Danny Edvalson
“We went from a sputtering automobile to a racing machine in 15 months operating on EOS with Nathen Fox as our implementer.
I volunteered to write this testimonial for Nathen Fox at Zen Fox Strategies. He is our EOS implementer and I have to admit, I wasn’t super thrilled about a “90 minute meeting” that I was sure was a sales pitch as to why we needed to run EOS. I hate sales pitches. After all, one of the whole reasons my business partner and I wanted to be entrepreneurs in the first place was because we felt like we knew how to do business and we could do it our way! My partner convinced me to get it together and meet with Nathen anyway.
To Nathen’s credit and our appreciation, in less than 90 minutes Nathen laid out in plain English a method and path that would clearly improve our business and get it to the next level. While EOS sounded good, especially having read Traction and Get a Grip before the meeting, the opportunity to work with Nathen was the deciding factor for me personally. Nathen’s breadth of experience and personal success dealing with many fields of business was obvious from the get-go. I had confidence that EOS would not only be useful, but Nathen was the right person to guide us through it.
We are 15 months into operating on EOS with Nathen as our implementer and I can’t say enough about what it has done for us. Maybe the best analogy for us is the scene from the movie Seabuscuit, where Charles Howard (the character played by Jeff Bridges) is standing outside his bicycle shop and a man brings his puttering automobile to a halt right in front of him. “Can you fix it?” he asks. “Um, sure! Sure I can!” Howard says. The scene cuts to a late night scene where the automobile is dismantled in pieces on the floor with Howard wondering what to do next. Then, inspiration strikes and he begins to put the pieces back together. By morning he has an automobile that is using the same parts but that is far better than the one that came puttering into the shop the day before. Instead of 15 miles per hour, this new auto could hit 35!
Our business was that sputtering automobile—still functioning, still clearly an automobile, but hitting the ceiling and in need of help. Nathen and EOS helped us dismantle our business so we could see its components clearly—vision, data, people, process, issues, traction. From there, we’ve become the new and improved version. Not only do we have a stronger vision, but we have traction and a cadence of building real value from one quarter to the next.
All told, it’s hard for us to remember what our business was like before operating on EOS. Our business is fun again. Nathen is thoughtful, has deep context and has helped take us through the gears as we have gained traction. We love EOS as an operating system and recommend Nathen as an implementer without reservation.