From the course: Revit: AR and VR Workflows
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Blocks - Revit Tutorial
From the course: Revit: AR and VR Workflows
- [Instructor] Google Blocks is a free app that you can get on the Steam app store. It can be a really effective tool for prototyping different massing options. In your dominant hand, you have the tool that you're actually using to create the objects. In your other hand, you have your palette. So, to start out, I'll point my dominant hand at the palette and turn on this grid. That's the orthogonal tool. That keeps everything square with each other. It also adds a distance snapping, which will be familiar for anyone who's used AutoCAD. We can click left on the thumb pad, or right, to change our shape. I'm going to stick with the cube, or up and down to change the size, then pull the trigger and drag to create a rectangular mass. Do it again to create another. Blocks can be really great if you already know some of your site constraints and you really just want to prototype rapidly and try out different iterations quickly. Because with almost no time to model or make things out of clay…
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