在2024年的生技論壇上,長聖國際生技(股票代碼:6712)董事長劉銖淇提出了「一條龍模式」,強調藉由產學研合作來促進生技產業的創新發展。他指出,透過醫學大學、生技公司與醫院的密切協作,台灣可打造出生技聚落,並有效開創市場機會。這種合作模式有助於將研究成果轉化為臨床應用,提升台灣在全球醫療生技產業的競爭力。 At the 2024 Biotechnology Forum, Chairman Mr. Chu-Chi Liu of Ever Supreme (6712) highlighted a "one-stop model," emphasizing the importance of industry-academic-research collaboration to drive innovation in the biotech sector. He noted that by fostering close cooperation among medical universities, biotech companies, and hospitals, Taiwan can build a robust biotechnology cluster and unlock new market opportunities. This collaborative approach is expected to facilitate the translation of research into clinical applications, thereby enhancing Taiwan's competitive edge in the global biomedical industry. #immunecell #stemcell #nanoparticles #exosomes #eversupreme Source: https://lnkd.in/g8H6u7sN
Ever Supreme Bio Technology Co., Ltd.’s Post
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Awesome visibility for the State of North Carolina in Japanese media, as we were featured on NHK's Ohayo Nippon [Good Morning Japan] this morning! The story highlights some of the recent investments by Japanese industry in the state, like Fujifilm Diosynth's CDMO in the Research Triangle Park and Astellas Pharma's gene therapy manufacturing facility in Sanford. It also talks about several aspects of our business environment that continue to draw these and other top-class Japanese companies, such as our lowest-in-nation corporate income tax rate (2.5% at present, to be phased out completely by 2030), highly skilled workforce emerging from some of the nation's top research universities, low business costs, and competitive incentive programs. Always gratifying to see recognition of *true greatness*, particularly on this NHK platform! Eyes on Ashley Cagle of Wake County Economic Development at 1:07 of the video! 👀 #AllinNC #RTP #FujifilmDiosynth #AstellasPharma #AshleyCagle #EDPNC https://lnkd.in/gEYAyTY8
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<English follows Japanese> 私が常任幹事を務めている、フロー・マイクロ合成研究会(近畿化学協会)からのご案内です。 1月10~11日にフロー・マイクロ合成研究会の第106回研究会が石川県加賀市で開催されます。 https://lnkd.in/g7mRuwRN 今回は ・北陸地方のCDMOにおけるフロー合成の技術開発・実装のお話(立山化成 山藤大紀様 / 十全化学 小林勇太様・木室佑亮様) ・有機合成のデジタル化に関する話題提供(分子科学研究所/総合研究大学院大学 椴山儀恵准教授) ・オーストラリアの連続生産技術に関する視察報告(武田薬品 齋藤英樹氏) が紹介されます。 あいにく本研究会の会員の方々のみ参加可能な会となりますが、参加をご希望の方は是非お申し込みください。 (私も参加します) This is an announcement from the Group for Research on Automated Flow and Microreactor Synthesis (GRAMS, Kinka Chemical Society), of which I serve as a committee member. The 106th meeting of the GRAMS meeting will be held on January 10-11 in Kaga City, Ishikawa Prefecture. https://lnkd.in/g7mRuwRN This time, the following topics will be presented: ・Technical development and implementation of flow synthesis at CDMOs in the Hokuriku region (Mr. Daiki Yamafuji from Tateyama Kasei, Mr. Yuta Kobayashi and Mr. Yusuke Kimuro from Juzen Chemical) ・Discussions on the digitalization of organic synthesis (Associate Professor Yoshie Momiyama from the Institute for Molecular Science / The Graduate University for Advanced Studies) ・Report on the site visit to continuous manufacturing technology in Australia (Dr. Hideki Saito, Takeda Pharmaceutical) This meeting is only open to the GRAMS members. If you are interested in attending, please feel free to apply. (I will also be participating.)
