Capt.(Dr.) S G Naravane’s Post

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Has Indonesia fallen into China’s nine-dash line trap? Aristyo Rizka Darmawan 12 Nov 2024 A new Indonesia-China joint statement betrays Indonesia’s national interest and looks like a big win for Beijing. This is a contradictory and reckless policy, dangerous for Indonesia and for the region. Recognition of China’s nine-dash line claim also has implications for the ongoing negotiation of the ASEAN-China South China Sea Code of Conduct (CoC). During negotiations for the CoC, Indonesia has made it clear that all claims in the CoC should be based on a legitimate claim under UNCLOS. Therefore, the recent statement seems to betray Indonesia’s own position, upheld by the Foreign Ministry for many years. So, this statement has significant implications for negotiation of the CoC, and exposes that ASEAN countries do not have a unified position in the negotiations with Beijing. Other ASEAN claimant states may feel betrayed by Indonesia’s recognition of the nine-dash line claim, which they have firmly and jointly rejected up to this point. Lastly, this statement may also have implications for the recent Indonesia-Vietnam EEZ delimitation agreement, which has not yet been ratified by the Indonesian parliament. In 2022, Indonesia and Vietnam concluded a 12-year negotiation. The agreement was considered significant because it showed that ASEAN states are capable of settling their overlapping maritime boundary disputes through peaceful negotiations. Moreover, the agreement showed clearly that both Indonesia and Vietnam do not recognise China’s nine-dash-line claim, despite protests from Beijing after it was concluded. Indonesia’s recognition of China’s overlapping claim contradicts the Indonesia-Vietnam EEZ agreement. Indonesia has yet to ratify the agreement, and the recent statement recognising China’s overlapping claim now creates uncertainty around ratification. The joint statement between Indonesia and China has betrayed Indonesia’s national interest and seems to be a huge win for Beijing. It is consequential for Indonesia’s sovereign rights to use resources in its EEZ and continental shelf, and has significantly changed the political constellation and solidarity of ASEAN claimant states in the South China Sea.

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