Shanthi Shanmugam

Shanthi Shanmugam

New York, New York, United States
4K followers 500+ connections


I cofounded Casap to solve some of the most pressing challenges in scaling payments…


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  • Casap Graphic


    New York, New York, United States

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    Menlo Park, CA

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    UC Berkeley

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    Pleasanton, CA

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    San Francisco Bay Area

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    Berkeley, CA

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    San Francisco Bay Area

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  • E-Mission: Automated transportation emission calculation using smart phones

    EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley

    Tracking travel patterns and modes is a goal that is useful on many levels, including calculating the transportation emissions of a population. Prior efforts to collect this information have been stymied by low accuracies or reliance on supplementary devices. In this paper, we describe a system that improves accuracy by using prompted recall on the smartphone, and aggregates the information to help detect large scale patterns. We also present the evaluation of a prototype implementation that…

    Tracking travel patterns and modes is a goal that is useful on many levels, including calculating the transportation emissions of a population. Prior efforts to collect this information have been stymied by low accuracies or reliance on supplementary devices. In this paper, we describe a system that improves accuracy by using prompted recall on the smartphone, and aggregates the information to help detect large scale patterns. We also present the evaluation of a prototype implementation that was used to collect data from 44 users in the San Francisco Bay Area over 3 months.

    Other authors
    See publication
  • Finding Optimal Allocation of Constrained Cloud Capacity Using Hyperbolic Voronoi Diagrams on the Sphere

    Intelligent Information Management, Scientific Research

    Inspired by One Laptop Per Child, we developed a cost-efficient and sustainable way to bring technology to developing countries. In an effort to utilize excess computing capacity, we identify every idle computer and server as a point of computing capacity. After giving a child a thin client (dummy) terminal and an internet connection, one can use our algorithm to efficiently identify the nearest point of available computing capacity. This model allows us to donate excess computing capacity and…

    Inspired by One Laptop Per Child, we developed a cost-efficient and sustainable way to bring technology to developing countries. In an effort to utilize excess computing capacity, we identify every idle computer and server as a point of computing capacity. After giving a child a thin client (dummy) terminal and an internet connection, one can use our algorithm to efficiently identify the nearest point of available computing capacity. This model allows us to donate excess computing capacity and provide equal access to technology.

    This paper details the general allocation algorithm in the face of capacity constrained resources. This algorithm can be used for any User-Resource problem constrained by distance on the globe and capacity of a resource.

    Other authors
    • Caroline Shouraboura
    See publication


  • Algorithms


  • Artificial Intelligence


  • Big Data Engineering Case Competition

    IEOR 190C

  • Computer Security

    CS 161

  • Databases


  • Discrete Math

    CS 70

  • Distinguished Innovator Lecture Series

    E 98

  • Interpretation of Programs | Data Structures | Computer Architecture

    CS 61 Series

  • Introduction to Cognitive Science

    Cog Sci 1

  • Introduction to Data Science


  • Mind and Language

    Cog Sci 101

  • Operating Systems

    CS 162

  • Web Architecture



  • Spot by Otsi

    - Present

    Spot by Otsi: Networking Enhanced Exponentially

    Our team created a mobile-application prototype that enhanced the experience of networking at events during a month-long startup competition at the European Innovation Academy in Nice, France.

    As the product manager and lead designer, I conducted numerous user studies, used the feedback to make informed pivots, worked with my team to develop the prototype in less than three days advancing our team to the finals and placing in the…

    Spot by Otsi: Networking Enhanced Exponentially

    Our team created a mobile-application prototype that enhanced the experience of networking at events during a month-long startup competition at the European Innovation Academy in Nice, France.

    As the product manager and lead designer, I conducted numerous user studies, used the feedback to make informed pivots, worked with my team to develop the prototype in less than three days advancing our team to the finals and placing in the top 15 of 65 other teams.

    Once in the top 15, I ran a live demo and delivered the pitch to an audience of 300 people including 10 venture capitalists for the final Demo Day.

    Other creators
  • ClickEvent

    Ideated, designed, and developed ClickEvent, an Android app one can use to take a picture of an event on paper and it will save the event to your phone's calendar.

    Now, if you are in a hurry somewhere and you see a cool event in a flyer, you do not need to stop and enter all event details in your calendar.
    With ClickEvent, a quick snap does it all for you!

    Disclaimer: Work in Progress :)

    Other creators
    • Neeraj Narang
    • Lakshmy Mohan
    See project
  • Endless Mobile - A Financial Planning App


    Berkeley Innovation is UC Berkeley's human-centered design group. Last Spring, we had the opportunity of working with Endless Mobile, a company working to provide a platform to give computers to the people in the developing world. We were given the goal of designing a financial planning app for developing countries. Click the project link to view the steps we took to solve the problem, as well as the UI design for the project.

    Other creators
    See project

Honors & Awards

  • Leadership Scholarship

    Women's University Club of Seattle

    Awarded to "women of outstanding character, achievement, leadership and public service.

    A blurb about me:

  • First Overall Award for Mathematics

    Mu Alpha Theta

    "For the most challenging, original, thorough, and creative investigation of a problem involving mathematics accessible to a high school student at the Intel International Science Fair"

  • First Overall Award for Mathematics

    Sigma Xi

    "For the best demonstration of interdisciplinary research"

  • Awards for International, State, and Regional Science Fairs

    2010, 2011, 2012

    Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, 4th place Overall in Mathematics, 2012
    Washington State Science Fair, 1st Place in Computer Science, 2011
    Intel Excellence in Computer Science, 2010, 2011, 2012
    Washington State Science Fair, 1st Place in Mathematics, 2012
    Mu Alpha Theta in Mathematics, 2012
    Total Cash Award $6,200


  • Tamil


  • French


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