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CMIC Group COO and President, Keiko Oishi, along with hiroshi kosaku, Corporate Officer and President of CMIC, Inc., attended the Drug Discovery Ecosystem Summit at the Prime Minister's Official Residence of Japan on July 30th. This pivotal event, part of the Council for Drug Discovery Initiative, called for elimination of drug loss and lag, improvements to the drug price system, and other drug discovery initiatives in Japan. Prime Minister Kishida emphasized the government's commitment to promoting the pharmaceutical industry as a key growth sector for Japan, leveraging the nation's scientific and technological prowess. The summit saw participation from the MHLW, PMDA, various ministries, pharmaceutical companies (including international), academia, startups, and around 50 representatives from related organizations. This summit presents tremendous opportunities for pharmaceutical research in Japan, aligning with our mission to advance drug development and innovation. https://lnkd.in/dR36sc59
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Fascinating ranking by Toyo Keizai of Japanese companies with the highest number of whistleblowing incidents. You'd think being high up the rankings would be a negative indicator, but the tone of the article is suggesting that it shows a healthy, transparent culture, which includes opening up lines of communication from overseas operations to raise queries (eg pharmaceutical company Eisai Co., Ltd. at #1). Also that companies with previous governance issues have learnt their lesson (Olympus Corporation, Kao Corporation, Nissan Motor Corporation). #whistleblowing #governance #japanesebusiness
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新年快樂!先週末から旧正月で台湾にいます。 今年40歳になるので、自己紹介も兼ねてこれまでのキャリアを振り返ります 1. RDC (Research-Development-Commercial) 新卒で研究職からキャリアをスタートし、その後事業会社(Philips, Novartis)で開発・Medical・ビジネスと経験を積んできました。 シーズから製品開発、マーケティングと、製品ライフサイクルに渡った一貫した視点を心がけています。 2. 診断-治療 医療機器業界(画像診断)と製薬業界(オンコロジー)の両方で経験を積んでいます。 近年、診断から治療までのケアパスウェイ、Patient Centricityの考えが浸透してきており、 ビジネス慣習が違う中、両者を結び付けた価値提供を心がけています。 3. オンコロジー 12年 まだまだ若輩者ですが、オンコロジーへの強いPassionを持ち続けており、 革新的な医薬品を世に出すため、製薬業界へと移ってきました。 4. 臨床-技術 元々は大学院まで物理屋だったこともあり、 臨床知識だけでなく、システム、AI等の先端技術へのフットワークの軽さも持ち合わせています。 5. PM/PMO Solid tumorsのNew Product Planningに加えて、 Radio Ligand Therapy(RLT)のLaunch Excellenceを担っております。 RLTはヘルスケアシステム(エコシステム)を構築する必要がある、複雑で新しいModalityです。 PM/PMOスキルは、研究職時代の"段取り9割"、大学病院との共同研究、デリバリーで培われたものです。 色々とご指導頂いた先生方には、大変お世話になりました。 皆さま、今後ともどうぞ宜しくお願いします。 Happy Lunar New Year. I have been Taiwan from last weekend. Approching 40yr this year, looking back to my career history as my introduction. 1. RDC (Research-Development-Commercia) Started my career with a researcher, moved and experienced in development, medical, and business area. Want to have a consistent view throughout the product life cycle, from seeds to product development and marketing. 2. Diagnostics-Therapy Experienced in diagnostics imaging industry and pharma (oncology). Recently, patient centricity, a care pathway from diagnosis to treatment, has been spreading. While business practices differ, want to provide value that links both practices for patients. 3. 12 years experience in Oncology I have a great passion in oncology. Moved to pharma to drive innovative medicines to patients. 4. Clinical-Technology Originally, I had been physics researcher until graduate school, in addition to clinical knowledge, I also have good footwork with techs like systems and AI. 5. PM/PMO On top of my current role of Solid tumors New Product Planning, working as Launch Excellence of Radio Ligand Therapy (RLT). RLTs are complex new therapeutic modalities that require healthcare systems (ecosystems) to be established. PM/PMO skills have been cultivated through the "Success comes from 90% preparation" during my research career, collaboration researches with University hospitals and delivery. I appreciate so many KOLs/Drs who gave me various guidance and experience. Best,
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Another blog entry to describe the value of the “Pitch Competition” and the meaning of “Valuable Seeds” for pharmaceutical companies. I am committed to creating a community for translational research between academia and industry, across borders. https://lnkd.in/g4bs2-k7
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Aiming for the New Southbound, Diverse Strategies in the Biomedical Industry The government is vigorously promoting the New Southbound Policy, combining Taiwan's excellent medical standards, comprehensive semiconductor supply chain, and emerging biotech R&D capabilities. It is expected that after May 20th, the pace of the New Southbound initiative will accelerate, integrating medical advancements with commercial ventures. According to preliminary statistics, biotech companies are focusing on the ASEAN market, with Vietnam and Malaysia being the most favored. Medical systems, vaccines, pharmaceuticals, and diagnostic firms are targeting Vietnam as a base, while the health food industry is focusing on Malaysia. We look forward to Taiwan's biomedical industry creating more diverse market layouts and business opportunities under the New Southbound Policy! #NewSouthboundPolicy #TaiwanBiomedicalIndustry #ASEANMarket #Vietnam #Malaysia #MedicalIndustry #HealthFood https://lnkd.in/g9JEMH_K
