From the course: Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) Cert Prep
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Business continuity, part 2
From the course: Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) Cert Prep
Business continuity, part 2
- [Instructor] All right, so we move on to phase six where we have testing, training, and then conducting exercises. So when we talk about testing, we're verifying the plan for accuracy or completeness, and we're going to test this plan at least once per year to make sure that it's still current and up to date. That really comes with maintenance, but still very important. It is senior management's responsibility to ensure these plans are tested. Now, the various types of tests, we have checklist test, and a checklist test is just what it sounds like. I'm going to pass out a checklist to the managers and say, did I think of everything? Yep, yup. Oops, forgot this. Then we're going to bring those managers in. We're going to sit around a table and we're going to talk about it, and that's called a tabletop test and a structured walkthrough. And that gives us the opportunity to discuss any sort of interdependencies or anything that we may have forgot that's more apparent when we're looking…
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Introduction7m 31s
Data governance7m 37s
The data lifecycle8m 13s
Software and systems and APIs7m 53s
Cloud deployment11m 10s
Problem and incident management3m 29s
IS operations2m 32s
Database management6m 55s
Redundancy11m 25s
Business continuity, part 112m 39s
Components of the plan2m 26s
Business continuity, part 26m 32s