In the future, the most successful software companies will be those that have a network effect. The degree of success will be proportional to the strength of the network. The reason is that AI is making creation of code easier and easier. Maybe we don't get to complete vibe coding tomorrow, but we're definitely getting vibier and vibier. On the other hand, connecting dots and forging networks has gotten harder and harder. But when you do create a vibrant network and ecosystem, you have the opportunity to unlock a lot of latent value.
Absolutely spot on! In fact, this has always been the case, but people were using robotic playbooks (to grow at all costs )that might have worked for a few, but not for everyone.
Vibe coding is cool. Vibe distribution is how you win.
The network had broad meaning, which maybe misunderstood in this context, I believe in the product quality, not network
Dharmesh Shah, building strong networks feels challenging, yet the value they unlock can be immense. Let’s keep connecting!
Community of customers that truly root for you >>>
Krish Ramachandran Totally agree. A strong partner network isn’t just’s survival mode for scaling SaaS. Curious—what’s worked best for you when building those relationships?
Could not agree more - The winners of tomorrow will be platforms and marketplace-first Software companies.
The future of software isn’t just about making better tools, it’s about creating ecosystems where those tools thrive. Think of it like this: Great tools + strong networks = massive value.
Even in current market dynamics, the successful compaines have both 'economy of scale' and 'network effect' and they use both to increase revenue and margin
VP Platform Ecosystem at HubSpot and Editor at chiefmartec
4dThis. 💯 this.