From the course: Building a HIPAA Compliance Program

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HIPAA Breach Rule

HIPAA Breach Rule

- Last, but certainly not least, we have the Breach Notification Rule, which specifies how and when an entity must notify patients in the event of a breach. First and foremost, it is important to define what a breach is. According to HHS, a breach is an impermissible use or disclosure under the privacy rule that compromises the security or privacy of the protected health information. However, an entity may be able to show that the risk around the alleged breach is a low risk due to the compensating and/or mitigating actions that are in place. HHS has defined risk assessment guidance to help you walk through to determine if a low risk is truly feasible, as well as guidance around breach exceptions. Keep in mind that individual companies must also take the necessary steps to define what a breach is as it relates to their environment. Doing so will help you understand if there are other implications that may happen,…
