From the course: Motivating Your Team to Learn

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Make it with passion

Make it with passion

(upbeat music) - Imagine for a moment that this is a mandatory training course at your work. The 17 step process for process. Step one, the history of process. You're already starting to check out, aren't you? That's because knowledge and experience alone aren't inspiring. We're inspired by passionate people. We've all had teachers in our lives, passionate teachers, who loved the subject that they were teaching and made us fall in love with them too. As adults, nothing's really changed. We follow passionate people. Now not every subject that we teach is naturally exciting, but that doesn't mean that our delivery can't be. I mean passion's shown through action, not just words. Now I'm not just talking about blindly cheerleading, but I am talking about communicating in a way that proves to somebody else that you love what it is that you're teaching. Even if in just in the moment. So get excited about the…
