I work with a lot of crypto projects, and it’s shocking how bad some are at marketing. Technology doesn’t sell itself. Ideology doesn’t scale. Calling yourself a protocol, a decentralized network, or a DAO doesn’t remove the need to tell a compelling story and build something people actually want. Drop the jargon. You’re running a business. Treat it like one. Start simple: — Why does it matter? — Who does it matter to? — What’s the core message? — How do you get that message out? Once you have that, tell your story, and your user stories — again and again. In a world drowning in attention fragmentation, clarity and consistency wins.
As a Coinlist worker, which startup comes up to your mind first as a anti champion of such list?
I’ve seen any number of crypto projects where I looked at their web page and was like “Right. Right. But what do you DO?”
Thanks for sharing. I didn’t know that…
Absolutely love this. It's no wonder so many great crypto companies and projects haven't reached mainstream adoption... they're talking about their companies like they're talking to each other. The mass market doesn't understand most of the crypto buzzwords and if anything they're skeptical of them, so you have to work even harder to win hearts & minds. And that's not going to happen from your solidity dev who also happens to have a blog.
Absolutely agree! Additionally, it's crucial to leverage data-driven insights to refine your marketing strategy. Understand your audience's behavior and preferences through analytics. Engage with your community consistently and transparently. Foster trust and loyalty by showcasing real-world applications and success stories. The human element is key in building lasting connections.
Have to agree. I'd expand and say they're bad at marketing, and digital marketing, in that marketing their brand, positioning, etc. is bad. But, also their data, scaling, etc. is also bad...
Many startups, web3 or not, don't really have a marketing problem. They have a product or a solution that doesn't actually solve any problems or it offers little in entertaining people. Some just had the right contacts and raised money. Others just try and shill worthless tokens.
Well said
Replaying the best parts 🐢
2wYou know that idea: if you can explain it in simple language, you probably understand it better than those using complicated words? I reckon a similar thing happens with (product) marketing. Plus some interaction effect with the fear that if we use simple language, the product will seem pretty lame. Which maybe it is. But the answer is still to use simple language and figure out how to make the product useful (which so many projects in crypto fundamentally aren't)