From the course: Learning SQL Programming

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Solution: State score metrics

Solution: State score metrics - SQL Tutorial

From the course: Learning SQL Programming

Solution: State score metrics

- [Instructor] The challenge asked for the state name, so I'm including that in the select clause here. I'm also using the as keyword to assign aliases or names to these values. This satisfies the challenge's request for these fields to be named max points and average points. It also allows us to use the name average points down in the order by clause to sort the results by that value. The quiz points values come from the people table, but the state name comes from the state's table. So I'm joining that table here on the common values state abbreviation and state code. The challenge wanted information about each state, so we'll group by state code or we could group by state abbreviation for one row per state and finally, we'll use the average points to order the rows by that value as the challenge requested. Let's see if this works. It does. Great. If you got the same result, congratulations and if not, spend some time…
