From the course: Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Essential Training
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Enable the System Administrator account - SQL Server Tutorial
From the course: Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Essential Training
Enable the System Administrator account
- [Narrator] By default, SQL Server will only allow Windows Authentication logins to the server. We can enable SQL Server authentication, that requires a username and password to be used, as an alternative way to gain access into the system. Right-click the connection, at the top of the Object Explorer panel, and then come down and choose Properties. There are lots of Server Properties that we can configure here, and they're split into different pages that you'll see listed down on the left. The one that we're interested in right now, is under Security. At the top, there are the authentication options. And I'll choose to enable SQL Server, and, Windows Authentication modes. This is something internally called mixed mode, where either account type can be used to log in. This setting is great for testing and development, of your database projects. But Microsoft actually discourages SQL Server authentication, in…
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