From the course: Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) Cert Prep

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Business continuity, part 1

Business continuity, part 1

- [Instructor] Having just talked about redundancy, it makes sense to move into business continuity planning, because the key to success with business continuity planning is having redundancy in place. So when we look at this and talk about the broad category of information system contingency planning, and that might be an acronym that you see, ISCP, so we are coordinating a strategy involving plans, procedures, and technical measures. So we want a comprehensive strategy that's not just what we do technically and how to recover key systems, but we have to have the plans and procedures in place obviously ahead of time. And our goal, we want to recover the information systems, of course. We want to recover operations and get back to a point of normalcy as quickly as possible. Now, we're often going to have to focus on having alternate equipment in place. And if you ever want a good look at continuity planning and the importance of it, take a look at the pandemic, take a look at COVID…