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📢【Taiwan Biotech Shines at the 2024 US BIO】📢 The North American Biotechnology Exhibition (US BIO), held in San Diego, California, USA, is a premier platform for showcasing the latest biotech innovations and promoting international collaboration! 🎉 Our exhibits included: 🔬 Five major technology platforms 💡 Seven innovative technologies 🏢 Taiwan Pavilion 🗣️ Taiwan Biotech Forum Additionally, the delegation visited several key institutions in Phoenix, including: 🧠 Barrow Neurological Institute 🧬 Translational Genomics Research Institute 🏥 Mayo Clinic These exchanges enabled Taiwan to discuss trends in brain and neurological disease treatment, genomics research, precision medicine, next-generation biopharmaceuticals, digital healthcare, and more with top US biotech institutions, creating endless business opportunities! 🤝 A total of 21 Taiwanese companies and academic institutions actively participated. The Taiwan Pavilion attracted significant international attention, leaving a lasting impression on the global stage. We look forward to more opportunities to promote Taiwan-US biotech exchanges and cooperation, creating a brighter future together! 🚀🌐 #2024USBIO #TaiwanBiotech #PrecisionMedicine #InternationalCooperation #DCB #BiotechInnovation #TaiwanUSExchange
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I was a Speaker & Participated in the ME-BYO Summit 2024! I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the opportunity to be a speaker at the ME-BYO Summit 2024 this year. I am very proud to have had the opportunity to discuss the process of ME-BYO innovation with a high-level group of lecturers. This summit is another result of Governor Kuroiwa's 10 years of leadership. The participation of the Dean of the Stanford University School of Medicine is a highlight of each Summit, and this year we were honored to receive a video letter from Dr. Tedros, Director General of WHO, and the President of the National Academy of Medicine in the US. The “power of continuity” will change the future - this is what we heard from the Summit's lecturers in their conversations throughout the Summit. The concept of “ME-BYO” has become so widespread that it is now discussed internationally by the WHO as “ME-BYO,” and the next goal is the universalization of Kanagawa Prefecture's Vibrant-INOCHI (shining life). The theme of the upcoming Osaka Expo also focuses on “life,” and Governor Kuroiwa is committed to communicating this message to the world not in Japanese hiragana, but in the alphabet “INOCHI”. I myself have been working on ME-BYO based in Shonan for the past 10 years. My first touch point with Shonan was the Shonan Robocare Center, which I established in front of Tsujido Station in 2013 when I was at CYBERDYNE. Since then, I have been deeply involved in the world of drug discovery through my career change to Takeda Pharmaceuticals and the establishment of the Shonan Health Innovation Park (iPark), Japan's first leading drug discovery ecosystem. ME-BYO - refers to the gradational state of people who move back and forth between health and illness. It is assumed that everyone is at risk of becoming ill or sustaining an injury. There is no absolute health indicator, and the concept of pre-symptomatic state is to prepare for that risk. Currently, Kanagawa Prefecture is working with the WHO to develop a ME-BYO indicator that visualizes what kind of ME-BYO state a person is in. I do not intend to summarize the past 10 years, because innovation activities should continue in the future. Through muddy and human activities, the goals and efforts of a large number of people will lead to future results. I believe that continuing to move forward without giving up is true innovation activities. I will continue to transmit new values from Shonan to the world through activities related to ME-BYO! ME-BYO Summit 2024 Conference Website #ME-BYO Summit 2024 #The Power of Continuity #Shonan Innovation #ME-BYO #INOCHI #Healthcare Innovation#ME-BYO #Shonan Robocare Center #Shonan iPark #Shonan Health Innovation Park
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Novartis, one of the smartest Big Pharma companies, has released its mid-term business plan, which paints a picture of future growth across three platforms. What are those platforms? https://lnkd.in/gKG9p-he
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