From the course: Learning AI for Business Analysis
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Business measurements of success
From the course: Learning AI for Business Analysis
Business measurements of success
- So how do we measure AI and its impact? Is it worth it? Well, measurements are key, but how do we do them in a way that's accurate, timely, and impactful to give leaders confidence and the information they need to make good decisions? We need to measure outcomes, not outputs. Outcomes create value. And outputs, well, they're just things that are created and some might create value. Outcomes require us to rethink how we define success in our work. We used to be successful in business analysis, creating a requirements document on time, but that doesn't ensure that the right thing was built. So what do we measure? I recommend outcome measurements that measure user behavior. These are human behaviors that leaders and the team are looking to shift with the new technology in order to meet business objectives. For example, we are looking to decrease the amount of time customers and agents spend on a call to resolve a customer issue. Here, the behavior is customers are able to end the call…
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