CMS final rule for skilled nursing facilities

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Fiscal Year 2025 Skilled Nursing Facility Prospective Payment System Final Rule (CMS 1802-F) On July 31, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services released a final rule which includes a 4.2% net increase in Medicare Part A payments to skilled nursing facilities. The final rule revises enforcement policies to impose more consistent civil monetary penalties for health and safety violations in nursing homes. Previously, CMS could not impose per-day and per-instance penalties for the same deficiency. The new rule allows both types of penalties to be used simultaneously. The goal is to ensure facilities promptly address issues and maintain long-term compliance. To no surprise, the nursing home industry has stated its disgust with the notion of being held financially accountable for failing to keep residents safe. Source: LTCCC Policy Update <[email protected]>  CMS reference for this announcement:

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Explorer, MD, PhD | Clinical Informatics AI/ML | CMO, VP, Board Member | Diversity & Health


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