Florida public health pseudoscience: Coming soon to the federal government?
When Florida Governor Ron DeSantis first appointed Dr. Ladapo as Florida’s Surgeon-General and therefore the person in charge of the Florida Department of Health and the state’s entire public health apparatus, many of us were justifiably alarmed, an alarm that has been totally validated by his performance since his appointment. After all, Dr. Ladapo was a founding member of America’s Frontline Doctors, which made a name for itself in that horrible first summer of the pandemic by touting hydroxychloroquine as a miracle cure for COVID-19 and later turned to telehealth grift selling prescriptions for ivermectin to cure COVID-19, and a signatory of the Great Barrington Declaration, the document published by contrarian scientists brought together by a right-wing think tank to advocate a social Darwinist “let ‘er rip” approach to the pandemic with poorly defined “focused protection” for those most at risk for severe disease and death from the pandemic.
Moreover, this “updated guidance” is far from the first time that Dr. Ladapo has tried to mislead using the usual denialist techniques of cherry picking evidence and even outright misrepresenting it. Last year, he was busted for altering a Florida Department of Health study for lying with statistics to make it look as though the vaccine was more dangerous than COVID-19 for men under 40. Earlier this year, consistent with its inclusion in this “guidance,” Dr. Ladapo was parroting McKernan’s bad sciencethat massively exaggerated the problem of DNA contamination of the vaccine.
Given the recent developments in which Donald Trump has cozied up to RFK Jr. and (apparently) promised him a cabinet-level position in his administration, should he win in November, it’s very easy to foresee what will happen to medicine, public health, and science in general if Trump becomes President again. You need look no further than Florida, except that it could even be worse than Florida. After all, Dr. Ladapo isn’t the only doctor hostile to vaccines and public health science who would likely find a leadership position in a second Trump administration. There is ample reason to be afraid, very afraid.
Senior Principal Research Scientist at Novo Nordisk Research Center Seattle
2moAnd — federal health agencies have been “ordered” to pause external communications, such as regular scientific reports, updates to websites and health advisories.