From the course: Salesforce AI Associate Cert Prep
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Set up duplicate and matching rules - Salesforce Tutorial
From the course: Salesforce AI Associate Cert Prep
Set up duplicate and matching rules
- [Instructor] Let's talk a little bit about duplicates. I know that we've talked a little bit about before, like duplicates can really, really mess up your data, and it can be pretty uncomfortable, and it can make for your AI tools not work very well. So let's talk about how would we actually look at duplicates as far as like a duplicate rule to help reduce duplicates. So I just created a lead, which is Jones. So now if we were to go over here, we can see that we have a company, last name of Jones. It's pretty generic, the mobile number is zeros. Let's go ahead and create a another lead here that is going to be pretty similar and see if that sets off our duplicate rules. So I'm going to do literally pretty much the same thing. I'm going to say, maybe I'll move it to phone up here. One, two, three, one, two, three, four. All right, let's go ahead and click Save here. Okay, so now it is not showing any potential duplicates right now, which makes me want to go in and look at some other…
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