked by Marissa Hummon
Energizing time at #distributech25 with customers, collegues and industry veterans as we discuss secular growth trends but also realtime dynamics. A…
Energizing time at #distributech25 with customers, collegues and industry veterans as we discuss secular growth trends but also realtime dynamics. A…
Liked by Marissa Hummon
We just published a new report examining wholesale market visions for clean, affordable, and reliable electricity markets (link below). Huge thanks…
We just published a new report examining wholesale market visions for clean, affordable, and reliable electricity markets (link below). Huge thanks…
Liked by Marissa Hummon
Kicked off DISTRIBUTECH 2025 by attending the Anterix Active Ecosytem Conference and got to share about the important partnership between grid edge…
Kicked off DISTRIBUTECH 2025 by attending the Anterix Active Ecosytem Conference and got to share about the important partnership between grid edge…
Liked by Marissa Hummon
The LF Energy 2024 Annual Report is here! Electrification, digitalization, and decarbonization are reshaping how we generate, distribute, and…
The LF Energy 2024 Annual Report is here! Electrification, digitalization, and decarbonization are reshaping how we generate, distribute, and…
Liked by Marissa Hummon
Join LF Energy and Southern California Edison (SCE), Utilidata, and Portland General Electric for a webinar TOMORROW exploring the open source Grid…
Join LF Energy and Southern California Edison (SCE), Utilidata, and Portland General Electric for a webinar TOMORROW exploring the open source Grid…
Liked by Marissa Hummon
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