From the course: Running a Design Business: Writing and Pricing Winning Proposals
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Pricing hourly
From the course: Running a Design Business: Writing and Pricing Winning Proposals
Pricing hourly
- Before we get too deep talking about pricing, I'd like to differentiate between being a freelancer and running your own business and how, in the latter, pricing hourly does more harm than good. While pricing based on hours may be more practical, ultimately, framing your services based purely on time positions you as a vendor or a freelancer. Clients will perceive you or begin to treat you like a pair of hands, and to me, that eliminates value from the conversation in terms of prices and that is never good. Additionally, if you bill hourly, clients will nitpick how you spend your time and expect you to be at their beck and call. Pricing hourly does not consider the end value of your services, and a famous example of this is when Citibank was merging with Travelers, and they hired the famous Paula Scher of Pentagram. She was in a meeting with Citibank's leadership and they were just talking and discussing the brand needs of the merger, and as she was listening, she started doodling on…
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