From the course: Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Essential Training

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Import data from CSV files

Import data from CSV files

- [Instructor] If you have data stored in a spreadsheet format such as Excel or Google Sheets, or another database system such as Microsoft Access, then you can export that data as a CSV file from their native program to easily bring it into SQL Server. CSV stands for comma separated values, and it's an example of what's often called a flat file data table. In the chapter three exercise folders, I have a couple of CSV files that contain additional information. And one of them contains a number of customers that I'd like to bring in to the Red30 Tech database. If you open up that file inside of a standard text editor such as Notepad, you'll see the data that it contains. Comma separated values files are formatted exactly as you'd expect, with a comma separating each field in what will eventually become the data table. To add this data into the database that we've been working with, I'm going to go ahead…
